Author Archives: Philip Olsson

week 6
This week was beta which meant full on polish so that the we could have something stable to show to the beta testers and jurors. Doing a little bit of everything is crucial when nearing a deadline so as Iv’e done every time i jumped on any task that needed to be done at the time. It was mostly continuation of AI but also fixing with some of the spells, animations and level design that was needed
After the beta i […]

week 6
This week was beta which meant full on polish so that the we could have something stable to show to the beta testers and jurors. Doing a little bit of everything is crucial when nearing a deadline so as Iv’e done every time i jumped on any task that needed to be done at the time. It was mostly continuation of AI but also fixing with some of the spells, animations and level design that was needed
After the beta i […]

2nd Play test
week 5
This week for me went into more tweaking of the caster as well as polishing the AI a bit more for the upcoming play-test so that we could test their difficulty and see how players reacted to them,
I also had to go into level building a bit so that the level would be done on time. I added bounds to the level to keep the player from clipping into stuff and leaving the level. This mostly just took a […]

2nd Play test
week 5
This week for me went into more tweaking of the caster as well as polishing the AI a bit more for the upcoming play-test so that we could test their difficulty and see how players reacted to them,
I also had to go into level building a bit so that the level would be done on time. I added bounds to the level to keep the player from clipping into stuff and leaving the level. This mostly just took a […]

Casting Fog
Now I’m back for the last few posts.
Week 4
AI takes time to implement so a lot of this week went to implementing the caster and it’s mechanics. More bugs and fixes ensures when implementing new things and this was no exception. path-finding not working as intended and attacks not happening but most of them where easily fixed even though they might have taken some time.
Towards the end of the week i implemented an asset that we actually bought from the […]

Casting Fog
Now I’m back for the last few posts.
Week 4
AI takes time to implement so a lot of this week went to implementing the caster and it’s mechanics. More bugs and fixes ensures when implementing new things and this was no exception. path-finding not working as intended and attacks not happening but most of them where easily fixed even though they might have taken some time.
Towards the end of the week i implemented an asset that we actually bought from the […]
Alpha sprint
Towards the end of last week (week 3) we had our alpha deadline. This meant starting the week by compiling the feedback from the play-test so that we could tweak and change what was needed. Several bugs with the AI was presented and fixed as well.
This week mostly persisted of get what we had working good as well as putting in a joint effort to get an actual scene to play in with terrain, white boxing and level design.
My main area […]
Alpha sprint
Towards the end of last week (week 3) we had our alpha deadline. This meant starting the week by compiling the feedback from the play-test so that we could tweak and change what was needed. Several bugs with the AI was presented and fixed as well.
This week mostly persisted of get what we had working good as well as putting in a joint effort to get an actual scene to play in with terrain, white boxing and level design.
My main area […]

A very Late week 2
So now there will be a lot of posts in short succession. I’ve done a few outlines of these blogs so now I will finalize them so that you can take part of them which kind of is the whole point of this.
This week i did mostly continued work on the first enemy, the tank. The tank is one of the more basic enemies when it come to behavior, they move slowly towards the players to hit them but also […]

A very Late week 2
So now there will be a lot of posts in short succession. I’ve done a few outlines of these blogs so now I will finalize them so that you can take part of them which kind of is the whole point of this.
This week i did mostly continued work on the first enemy, the tank. The tank is one of the more basic enemies when it come to behavior, they move slowly towards the players to hit them but also […]
Please Behave and introduce yourselves!
To start of this series of posts, I will talk about my role in the project as well as what the project actually is.
During the coming weeks i will primarily take the role as lead programmer in the project Rune Mages which is a turn based strategy game that is played from a top-down perspective. You take control of a couple of Rune Mages that combine elemental runes to cast different spells such as fireballs, earth walls and water sprays. […]
Please Behave and introduce yourselves!
To start of this series of posts, I will talk about my role in the project as well as what the project actually is.
During the coming weeks i will primarily take the role as lead programmer in the project Rune Mages which is a turn based strategy game that is played from a top-down perspective. You take control of a couple of Rune Mages that combine elemental runes to cast different spells such as fireballs, earth walls and water sprays. […]

Conversion done
This week a primarily been a continuation from what I wrote about last week. Optimizing the game to remove load from the memory however this time, I have removed the pointers from all our background elements which turned out to be a bit more challenging than I expected after doing the Enemies.
The main difference between the EnemyManager and the BackgroundManager was that some elements starts on screen when the game starts. This was easily done by activating the necessary elements […]

Conversion done
This week a primarily been a continuation from what I wrote about last week. Optimizing the game to remove load from the memory however this time, I have removed the pointers from all our background elements which turned out to be a bit more challenging than I expected after doing the Enemies.
The main difference between the EnemyManager and the BackgroundManager was that some elements starts on screen when the game starts. This was easily done by activating the necessary elements […]

…And this time, make it right.
This week has gone too fast! After the beta it feels like the time has just flown away and we have a lot to do with final lurking around the corner. I have mostly been trying to make the game run a lot smoother and to fix performance issues this week so there’s a lot of smaller things done but nothing too major except for two things. The one I will discussing this week is reworking the enemy handling we […]

…And this time, make it right.
This week has gone too fast! After the beta it feels like the time has just flown away and we have a lot to do with final lurking around the corner. I have mostly been trying to make the game run a lot smoother and to fix performance issues this week so there’s a lot of smaller things done but nothing too major except for two things. The one I will discussing this week is reworking the enemy handling we […]
Code Review of team 5s Player
I have to say that i’m impressed with how simple the player class is and that it has pretty much no coupling other than the functions that are in SFML. Our player class has a lot of coupling going on which makes me even more amazed and i’ll have to take some note on how this is done. I don’t really don’t know if i can say anything more since it’s hard to recommend how to decouple something that already […]
Code Review of team 5s Player
I have to say that i’m impressed with how simple the player class is and that it has pretty much no coupling other than the functions that are in SFML. Our player class has a lot of coupling going on which makes me even more amazed and i’ll have to take some note on how this is done. I don’t really don’t know if i can say anything more since it’s hard to recommend how to decouple something that already […]

A little this and a little that
This week has been a lot about getting the last things working and has led me to help my fellow programmers a lot as well as working on my own things. The things I have been working on and helping with has been ranging from getting a mouse to work on the menu to creating an enemy to tinkering with the background. Writing a post about one artifact will be a bit harder since I have been involved with a […]

A little this and a little that
This week has been a lot about getting the last things working and has led me to help my fellow programmers a lot as well as working on my own things. The things I have been working on and helping with has been ranging from getting a mouse to work on the menu to creating an enemy to tinkering with the background. Writing a post about one artifact will be a bit harder since I have been involved with a […]

Backing up
This week has been a bit slow for me for a reason that I should have discovered earlier. Allergies. Spring is in the air and with it comes pollen which in my case means a bleeding nose and cloudy thoughts. But enough about biological issues and on to the reason for this blog post.
The biggest artifact this week is that I took it upon myself to make the system to do parallax scrolling. This consists of a BackgroundManager and BackgroundElements. […]

Backing up
This week has been a bit slow for me for a reason that I should have discovered earlier. Allergies. Spring is in the air and with it comes pollen which in my case means a bleeding nose and cloudy thoughts. But enough about biological issues and on to the reason for this blog post.
The biggest artifact this week is that I took it upon myself to make the system to do parallax scrolling. This consists of a BackgroundManager and BackgroundElements. […]

A hectic week
This week has been very hectic because of the incoming alpha milestone and for some reason everything always starts to go wrong when you are close to a critical point. but on to this weeks artifact.
I have mostly worked on the first enemy of the game which is a swordfish. This enemy will swim across the screen until it is in line with the player and when that happens it starts to charge and will not stop until it is […]

A hectic week
This week has been very hectic because of the incoming alpha milestone and for some reason everything always starts to go wrong when you are close to a critical point. but on to this weeks artifact.
I have mostly worked on the first enemy of the game which is a swordfish. This enemy will swim across the screen until it is in line with the player and when that happens it starts to charge and will not stop until it is […]