Author Archives: Seamus Newman

3D week two!
Theme one:
I decided to pick cartoony for my first theme. The cartoon style is usually comprised of very simplified objects and shapes, often accompanied by a very happy and colorful color scheme. Objects in cartoon games are normally exaggerated in size, usually bigger than in real life. Cartoon styled games are often directed towards teenagers and children.
A game which I think fits into the cartoon category is Battlefield Heroes. Even though the object of the game is to run […]

3D week two!
Theme one:
I decided to pick cartoony for my first theme. The cartoon style is usually comprised of very simplified objects and shapes, often accompanied by a very happy and colorful color scheme. Objects in cartoon games are normally exaggerated in size, usually bigger than in real life. Cartoon styled games are often directed towards teenagers and children.
A game which I think fits into the cartoon category is Battlefield Heroes. Even though the object of the game is to run […]

Kill Doctor Lucky
Hello reader(s). I’m back from a long summer holiday! First blog post this term is going to be an analysis of Kill Doctor Lucky, a board game.
The best parts of Kill Doctor Lucky:
My Favorite part of Kill Doctor Lucky was the line of sight aspect to the game, which I thought was pretty unique for a board game. I had never earlier heard of a board game with line of sight in it. Line of sight is not only one […]

Kill Doctor Lucky
Hello reader(s). I’m back from a long summer holiday! First blog post this term is going to be an analysis of Kill Doctor Lucky, a board game.
The best parts of Kill Doctor Lucky:
My Favorite part of Kill Doctor Lucky was the line of sight aspect to the game, which I thought was pretty unique for a board game. I had never earlier heard of a board game with line of sight in it. Line of sight is not only one […]

Uneventful week :I
Hello, this week has actually been pretty uneventful. We are getting towards the end of the to-do list when it comes to art. I don’t really have much to write about, but I will do my best. Here comes this week’s blog post (woho). This week my assignment was to finish the level two of the customization picture of the truck. I have been trying to draw the levels of the trucks so that they look like the trucks from […]

Uneventful week :I
Hello, this week has actually been pretty uneventful. We are getting towards the end of the to-do list when it comes to art. I don’t really have much to write about, but I will do my best. Here comes this week’s blog post (woho). This week my assignment was to finish the level two of the customization picture of the truck. I have been trying to draw the levels of the trucks so that they look like the trucks from […]
Wear-down effect on truck!
Hey there reader(s), here comes my weekly post. Last week I didn’t manage to get everything done, I had a drawing of the truck to do. It was meant to be used for the picture that you see of the truck when you upgrade in the costumization menu. I’m still not quite done with it yet, but I have been working on other things this week instead. The truck is about halfway done at this point, besides there are a […]
Wear-down effect on truck!
Hey there reader(s), here comes my weekly post. Last week I didn’t manage to get everything done, I had a drawing of the truck to do. It was meant to be used for the picture that you see of the truck when you upgrade in the costumization menu. I’m still not quite done with it yet, but I have been working on other things this week instead. The truck is about halfway done at this point, besides there are a […]

Hello, week 3 blog coming through! This week started out a little weird. We ended up going for the truck that I made first, which got denied at the start. I turned up late for our Monday meeting, and apparently in my absence the group decided to go with my first truck, for some reason they thought that I had copied the truck from GTA2 and that is why it didn’t get approved right away. Laban made it clear that […]

Hello, week 3 blog coming through! This week started out a little weird. We ended up going for the truck that I made first, which got denied at the start. I turned up late for our Monday meeting, and apparently in my absence the group decided to go with my first truck, for some reason they thought that I had copied the truck from GTA2 and that is why it didn’t get approved right away. Laban made it clear that […]
Suit ‘Em Up: Week 3 (bring some suger, this post is bitter… Oh, and a pinch of salt.)
Hello! This week my focus has mainly been on making a “steampunk-esque house on wheels”. My group chose to go with an art style of pixel art with a top down view. This unfortunately put a lot of limitations and restrictions on what I could do. I found it extremely difficult to try and get the steampunk-esque house on wheels (which I will refer to as a truck from now on to save the reader from repetition), aspect of the […]
Suit ‘Em Up: Week 3 (bring some suger, this post is bitter… Oh, and a pinch of salt.)
Hello! This week my focus has mainly been on making a “steampunk-esque house on wheels”. My group chose to go with an art style of pixel art with a top down view. This unfortunately put a lot of limitations and restrictions on what I could do. I found it extremely difficult to try and get the steampunk-esque house on wheels (which I will refer to as a truck from now on to save the reader from repetition), aspect of the […]

Today I made a new Concept our protagonist. I spent some time on it and I’m happy with the outcome. But I feel that for a 2D game that my concept won’t fit very well, but Ladbon wanted more another concept so here it is.

Today I made a new Concept our protagonist. I spent some time on it and I’m happy with the outcome. But I feel that for a 2D game that my concept won’t fit very well, but Ladbon wanted more another concept so here it is.

Been working on the concept for Group 9′s game in photoshop.
Started drawing a concept for an antagonists, but looks like it’s not going to be used. I just about got past the sketching stage.
Esbjörn drew a concept for the protagonist which i really liked, so I want to keep going in that style. Ladbon thought it needed some touching up, so I fixed that. This is what it looks like now:

Been working on the concept for Group 9′s game in photoshop.
Started drawing a concept for an antagonists, but looks like it’s not going to be used. I just about got past the sketching stage.
Esbjörn drew a concept for the protagonist which i really liked, so I want to keep going in that style. Ladbon thought it needed some touching up, so I fixed that. This is what it looks like now: