Author Archives: Raoul Man

Level Design – Beta
Hello. In this post I will talk about level design, in this case specifically built for the Beta milestone and presentation. A level that was designed in such a way to showcase the game in the short amount of time we were given to present it. If you’d like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we received from […]

Level Design – Beta
Hello. In this post I will talk about level design, in this case specifically built for the Beta milestone and presentation. A level that was designed in such a way to showcase the game in the short amount of time we were given to present it. If you’d like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we received from […]

Scaling Light – Progress Indicator
Hello. In this blog post I will talk about creating a object that scales as the player progresses through the level. In our game’s case the object is a light that the player is attracted towards and the closer the player gets to it, it increases in size. If you’d like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we […]

Scaling Light – Progress Indicator
Hello. In this blog post I will talk about creating a object that scales as the player progresses through the level. In our game’s case the object is a light that the player is attracted towards and the closer the player gets to it, it increases in size. If you’d like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we […]

Presenting Your Game
Hello. In this post I will talk about presenting your game, in this case for the Alpha milestone, in a way that connects with your game in terms of visuals and mechanics. If you would like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we received from our teacher when first introduced to a project methodology called Scrum and “Designing […]

Presenting Your Game
Hello. In this post I will talk about presenting your game, in this case for the Alpha milestone, in a way that connects with your game in terms of visuals and mechanics. If you would like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we received from our teacher when first introduced to a project methodology called Scrum and “Designing […]

Designing a Main Menu That Fits Your Game
Hello. In this blog post I will talk about creating a menu that connects with your game in terms of it’s visuals and mechanics. If you would like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog post “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes given to a template that we received from our teacher when first introduced to a project methodology called Scrum.
While thinking about how the menu would be like, I thought […]

Designing a Main Menu That Fits Your Game
Hello. In this blog post I will talk about creating a menu that connects with your game in terms of it’s visuals and mechanics. If you would like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog post “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes given to a template that we received from our teacher when first introduced to a project methodology called Scrum.
While thinking about how the menu would be like, I thought […]

An Easier Sprint Overview
Hello. I’m part of Team Kraken as the project manager and producer of our project. We’re working on a game that used the concept of “Echo Vale of Tinea” as a starting point. In this post I will talk about what changes were implemented to allow for a better overview of our working process.
At the start of our project we were given a template in Google Sheets to use as our SCRUM board. The purpose of that was to give […]

An Easier Sprint Overview
Hello. I’m part of Team Kraken as the project manager and producer of our project. We’re working on a game that used the concept of “Echo Vale of Tinea” as a starting point. In this post I will talk about what changes were implemented to allow for a better overview of our working process.
At the start of our project we were given a template in Google Sheets to use as our SCRUM board. The purpose of that was to give […]