Author Archives: Oskar Lidh Frykmark

Level Design and Sound Generate Mechanic
Level Design
This week has seen some major changes to the map. We’ve changed the colour scheme, added new areas (which means redrawing A LOT of collision, light and entities). I’ve made some pretty extensive mock-ups on paper, and tried changing walkpaths around in order for the Aesthetic goals the game set out to create, to be fulfilled.
Sooo many Areas have been torn down, rebuilt, just to be torn down again and just scrapped. It’s got to be perfect! Although, this […]

Level Design and Sound Generate Mechanic
Level Design
This week has seen some major changes to the map. We’ve changed the colour scheme, added new areas (which means redrawing A LOT of collision, light and entities). I’ve made some pretty extensive mock-ups on paper, and tried changing walkpaths around in order for the Aesthetic goals the game set out to create, to be fulfilled.
Sooo many Areas have been torn down, rebuilt, just to be torn down again and just scrapped. It’s got to be perfect! Although, this […]

Level Design and Sound Generate Mechanic
Level Design
This week has seen some major changes to the map. We’ve changed the colour scheme, added new areas (which means redrawing A LOT of collision, light and entities). I’ve made some pretty extensive mock-ups on paper, and tried changing walkpaths around in order for the Aesthetic goals the game set out to create, to be fulfilled.
Sooo many Areas have been torn down, rebuilt, just to be torn down again and just scrapped. It’s got to be perfect! Although, this […]

Level Design and Sound Generate Mechanic
Level Design
This week has seen some major changes to the map. We’ve changed the colour scheme, added new areas (which means redrawing A LOT of collision, light and entities). I’ve made some pretty extensive mock-ups on paper, and tried changing walkpaths around in order for the Aesthetic goals the game set out to create, to be fulfilled.
Sooo many Areas have been torn down, rebuilt, just to be torn down again and just scrapped. It’s got to be perfect! Although, this […]

Music and Sound Effects
This Week
I’ve been continuing my work on Level Design and the creation of Music for our project. I’ve also added some code that keeps track of amounts of bullets from a weapon and then adds ricochete soundeffects to add a bit of variation to the shooting. I’ve also started working a bit on the AI and their detection (or lack thereof) through sound.
One of my goals for the levels is for the player not to be aware of the […]

Music and Sound Effects
This Week
I’ve been continuing my work on Level Design and the creation of Music for our project. I’ve also added some code that keeps track of amounts of bullets from a weapon and then adds ricochete soundeffects to add a bit of variation to the shooting. I’ve also started working a bit on the AI and their detection (or lack thereof) through sound.
One of my goals for the levels is for the player not to be aware of the […]

Music and Sound Effects
This Week
I’ve been continuing my work on Level Design and the creation of Music for our project. I’ve also added some code that keeps track of amounts of bullets from a weapon and then adds ricochete soundeffects to add a bit of variation to the shooting. I’ve also started working a bit on the AI and their detection (or lack thereof) through sound.
One of my goals for the levels is for the player not to be aware of the […]

Music and Sound Effects
This Week
I’ve been continuing my work on Level Design and the creation of Music for our project. I’ve also added some code that keeps track of amounts of bullets from a weapon and then adds ricochete soundeffects to add a bit of variation to the shooting. I’ve also started working a bit on the AI and their detection (or lack thereof) through sound.
One of my goals for the levels is for the player not to be aware of the […]

Level Design
This Week
As I mentioned last week, we’ve got ourselves a map editor called Tiled Map Editor. (Tiled Map Editor). The editor allows us to specify areas where the player should be colliding, where light is supposed to bounce on, and since we’re going with a isometric perspective, we’ve also worked in a “Layer” (think Photoshop) so that the player can be present UNDER a wall or a pillar.
Tiled Map Editor (see above for link). This is the main-hall […]

Level Design
This Week
As I mentioned last week, we’ve got ourselves a map editor called Tiled Map Editor. (Tiled Map Editor). The editor allows us to specify areas where the player should be colliding, where light is supposed to bounce on, and since we’re going with a isometric perspective, we’ve also worked in a “Layer” (think Photoshop) so that the player can be present UNDER a wall or a pillar.
Tiled Map Editor (see above for link). This is the main-hall […]

Level Design
This Week
As I mentioned last week, we’ve got ourselves a map editor called Tiled Map Editor. (Tiled Map Editor). The editor allows us to specify areas where the player should be colliding, where light is supposed to bounce on, and since we’re going with a isometric perspective, we’ve also worked in a “Layer” (think Photoshop) so that the player can be present UNDER a wall or a pillar.
Tiled Map Editor (see above for link). This is the main-hall […]

Level Design
This Week
As I mentioned last week, we’ve got ourselves a map editor called Tiled Map Editor. (Tiled Map Editor). The editor allows us to specify areas where the player should be colliding, where light is supposed to bounce on, and since we’re going with a isometric perspective, we’ve also worked in a “Layer” (think Photoshop) so that the player can be present UNDER a wall or a pillar.
Tiled Map Editor (see above for link). This is the main-hall […]

Designing our Game
This Week
We’ve been occupied with work all week, day in and day out. It’s incredibly stressfull, but to be fair, we’ve been very productive in our respective line of work.
I’ve been mapping out, re-designing, adjusting numbers and writing on our Game Design Document. There’s so much to do, and so much to test when it comes to Game Design. It’s almost like a obsessive compulsion disorder; I can’t get enough of Game Design.
Spent quite a lot of time reading […]

Designing our Game
This Week
We’ve been occupied with work all week, day in and day out. It’s incredibly stressfull, but to be fair, we’ve been very productive in our respective line of work.
I’ve been mapping out, re-designing, adjusting numbers and writing on our Game Design Document. There’s so much to do, and so much to test when it comes to Game Design. It’s almost like a obsessive compulsion disorder; I can’t get enough of Game Design.
Spent quite a lot of time reading […]

Designing our Game
This Week
We’ve been occupied with work all week, day in and day out. It’s incredibly stressfull, but to be fair, we’ve been very productive in our respective line of work.
I’ve been mapping out, re-designing, adjusting numbers and writing on our Game Design Document. There’s so much to do, and so much to test when it comes to Game Design. It’s almost like a obsessive compulsion disorder; I can’t get enough of Game Design.
Spent quite a lot of time reading […]

Designing our Game
This Week
We’ve been occupied with work all week, day in and day out. It’s incredibly stressfull, but to be fair, we’ve been very productive in our respective line of work.
I’ve been mapping out, re-designing, adjusting numbers and writing on our Game Design Document. There’s so much to do, and so much to test when it comes to Game Design. It’s almost like a obsessive compulsion disorder; I can’t get enough of Game Design.
Spent quite a lot of time reading […]

“Bloodshot eyes”
The last week has been absolutely grueling on my psyche. Not enough sleep and not enough PERCEIVED productivity. But, we’re back working together in larger groups, and that suits me just fine!
We’ve been tasked to do a game from a stack of game design documents that were created by the class this autumn (OUR PROJECT, “WITH LOVE” WAS IN THE TOP THREE!). There were thirteen options, some of them a lot more feasible then others. We chose a project […]

“Bloodshot eyes”
The last week has been absolutely grueling on my psyche. Not enough sleep and not enough PERCEIVED productivity. But, we’re back working together in larger groups, and that suits me just fine!
We’ve been tasked to do a game from a stack of game design documents that were created by the class this autumn (OUR PROJECT, “WITH LOVE” WAS IN THE TOP THREE!). There were thirteen options, some of them a lot more feasible then others. We chose a project […]
Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 18
Spent most of the night writing my report. Although it’s almost four or five pages long already, I’m still not certain it’s written in the way Tommi had intended.
I’m not sure if I should fiddle with the code any more, as I’ve pretty much come to a full stop when it comes to my current abilities. I might as well just spend more time perfecting the report, and making sure that it’s in tip-top shape.
Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 18
Spent most of the night writing my report. Although it’s almost four or five pages long already, I’m still not certain it’s written in the way Tommi had intended.
I’m not sure if I should fiddle with the code any more, as I’ve pretty much come to a full stop when it comes to my current abilities. I might as well just spend more time perfecting the report, and making sure that it’s in tip-top shape.
Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 17
Tic-tac-tic-tac. Time’s running out.
I’ve been hunkered down and working all day. I’ve realized that I’m pressed on time, so I’ve given up on some features in favor of others. For example I created the most basic GUI of all time in the bottom left corner that changes colour based on the amount of lives you have. I also added a “GAME OVER” screen, that shows up for three seconds until the game restarts itself.
Inadvertently, it’s causing memory leaks, which origin […]
Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 17
Tic-tac-tic-tac. Time’s running out.
I’ve been hunkered down and working all day. I’ve realized that I’m pressed on time, so I’ve given up on some features in favor of others. For example I created the most basic GUI of all time in the bottom left corner that changes colour based on the amount of lives you have. I also added a “GAME OVER” screen, that shows up for three seconds until the game restarts itself.
Inadvertently, it’s causing memory leaks, which origin […]
Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 16 (Yesterday)
I can’t figure out how to get my gamestates to work, so – in the interest of time, I’ll leave that be for the time being. Instead I manually (hardcoded) a new level when you’ve cleared every single block on the screen.
I’ve got a few more points to collect, so I’ll be trying to add text and maybe highscores just to gain those few extra points.
Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 16 (Yesterday)
I can’t figure out how to get my gamestates to work, so – in the interest of time, I’ll leave that be for the time being. Instead I manually (hardcoded) a new level when you’ve cleared every single block on the screen.
I’ve got a few more points to collect, so I’ll be trying to add text and maybe highscores just to gain those few extra points.