Author Archives: Petter Vernersson
Big Game Project Week 8
This week I has mostly been working on fixing small bugs and small changes that has been put to the side for a long time. We had beta testing together whit our teachers and other groups at Wednesday. We got a lot of good feedback from the testers and from watching the testers play
Two of the main things that the players did not get was the games goal and that respawns is a good thing.
Goal of the game
Our goal […]
Big Game Project Week 8
This week I has mostly been working on fixing small bugs and small changes that has been put to the side for a long time. We had beta testing together whit our teachers and other groups at Wednesday. We got a lot of good feedback from the testers and from watching the testers play
Two of the main things that the players did not get was the games goal and that respawns is a good thing.
Goal of the game
Our goal […]

Big Game Project Week 7
Level Design
I have been helping the level designers to decorate the tutorial level this week. It was a lot of fun to focus on something else for a while. So in between some coding occasions I have spent some time on decorating the level. The tutorial level is very linear which made it easy to decorate it. I did therefor not need to think as much about if it would work for the player to come from all positions and […]

Big Game Project Week 7
Level Design
I have been helping the level designers to decorate the tutorial level this week. It was a lot of fun to focus on something else for a while. So in between some coding occasions I have spent some time on decorating the level. The tutorial level is very linear which made it easy to decorate it. I did therefor not need to think as much about if it would work for the player to come from all positions and […]

Big Game Project Week 6
Squash Animation fix
I fixed the problem that occurred whit my squash system that I talked about last week. I was not sure in the end of last week if I had fix it or not, but this time I feel pretty sure that it is fixed. The problem was the timing in between the player’s regular update and the squash systems update. The squash system is made of a coroutine that has its own update functionality. I think the problem […]

Big Game Project Week 6
Squash Animation fix
I fixed the problem that occurred whit my squash system that I talked about last week. I was not sure in the end of last week if I had fix it or not, but this time I feel pretty sure that it is fixed. The problem was the timing in between the player’s regular update and the squash systems update. The squash system is made of a coroutine that has its own update functionality. I think the problem […]
Big Game Project Week 5
This week I have been working some more on menus, player movement and animation implementation. I have also added some feedback effects to the player.
Squash system fix and broken
Last week I created a system for squashing the player, it made him scale in the Y axis for example when he landed on the ground after performing a jump. This week I noticed that it was not functioning properly. It sometimes looked like the player was trying to have to scales […]
Big Game Project Week 5
This week I have been working some more on menus, player movement and animation implementation. I have also added some feedback effects to the player.
Squash system fix and broken
Last week I created a system for squashing the player, it made him scale in the Y axis for example when he landed on the ground after performing a jump. This week I noticed that it was not functioning properly. It sometimes looked like the player was trying to have to scales […]
Big Game Project Week 4
This week I have mostly been working on the player animations. So I have decided how to blend and change between them so that they would look natural.
We removed some of the animations that were supposed to just transition in to the loop of the animation. For example we removed the start turn left animation but kept the turn left animation. So instead of using an animation to go in to the actual animation, we created blend trees in […]
Big Game Project Week 4
This week I have mostly been working on the player animations. So I have decided how to blend and change between them so that they would look natural.
We removed some of the animations that were supposed to just transition in to the loop of the animation. For example we removed the start turn left animation but kept the turn left animation. So instead of using an animation to go in to the actual animation, we created blend trees in […]

Big Game Project Week 2
This week I have continued to work with the player movement and the menus. I also made a very rough level design.
Player movement
I noticed that my player did not rotate correctly when trying to figure out what rotation to have when landing on an upside down ground. The player behaved […]

Big Game Project Week 2
This week I have continued to work with the player movement and the menus. I also made a very rough level design.
Player movement
I noticed that my player did not rotate correctly when trying to figure out what rotation to have when landing on an upside down ground. The player behaved […]

Development under the course Big Game Project
These following 10 week I am going to post on this blog about my work in the course Big Game Project that I am taking in the program Game design and programming. I am working together whit my team on a game that we currently call Open Circuit. We are seven persons in our team, two programmers, two level designers and three graphical artists. I am one of the programmers in the group. The game we are working on is […]

Development under the course Big Game Project
These following 10 week I am going to post on this blog about my work in the course Big Game Project that I am taking in the program Game design and programming. I am working together whit my team on a game that we currently call Open Circuit. We are seven persons in our team, two programmers, two level designers and three graphical artists. I am one of the programmers in the group. The game we are working on is […]

Hi, this week I have been working with my group in our board game project. We are making a game were you use cogwheels for movement. It has been really hard to work whit because the cogwheels that we made does not work that well. Hopefully it will get easier now because we have got the cogwheels that we had ordered.
They look a lot better than the ones we made.
October 25,
2013 /
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Hi, this week I have been working with my group in our board game project. We are making a game were you use cogwheels for movement. It has been really hard to work whit because the cogwheels that we made does not work that well. Hopefully it will get easier now because we have got the cogwheels that we had ordered.
They look a lot better than the ones we made.
October 25,
2013 /
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