Author Archives: Nils Wennergren

Week 8 3D1
This week’s post will focus on “photogrammetry” or the use of scanning objects using photos and turning it in to 3D objects. During class this week we were given the assignment to create a 3D mesh on top of a facial scan, the idea was to use a scan of our own faces. However the scan of my face was somewhat incomplete and lacked sufficient coverage for me to be able to patch together a model. I wish now that […]

Week 8 3D1
This week’s post will focus on “photogrammetry” or the use of scanning objects using photos and turning it in to 3D objects. During class this week we were given the assignment to create a 3D mesh on top of a facial scan, the idea was to use a scan of our own faces. However the scan of my face was somewhat incomplete and lacked sufficient coverage for me to be able to patch together a model. I wish now that […]

Week 8 3D1
This week’s post will focus on “photogrammetry” or the use of scanning objects using photos and turning it in to 3D objects. During class this week we were given the assignment to create a 3D mesh on top of a facial scan, the idea was to use a scan of our own faces. However the scan of my face was somewhat incomplete and lacked sufficient coverage for me to be able to patch together a model. I wish now that […]

Week 8 3D1
This week’s post will focus on “photogrammetry” or the use of scanning objects using photos and turning it in to 3D objects. During class this week we were given the assignment to create a 3D mesh on top of a facial scan, the idea was to use a scan of our own faces. However the scan of my face was somewhat incomplete and lacked sufficient coverage for me to be able to patch together a model. I wish now that […]

Assignment 3: visual update 3
This is my murloc imported into UDK, complete with normal, specular and diffuse map. The only thing missing is the alpha texture I made for the teeth! because I have not yet figured out how to include it in the package, so for now the murloc is looking kind of sweet and cheerful… which is not an accurate way for a murloc to be perceived. Even so it still […]

Assignment 3: visual update 3
This is my murloc imported into UDK, complete with normal, specular and diffuse map. The only thing missing is the alpha texture I made for the teeth! because I have not yet figured out how to include it in the package, so for now the murloc is looking kind of sweet and cheerful… which is not an accurate way for a murloc to be perceived. Even so it still […]

Assignment 3: visual update 3
This is my murloc imported into UDK, complete with normal, specular and diffuse map. The only thing missing is the alpha texture I made for the teeth! because I have not yet figured out how to include it in the package, so for now the murloc is looking kind of sweet and cheerful… which is not an accurate way for a murloc to be perceived. Even so it still […]

Assignment 3: visual update 3
This is my murloc imported into UDK, complete with normal, specular and diffuse map. The only thing missing is the alpha texture I made for the teeth! because I have not yet figured out how to include it in the package, so for now the murloc is looking kind of sweet and cheerful… which is not an accurate way for a murloc to be perceived. Even so it still […]

Assignment 3; visual update 1
here is where I’m at right now with the assignment

Assignment 3; visual update 1
here is where I’m at right now with the assignment

Week 7
So for this week’s post we are self-evaluate our own knowledge of anatomy artistically speaking, so I will show a few of my 2D drawings and share some of the feedback that I got from my fellow students. Some of these images are already shown in previous posts, so “sorry” or “your welcome” if someone has to repeat the experience.
The thing that I received […]

Week 7
So for this week’s post we are self-evaluate our own knowledge of anatomy artistically speaking, so I will show a few of my 2D drawings and share some of the feedback that I got from my fellow students. Some of these images are already shown in previous posts, so “sorry” or “your welcome” if someone has to repeat the experience.
The thing that I received […]

Week 7
So for this week’s post we are to self-evaluate our own knowledge of anatomy artistically speaking, so I will show a few of my 2D drawings and share some of the feedback that I got from my fellow students. Some of these images are already shown in previous posts, so “sorry” or “your welcome” if someone has to repeat the experience.
The thing that I […]

Week 7
So for this week’s post we are to self-evaluate our own knowledge of anatomy artistically speaking, so I will show a few of my 2D drawings and share some of the feedback that I got from my fellow students. Some of these images are already shown in previous posts, so “sorry” or “your welcome” if someone has to repeat the experience.
The thing that I […]

Assignment 3: Part 1
So the following is what I received from Björn in terms of character background and instructions along with some image references.
Dryskin, Air Dweller
Young Adult
Physical Characteristics
Not as shiny as his fellow kinsmen, due to his body having learned to conserve moisture to a greater extent as he’s made his way on land.
As a Murloc, few things could match him under water. More than capable of hunting down schools of fish armed with little more than a net or spear. On […]

Assignment 3: Part 1
So the following is what I received from Björn in terms of character background and instructions along with some image references.
Dryskin, Air Dweller
Young Adult
Physical Characteristics
Not as shiny as his fellow kinsmen, due to his body having learned to conserve moisture to a greater extent as he’s made his way on land.
As a Murloc, few things could match him under water. More than capable of hunting down schools of fish armed with little more than a net or spear. On […]

Assignment 3: Part 1
So the following is what I received from Björn in terms of character background and instructions along with some image references.
Dryskin, Air Dweller
Young Adult
Physical Characteristics
Not as shiny as his fellow kinsmen, due to his body having learned to conserve moisture to a greater extent as he’s made his way on land.
As a Murloc, few things could match him under water. More than capable of hunting down schools of fish armed with little more than a net or spear. On […]

Assignment 3: Part 1
So the following is what I received from Björn in terms of character background and instructions along with some image references.
Dryskin, Air Dweller
Young Adult
Physical Characteristics
Not as shiny as his fellow kinsmen, due to his body having learned to conserve moisture to a greater extent as he’s made his way on land.
As a Murloc, few things could match him under water. More than capable of hunting down schools of fish armed with little more than a net or spear. On […]