Author Archives: Pontus Berglund

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – GUI / Start Menu
Hello dear readers, my group is currently in week 3 of making our game based on another group’s concept document, the game is called Potato Pirates of The Prohibition, and it’s a space type shooter game where you must complete different waves of enemy’s using different tools to complete the level. My role in the group is lead coder and my blog will mostly be about different code related things I have done to get the game working!
So let’s get started, this […]

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – GUI / Start Menu
Hello dear readers, my group is currently in week 3 of making our game based on another group’s concept document, the game is called Potato Pirates of The Prohibition, and it’s a space type shooter game where you must complete different waves of enemy’s using different tools to complete the level. My role in the group is lead coder and my blog will mostly be about different code related things I have done to get the game working!
So let’s get started, this […]
BOMBERMAN CLONE, GameStates and Mainloop
Hello dear readers, today I will talk about how the gamestates work and is integrated into the game. This will probably be one of the last posts about bomberman as we are soon finishing our course. However If you still want me to write about anything special just leave a message and I see what I can do. I will also probably make a final post where I upload the finished game so everyone can download and try it out. […]
BOMBERMAN CLONE, GameStates and Mainloop
Hello dear readers, today I will talk about how the gamestates work and is integrated into the game. This will probably be one of the last posts about bomberman as we are soon finishing our course. However If you still want me to write about anything special just leave a message and I see what I can do. I will also probably make a final post where I upload the finished game so everyone can download and try it out. […]

Bomberman Clone, Music manager
Hello dear readers! Today I will talk about the music manager as some people have had problems with it; the music manager in itself is very simple, so let’s get right into it!
First the music manager itself is built-up of 3 classes, first the AudioManager itself, then one called SoundEffect that is used for sound effects, like explosion sounds. Then last we have Music wish simple control the music class. The AudioManager main task is to first set up sdl_mixer and also […]

Bomberman Clone, Music manager
Hello dear readers! Today I will talk about the music manager as some people have had problems with it; the music manager in itself is very simple, so let’s get right into it!
First the music manager itself is built-up of 3 classes, first the AudioManager itself, then one called SoundEffect that is used for sound effects, like explosion sounds. Then last we have Music wish simple control the music class. The AudioManager main task is to first set up sdl_mixer and also […]

Bomberman Clone, Input Manager
Hello dear readers! Today I will talk about my input manager, I will go into how I decided to make the things in there, how it works and why I decided to make it the way I mad it.
Input Manager
The input manager is the one handling all of the input keys, it stores them if they are pressed or not and also stores the mouse location on the screen. I wanted a simple way to store the key if they were […]

Bomberman Clone, Input Manager
Hello dear readers! Today I will talk about my input manager, I will go into how I decided to make the things in there, how it works and why I decided to make it the way I mad it.
Input Manager
The input manager is the one handling all of the input keys, it stores them if they are pressed or not and also stores the mouse location on the screen. I wanted a simple way to store the key if they were […]

Bomberman Clone, 2D Camera
Hello dear readers! Today I will talk about my 2D camera class, why I created it, why I don’t really use it and why I chose to keep it. The 2D camera class was first created as a solution for having bigger maps than would fit on the screen (I had plans to make big challenge levels that you could play alone against AI “zombies”, similar to the first original bomberman).
It would allow the camera to move around the map and […]

Bomberman Clone, 2D Camera
Hello dear readers! Today I will talk about my 2D camera class, why I created it, why I don’t really use it and why I chose to keep it. The 2D camera class was first created as a solution for having bigger maps than would fit on the screen (I had plans to make big challenge levels that you could play alone against AI “zombies”, similar to the first original bomberman).
It would allow the camera to move around the map and […]

Bomberman Clone, Setting up everything and getting the engine ready!
Hello readers, in my current course “Spelprogrammering I” I have been given an assignment to remake an old game. The game I have chosen to remake is Bomberman. I will also be trying to implement online multiplayer. So be sure to follow through my journey of discovery!
Some of the first thing I did was trying to get a clear idea how I would progress with coding the game. I started by making small notes of different classes and functions I would need for […]

Bomberman Clone, Setting up everything and getting the engine ready!
Hello readers, in my current course “Spelprogrammering I” I have been given an assignment to remake an old game. The game I have chosen to remake is Bomberman. I will also be trying to implement online multiplayer. So be sure to follow through my journey of discovery!
Some of the first thing I did was trying to get a clear idea how I would progress with coding the game. I started by making small notes of different classes and functions I would need for […]