Author Archives: Petros Tsiouris

Sound Settings (Coding) – Week 5
Now that we are slowly closing in to the final release of the game, one of the leftover tasks left to get involved with, are the sound settings of the game. Namely, i am talking about the master volume of the game, as well as the music volume and the SFX volume of it. As everyone is probably familiar with, there are always sounds in games that can be intrusive to different people (explosions or shooting for example), so the […]

Sound Settings (Coding) – Week 5
Now that we are slowly closing in to the final release of the game, one of the leftover tasks left to get involved with, are the sound settings of the game. Namely, i am talking about the master volume of the game, as well as the music volume and the SFX volume of it. As everyone is probably familiar with, there are always sounds in games that can be intrusive to different people (explosions or shooting for example), so the […]

Wave Announcement (Coding) – Week 4
This week, i am going to write about one of the latest additions to our game Selfish, which is the wave announcement.
One of the things written in our feedback, was that the enemy waves were spawning quite fast and without warning. With that in mind, we decided to make a wave announcement UI, that would pop into the screen right before the enemy wave appeared. While that was seemingfully simple, it turned out to become quite a headache. One of […]

Wave Announcement (Coding) – Week 4
This week, i am going to write about one of the latest additions to our game Selfish, which is the wave announcement.
One of the things written in our feedback, was that the enemy waves were spawning quite fast and without warning. With that in mind, we decided to make a wave announcement UI, that would pop into the screen right before the enemy wave appeared. While that was seemingfully simple, it turned out to become quite a headache. One of […]

UI Wave Counter and Pause Menu (Coding) – Week 3
One of the things on my plate for a while now, was the UI for displaying the number of waves in our game. While i had been trying to make it into a separate script (and getting other necessary variables from other scripts) i would always find a few errors that i could not get passed. Those errors would usually be that i could not make an integer become a string variable. While this is probably something that i need […]

UI Wave Counter and Pause Menu (Coding) – Week 3
One of the things on my plate for a while now, was the UI for displaying the number of waves in our game. While i had been trying to make it into a separate script (and getting other necessary variables from other scripts) i would always find a few errors that i could not get passed. Those errors would usually be that i could not make an integer become a string variable. While this is probably something that i need […]

Ammo UI (Coding) – Week 2
Last week, i accepted the task of making the ammo UI for our game. While i thought the task would be relatively simple, i was proven wrong when i actually began the work on it. While the task seems simple enough, i also had to go through the code written by my fellow teamates, which required a significant amount of time. That time of course, was spent to understand the code already written and further on used for the aforementioned task. […]

Ammo UI (Coding) – Week 2
Last week, i accepted the task of making the ammo UI for our game. While i thought the task would be relatively simple, i was proven wrong when i actually began the work on it. While the task seems simple enough, i also had to go through the code written by my fellow teamates, which required a significant amount of time. That time of course, was spent to understand the code already written and further on used for the aforementioned task. […]

Shellfish – Group S – Map Boundaries (Coding)
Our team Shadhavar is making a game called Shellfish which is a 2D shoot’em up game, that takes place in a fishtank. One of the responsibilities i was tasked with, as part of the 2 man programming unit of our team, was to make a script of the levels map boundaries in Unity. Making the boundaries includes not letting the player nor the enemies to leave the level which is in 1 screen (meaning that the camera remains stationary and […]

Shellfish – Group S – Map Boundaries (Coding)
Our team Shadhavar is making a game called Shellfish which is a 2D shoot’em up game, that takes place in a fishtank. One of the responsibilities i was tasked with, as part of the 2 man programming unit of our team, was to make a script of the levels map boundaries in Unity. Making the boundaries includes not letting the player nor the enemies to leave the level which is in 1 screen (meaning that the camera remains stationary and […]