Author Archives: Philip Olsson

First post
The artifact that i have focused on this week is the AnimatedTexture. This artifact is a class that makes it possible to add an animation to an object instead of just a static image. Animated images is something that will be used heavily in the game and this is how i did it.
When creating an AnimatedTexture I pass one argument which is the image file location to the constructor. Then I call the AddFrame function in the created AnimatedTexture and […]

First post
The artifact that i have focused on this week is the AnimatedTexture. This artifact is a class that makes it possible to add an animation to an object instead of just a static image. Animated images is something that will be used heavily in the game and this is how i did it.
When creating an AnimatedTexture I pass one argument which is the image file location to the constructor. Then I call the AddFrame function in the created AnimatedTexture and […]