Author Archives: Rickard Folland

3D Computer Graphics: Theory and Application I, Post 1
Hello world (or specifically; classmates and peers), this is my first post and first time using a weblog.
This post outlines the results of theoretical discussion and practical assignments during the course of 5SD045 (2014, w.36-45), lectures covered here were held on 2014-09-02 and 2014-09-03 or in less robotic terms, during the first week.
During this first week, our two lectures covered the following; the fundamental elements of art, image composition and some introductory material regarding polygon primitives and the basic controls […]

3D Computer Graphics: Theory and Application I, Post 1
Hello world (or specifically; classmates and peers), this is my first post and first time using a weblog.
This post outlines the results of theoretical discussion and practical assignments during the course of 5SD045 (2014, w.36-45), lectures covered here were held on 2014-09-02 and 2014-09-03 or in less robotic terms, during the first week.
During this first week, our two lectures covered the following; the fundamental elements of art, image composition and some introductory material regarding polygon primitives and the basic controls […]

3D Computer Graphics: Theory and Application I, Post 1
Hello world (or specifically; classmates and peers), this is my first post and first time using a weblog.
This post outlines the results of theoretical discussion and practical assignments during the course of 5SD045 (2014, w.36-45), lectures covered here were held on 2014-09-02 and 2014-09-03 or in less robotic terms, during the first week.
During this first week, our two lectures covered the following; the fundamental elements of art, image composition and some introductory material regarding polygon primitives and the basic controls […]

3D Computer Graphics: Theory and Application I, Post 1
Hello world (or specifically; classmates and peers), this is my first post and first time using a weblog.
This post outlines the results of theoretical discussion and practical assignments during the course of 5SD045 (2014, w.36-45), lectures covered here were held on 2014-09-02 and 2014-09-03 or in less robotic terms, during the first week.
During this first week, our two lectures covered the following; the fundamental elements of art, image composition and some introductory material regarding polygon primitives and the basic controls […]