Author Archives: Nils Wennergren

I just started a little thing on the side…
I just threw this first sketch together, it introduces an imaginary creature that i have been drawing in different shapes and combinations for years! I have been dying to work with it in photoshop, and now I feel that I have the peace of mind to do it.
At this stage of sketching my main concern has been composition and setting, I have used the rule of thirds when placing the main object a little to the right in the […]

I just started a little thing on the side…
I just threw this first sketch together, it introduces an imaginary creature that i have been drawing in different shapes and combinations for years! I have been dying to work with it in photoshop, and now I feel that I have the peace of mind to do it.
At this stage of sketching my main concern has been composition and setting, I have used the rule of thirds when placing the main object a little to the right in the […]

The project
It has been a while since my last post! Working on the first drafts for all the animations and map objects takes up most of my time right now. The focus for us artists on the project has been to create as much placeholder graphic as possible to fill out the alpha version of the game, these placeholders then works as the foundation for the final product.
The best thing about working with first and second drafts and placeholder graphics, is […]

The project
It has been a while since my last post! Working on the first drafts for all the animations and map objects takes up most of my time right now. The focus for us artists on the project has been to create as much placeholder graphic as possible to fill out the alpha version of the game, these placeholders then works as the foundation for the final product.
The best thing about working with first and second drafts and placeholder graphics, is […]

Theme Park!
Right away after finishing the first project, we are plunged in to the next one!
My group have devised a game concept called Totemic, it will be a competitive multiplayer game featuring “king of the hill” type gameplay. Four players will each control two characters with a joystick and a trackball and battle each other in a jungle themed arena.

Theme Park!
Right away after finishing the first project, we are plunged in to the next one!
My group have devised a game concept called Totemic, it will be a competitive multiplayer game featuring “king of the hill” type gameplay. Four players will each control two characters with a joystick and a trackball and battle each other in a jungle themed arena.
The conclusions drawn from the project in retrospect
The main conclusion derived from analyzing this project is that a game productions most instrumental asset is communication. For this project, the key to a working communication was a combination of the structure provided by the use of the MDA perspective on game development, which gave the group a common language and frame of reference when discussing every design based decision of the game. And the organizational focus that came from the use of the scrum model for planning and […]
The conclusions drawn from the project in retrospect
The main conclusion derived from analyzing this project is that a game productions most instrumental asset is communication. For this project, the key to a working communication was a combination of the structure provided by the use of the MDA perspective on game development, which gave the group a common language and frame of reference when discussing every design based decision of the game. And the organizational focus that came from the use of the scrum model for planning and […]

Week 9
Now the final stretch is getting closer! The work I do now mostly contain of polishing the animations that we already have and adding smaller feedback effects, but there are always unexpected problems that need fixing! For this week’s blog post I have chosen to write about the work I have done on the game space.
Working on the game space has been an on and off process during most of this project, there has been a lot of iterations and […]

Week 9
Now the final stretch is getting closer! The work I do now mostly contain of polishing the animations that we already have and adding smaller feedback effects, but there are always unexpected problems that need fixing! For this week’s blog post I have chosen to write about the work I have done on the game space.
Working on the game space has been an on and off process during most of this project, there has been a lot of iterations and […]

The Ranged Protester!
This is the movement sequence for the ranged protester! before we only had police enemies that attacked the player, and we did not want to make a statement of taking a side, it’s the old man versus the whole world and vice versa! the coding will be the same as for the ranged police, I’m just adding new sprites.

The Ranged Protester!
This is the movement sequence for the ranged protester! before we only had police enemies that attacked the player, and we did not want to make a statement of taking a side, it’s the old man versus the whole world and vice versa! the coding will be the same as for the ranged police, I’m just adding new sprites.

Week 8
This week I have among other things been restructuring the HUD, or head-up display. We chose to place the pumpmeter (which can be seen in previous posts) at the bottom of the screen instead of having it in the top left corner. This in turn called for some changes to the HUD as a whole, so after a few different drafts it came down to the designs that I will present in this post.
Our HUD consists of the pumpmeter, a […]

Week 8
This week I have among other things been restructuring the HUD, or head-up display. We chose to place the pumpmeter (which can be seen in previous posts) at the bottom of the screen instead of having it in the top left corner. This in turn called for some changes to the HUD as a whole, so after a few different drafts it came down to the designs that I will present in this post.
Our HUD consists of the pumpmeter, a […]

Week 7
This week I am going to present my work on the animations for the power ups of the game, or rather the effect of an activated power up. In the game “Aggressive Bystander” there will be two different kinds of power ups, one that increases the player’s speed of movement, which is called “blue cow”. And another one called “happy pill”, which drastically decreases the pump-meter, now for those of you who are unfamiliar with the game design the pump-meter […]

Week 7
This week I am going to present my work on the animations for the power ups of the game, or rather the effect of an activated power up. In the game “Aggressive Bystander” there will be two different kinds of power ups, one that increases the player’s speed of movement, which is called “blue cow”. And another one called “happy pill”, which drastically decreases the pump-meter, now for those of you who are unfamiliar with the game design the pump-meter […]

Week 6 into the project
For this week’s blog post I have chosen the subject of game over screens. In the game that we are making, there will be two different ways to die, therefor also two different illustrations of the fail states. On the one hand there is the sleep fail, and on the other there is the heart attack, an obvious fail of course.
The images are in their first stage of iteration right now, I’m not certain if I will keep them this […]

Week 6 into the project
For this week’s blog post I have chosen the subject of game over screens. In the game that we are making, there will be two different ways to die, therefor also two different illustrations of the fail states. On the one hand there is the sleep fail, and on the other there is the heart attack, an obvious fail of course.
The images are in their first stage of iteration right now, I’m not certain if I will keep them this […]

Week 5
This week I’m going to analyze the construction of the game space and the various iterations that lead to what is hopefully the final product for the beta. The biggest obstacle with the design is the faked perspective. Since the game is actually a strictly top down viewed scenario, the walls of the buildings should just be a vertical ledge! However that would convey much less information about the surrounding than if I bend the local laws of physics for […]

Week 5
This week I’m going to analyze the construction of the game space and the various iterations that lead to what is hopefully the final product for the beta. The biggest obstacle with the design is the faked perspective. Since the game is actually a strictly top down viewed scenario, the walls of the buildings should just be a vertical ledge! However that would convey much less information about the surrounding than if I bend the local laws of physics for […]

The first concept art for the game “aggressive bystander”. Before I begun working on the image I sketched on a lot of different constellations on the theme of the game. The theme is in short terms, an old guy caught in the middle of a riot. He is equally pissed off at all sides of the riot, both police and protestors. So he starts to take out all of his frustration on everything within reach. He is basically fed up […]

The first concept art for the game “aggressive bystander”. Before I begun working on the image I sketched on a lot of different constellations on the theme of the game. The theme is in short terms, an old guy caught in the middle of a riot. He is equally pissed off at all sides of the riot, both police and protestors. So he starts to take out all of his frustration on everything within reach. He is basically fed up […]