Author Archives: Rebecka Nyström

3D Class – Week 3
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for 3D class. This is the post for the 3rd week, and it’s about the optimization of my crates.
During this week we got to optimize the crates in class, but instead of doing only our own crates, we got divided into groups of three and got to optimize one crate from each of the other students in the group. I was in a group together with Camilla and Anita.
– Urban […]

3D Class – Week 3
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for 3D class. This is the post for the 3rd week, and it’s about the optimization of my crates.
During this week we got to optimize the crates in class, but instead of doing only our own crates, we got divided into groups of three and got to optimize one crate from each of the other students in the group. I was in a group together with Camilla and Anita.
– Urban […]

3D Class – Week 3
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for 3D class. This is the post for the 3rd week, and it’s about the optimization of my crates.
During this week we got to optimize the crates in class, but instead of doing only our own crates, we got divided into groups of three and got to optimize one crate from each of the other students in the group. I was in a group together with Camilla and Anita.
– Urban […]

3D Class – Week 3
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for 3D class. This is the post for the 3rd week, and it’s about the optimization of my crates.
During this week we got to optimize the crates in class, but instead of doing only our own crates, we got divided into groups of three and got to optimize one crate from each of the other students in the group. I was in a group together with Camilla and Anita.
– Urban […]
Board Game Review 2# – Betrayal at House on the Hill
This is my review of Jonna’s (from Group 9) analysis of the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill.
(The analysis can be found here:
This is the blog post version of the review, the comment version can be found here:
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The Core Game System: I agree that the core system is the player/character movement. It’s what moves the game’s story forward, and if the players didn’t move around there wouldn’t be any new […]
Board Game Review 2# – Betrayal at House on the Hill
This is my review of Jonna’s (from Group 9) analysis of the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill.
(The analysis can be found here:
This is the blog post version of the review, the comment version can be found here:
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The Core Game System: I agree that the core system is the player/character movement. It’s what moves the game’s story forward, and if the players didn’t move around there wouldn’t be any new […]
Board Game Review 2# – Betrayal at House on the Hill
This is my review of Jonna’s (from Group 9) analysis of the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill.
(The analysis can be found here:
This is the blog post version of the review, the comment version can be found here:
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The Core Game System: I agree that the core system is the player/character movement. It’s what moves the game’s story forward, and if the players didn’t move around there wouldn’t be any new […]
Board Game Review 2# – Betrayal at House on the Hill
This is my review of Jonna’s (from Group 9) analysis of the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill.
(The analysis can be found here:
This is the blog post version of the review, the comment version can be found here:
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The Core Game System: I agree that the core system is the player/character movement. It’s what moves the game’s story forward, and if the players didn’t move around there wouldn’t be any new […]

3D Class- Blog Report Assignment 2 (part 1)
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for the 3D course and I’m on the posts for the 3rd week. I will try and finish the other posts as soon as possible.
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This week our class went to Fornsalen which is a museum in Visby. First we got a guided tour of the museum, and then every student had to choose one of the exhibition’s objects to model for the 2nd assignment of the course. I […]

3D Class- Blog Report Assignment 2 (part 1)
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for the 3D course and I’m on the posts for the 3rd week. I will try and finish the other posts as soon as possible.
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This week our class went to Fornsalen which is a museum in Visby. First we got a guided tour of the museum, and then every student had to choose one of the exhibition’s objects to model for the 2nd assignment of the course. I […]

3D Class- Blog Report Assignment 2 (part 1)
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for the 3D course and I’m on the posts for the 3rd week. I will try and finish the other posts as soon as possible.
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This week our class went to Fornsalen which is a museum in Visby. First we got a guided tour of the museum, and then every student had to choose one of the exhibition’s objects to model for the 2nd assignment of the course. I […]

3D Class- Blog Report Assignment 2 (part 1)
I’m still trying to catch up with the blog posts for the 3D course and I’m on the posts for the 3rd week. I will try and finish the other posts as soon as possible.
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This week our class went to Fornsalen which is a museum in Visby. First we got a guided tour of the museum, and then every student had to choose one of the exhibition’s objects to model for the 2nd assignment of the course. I […]

3D Class – Week 2
This is my post for the 2nd week of 3D class, featuring the three crates I did in class. I had planned to write this some weeks ago, but it has been very stressful with surprise assignments and other school work, so sadly these 3D blogposts had to wait.
Anyway, here are the descriptions of the themes and the crates that I made based on those themes:
When I think of the theme cartoony, I immediately think about bright colours and clear […]

3D Class – Week 2
This is my post for the 2nd week of 3D class, featuring the three crates I did in class. I had planned to write this some weeks ago, but it has been very stressful with surprise assignments and other school work, so sadly these 3D blogposts had to wait.
Anyway, here are the descriptions of the themes and the crates that I made based on those themes:
When I think of the theme cartoony, I immediately think about bright colours and clear […]

3D Class – Week 2
This is my post for the 2nd week of 3D class, featuring the three crates I did in class. I had planned to write this some weeks ago, but it has been very stressful with surprise assignments and other school work, so sadly these 3D blogposts had to wait.
Anyway, here are the descriptions of the themes and the crates that I made based on those themes:
When I think of the theme cartoony, I immediately think about bright colours and clear […]

3D Class – Week 2
This is my post for the 2nd week of 3D class, featuring the three crates I did in class. I had planned to write this some weeks ago, but it has been very stressful with surprise assignments and other school work, so sadly these 3D blogposts had to wait.
Anyway, here are the descriptions of the themes and the crates that I made based on those themes:
When I think of the theme cartoony, I immediately think about bright colours and clear […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis Review #1 – A Game of Thrones
This is my review of Mikaela from group 5’s analysis of:
“A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition”.
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Core game system:
I agree that the Resource Management is the core game system. The game is all about coming up with a strategy to claim and conquer as many castles and as much land as possible, and in order to do so the player needs to keep track of their tokens and armies and think about when […]
Board Game Analysis Review #1 – A Game of Thrones
This is my review of Mikaela from group 5’s analysis of:
“A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition”.
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Core game system:
I agree that the Resource Management is the core game system. The game is all about coming up with a strategy to claim and conquer as many castles and as much land as possible, and in order to do so the player needs to keep track of their tokens and armies and think about when […]
Board Game Analysis Review #1 – A Game of Thrones
This is my review of Mikaela from group 5’s analysis of:
“A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition”.
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Core game system:
I agree that the Resource Management is the core game system. The game is all about coming up with a strategy to claim and conquer as many castles and as much land as possible, and in order to do so the player needs to keep track of their tokens and armies and think about when […]
Board Game Analysis Review #1 – A Game of Thrones
This is my review of Mikaela from group 5’s analysis of:
“A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition”.
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Core game system:
I agree that the Resource Management is the core game system. The game is all about coming up with a strategy to claim and conquer as many castles and as much land as possible, and in order to do so the player needs to keep track of their tokens and armies and think about when […]