Author Archives: Niclas Nordberg

Amenti 6
The last week prior GGC. I spent most of my time on different menus of sorts and also did some bugfixes. At this point the mechanics in the game felt great so we pretty much just had to playtest a lot and fix minor bugs in the game. We also needed to add some more feedback, you can almost always add more feedback it feels like.
I made a mainmenu in a quite early stage of the development which we had […]

Amenti 6
The last week prior GGC. I spent most of my time on different menus of sorts and also did some bugfixes. At this point the mechanics in the game felt great so we pretty much just had to playtest a lot and fix minor bugs in the game. We also needed to add some more feedback, you can almost always add more feedback it feels like.
I made a mainmenu in a quite early stage of the development which we had […]

Amenti – 5
This week I’ve mostly been working on feedback and also a lot on making our mechanics work in the Main Level. The Main Level is the scene where all final things are implemented. When working on new things that will be implemented we work in our own levels that are just copies of the orginal one since new mechanics/assets often needs iteration and when that is done we’re allowed to implement those in the main level.
So what happened this week […]

Amenti – 5
This week I’ve mostly been working on feedback and also a lot on making our mechanics work in the Main Level. The Main Level is the scene where all final things are implemented. When working on new things that will be implemented we work in our own levels that are just copies of the orginal one since new mechanics/assets often needs iteration and when that is done we’re allowed to implement those in the main level.
So what happened this week […]

Amenti – 4
I have done a lot of design work on the Horusroom and at this point I am pretty satisfied with how it is. I also worked some on feedback to make the player understand that he/she is doing something right and is on the right track.
Here is an image when the player first enters the Horus room. The first thing the player sees is a round kinda wierd looking thing on the wall with arms sticking out of it, and […]

Amenti – 4
I have done a lot of design work on the Horusroom and at this point I am pretty satisfied with how it is. I also worked some on feedback to make the player understand that he/she is doing something right and is on the right track.
Here is an image when the player first enters the Horus room. The first thing the player sees is a round kinda wierd looking thing on the wall with arms sticking out of it, and […]

Amenti – 3
Lately I have been working a lot on the Horus puzzle. I have playtested and tweeked the room and placement of the torches to make the puzzle a bit more interesting. And I also came up with an additional perspective puzzle which we will add to this room during the next week.
The first concept and version of this puzzle lacked interesting choices the player had to make in order to light the torches in the room. The former version was […]

Amenti – 3
Lately I have been working a lot on the Horus puzzle. I have playtested and tweeked the room and placement of the torches to make the puzzle a bit more interesting. And I also came up with an additional perspective puzzle which we will add to this room during the next week.
The first concept and version of this puzzle lacked interesting choices the player had to make in order to light the torches in the room. The former version was […]

Amenti – 2
Second week of the project is now done! This week I have done plenty of stuff. All mechanics for the tutorial room is finished and almost all mechanics in the Horus room which is the next puzzle the player encounters, the fire/sun god puzzle.
I started off by working on the last mechanic in the tutorial room which was the perspective mechanic. We wanted that when the player is standing on a certain location and is looking at a certain point/object […]

Amenti – 2
Second week of the project is now done! This week I have done plenty of stuff. All mechanics for the tutorial room is finished and almost all mechanics in the Horus room which is the next puzzle the player encounters, the fire/sun god puzzle.
I started off by working on the last mechanic in the tutorial room which was the perspective mechanic. We wanted that when the player is standing on a certain location and is looking at a certain point/object […]

Amenti – 1
The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

Amenti – 1
The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

Trowl – EndState
This week we have had a lot of things to do since final is closing in. Most of the tasks this week has been buggfixes and implementing all animations to make the game more smooth and fun to play. But one thing that I have worked a lot with besides these tasks is the Endstate of our game.
The Endstate is the state when the player either loses or wins the game. The easiest one of these two were the lose […]

Trowl – EndState
This week we have had a lot of things to do since final is closing in. Most of the tasks this week has been buggfixes and implementing all animations to make the game more smooth and fun to play. But one thing that I have worked a lot with besides these tasks is the Endstate of our game.
The Endstate is the state when the player either loses or wins the game. The easiest one of these two were the lose […]

Trowl – Enemy Waves
This week I have been working on something we call Enemy Waves.
In a lot of games you have different waves of enemies. The purpose of these waves is to present a new enemy type or challenge the player in some way. Sometimes a combination of both. Our game has a total of ten waves at the moment. We thought that presenting each enemy type would be a good start of our wave system. We got three different enemy types and […]

Trowl – Enemy Waves
This week I have been working on something we call Enemy Waves.
In a lot of games you have different waves of enemies. The purpose of these waves is to present a new enemy type or challenge the player in some way. Sometimes a combination of both. Our game has a total of ten waves at the moment. We thought that presenting each enemy type would be a good start of our wave system. We got three different enemy types and […]
Code Review – Group 15
This is a code review of Group 15’s player class. I will look into how did they implement their player class in their game, what kind of bond to other classes it has and what functions it holds.
To make their player class work they have four keystones:
The player class inherits from an Entity class which inherits properties and functions from another class called GameObject. The GameObject class handels most of the games different objects movement, position and when to draw […]
Code Review – Group 15
This is a code review of Group 15’s player class. I will look into how did they implement their player class in their game, what kind of bond to other classes it has and what functions it holds.
To make their player class work they have four keystones:
The player class inherits from an Entity class which inherits properties and functions from another class called GameObject. The GameObject class handels most of the games different objects movement, position and when to draw […]

Trowl – Thunder
This week I have been working on one of our obstacles in the game. This obstacle is a thunderstorm that occurs at certain occasions as the game proceed. The thunderstorm event takes place on the top of the screen and covers an area that is 1920 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall. Here is a picture of how it looks like in the game:
The thunderstorm sprite is just a temporary one which I drew myself! As you probably can see […]

Trowl – Thunder
This week I have been working on one of our obstacles in the game. This obstacle is a thunderstorm that occurs at certain occasions as the game proceed. The thunderstorm event takes place on the top of the screen and covers an area that is 1920 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall. Here is a picture of how it looks like in the game:
The thunderstorm sprite is just a temporary one which I drew myself! As you probably can see […]

Trowl – Rage (Power-Up)
This week I have been working on one of the power-ups in our game, Rage. This power-up allows the player to move around a lot faster, the player does not take damage, all enemies that comes in contact with the player while in this state are eliminated and in addition to this the player yeild twice as much points from killing enemies with this power-up. The Rage power-up has a duration of 10 seconds and after that the player goes […]

Trowl – Rage (Power-Up)
This week I have been working on one of the power-ups in our game, Rage. This power-up allows the player to move around a lot faster, the player does not take damage, all enemies that comes in contact with the player while in this state are eliminated and in addition to this the player yeild twice as much points from killing enemies with this power-up. The Rage power-up has a duration of 10 seconds and after that the player goes […]

Trowl – HardWinds
This week I have been working on serveral different tasks. Amongst these were: Owlet duplication and movement, two different enemy-type classes (Eagle and Hawk) and finally Hard winds. I have choosen to describe more thoroughly is how I implemented Hard winds into the game.
Hard winds is one of our obstacles in Trowl. If the player enters these hardwinds the player movement is slowed down for a couple of seconds causing him and the owlets to become more vulnerable to enemy […]

Trowl – HardWinds
This week I have been working on serveral different tasks. Amongst these were: Owlet duplication and movement, two different enemy-type classes (Eagle and Hawk) and finally Hard winds. I have choosen to describe more thoroughly is how I implemented Hard winds into the game.
Hard winds is one of our obstacles in Trowl. If the player enters these hardwinds the player movement is slowed down for a couple of seconds causing him and the owlets to become more vulnerable to enemy […]