Author Archives: niklas larsson

Things not appearing in this game
A bunch of graphic was made for Mole Munch, that for one reason or another will not make it into the finale game. Some of this un necessary work was because of us jumping in to the project without enough planning, but most of it stems from unexpected turns of events.
Among things not appearing are the tiles. At first we had intended to have the grass above ground and dirt below ground be composed of tiles, but a few weeks into the project […]

Things not appearing in this game
A bunch of graphic was made for Mole Munch, that for one reason or another will not make it into the finale game. Some of this un necessary work was because of us jumping in to the project without enough planning, but most of it stems from unexpected turns of events.
Among things not appearing are the tiles. At first we had intended to have the grass above ground and dirt below ground be composed of tiles, but a few weeks into the project […]

A few things came up during last Mondays play testing of our game Mole Munch. Several testers remarked that they wanted to be able to see where the vegetables, located above ground, were when digging under ground. It is also note worthy that no one was able to complete the game so we had to think of ways to make it easier for the players. Having previously only briefly discussed implementing vegetable roots to make it easier to find the vegetables […]

A few things came up during last Mondays play testing of our game Mole Munch. Several testers remarked that they wanted to be able to see where the vegetables, located above ground, were when digging under ground. It is also note worthy that no one was able to complete the game so we had to think of ways to make it easier for the players. Having previously only briefly discussed implementing vegetable roots to make it easier to find the vegetables […]

Most of my time so far this week has been spent making adjustments to the Mole Munch sonic mole scare that repells the player untill broken , but because of some new sugestions that came up during playtesting we did today I am currently making an additional change to it so therefore I don´t think I that is what I should show.
Fortunately I´ve also been doing something else this week that I can show. With almost all of the graphics […]

Most of my time so far this week has been spent making adjustments to the Mole Munch sonic mole scare that repells the player untill broken , but because of some new sugestions that came up during playtesting we did today I am currently making an additional change to it so therefore I don´t think I that is what I should show.
Fortunately I´ve also been doing something else this week that I can show. With almost all of the graphics […]

First of tutorial levels
I was persuaded to split up my design for a large Mole Munch tutorial level into smaller levels, and I belive this was fortunate because now when somebody tries the game they won´t need to deal with too much new information within a single level. It also allowed for some new dynamics when I decided to make the first level quite small and without any real danger to the player.
Because the game only use the arrow keys, one key to […]

First of tutorial levels
I was persuaded to split up my design for a large Mole Munch tutorial level into smaller levels, and I belive this was fortunate because now when somebody tries the game they won´t need to deal with too much new information within a single level. It also allowed for some new dynamics when I decided to make the first level quite small and without any real danger to the player.
Because the game only use the arrow keys, one key to […]

Regardin speedy power ups
The first designs for power ups for the game Mole Munch were done to get a feel for how we wanted them to look, before writing in stone exactly what they were going to do. I knew that I was limited to 32×32 pixels and that power ups had to be viewed strait from above. I also knew that they were going to be bugs, and that in the game they were to be found under ground.
At first I drew a few bugs […]

Regardin speedy power ups
The first designs for power ups for the game Mole Munch were done to get a feel for how we wanted them to look, before writing in stone exactly what they were going to do. I knew that I was limited to 32×32 pixels and that power ups had to be viewed strait from above. I also knew that they were going to be bugs, and that in the game they were to be found under ground.
At first I drew a few bugs […]

Vegetables n stuff
Making the top down game Mole Munch, one of the most important objects are vegetables for the mole to eat.
Before deciding to deviate from the concept document on what vegetables to use I began, among other sprites, to draw the highest scoring vegetable. At this point going by the concept document it was a cauliflower. It was limited to 64×64 pixels to have the correct size in the game. It worked well in the sense that a cauliflower is distinct when viewed strait from […]

Vegetables n stuff
Making the top down game Mole Munch, one of the most important objects are vegetables for the mole to eat.
Before deciding to deviate from the concept document on what vegetables to use I began, among other sprites, to draw the highest scoring vegetable. At this point going by the concept document it was a cauliflower. It was limited to 64×64 pixels to have the correct size in the game. It worked well in the sense that a cauliflower is distinct when viewed strait from […]
After a tragic first pitch rehearsal and a construktive second pitch rehearsal the real pitch was today and I definitely think it was a success. The audience seemed to understand how the game would work and the presentation was well recived, tho I was hoping for more comments regarding gameplay. What they liked and disliked about it. Instead most of the discussion afterwards was regarding how PC it was to have characters from the fitness subculture and characters from the nerd subculture dislike […]
After a tragic first pitch rehearsal and a construktive second pitch rehearsal the real pitch was today and I definitely think it was a success. The audience seemed to understand how the game would work and the presentation was well recived, tho I was hoping for more comments regarding gameplay. What they liked and disliked about it. Instead most of the discussion afterwards was regarding how PC it was to have characters from the fitness subculture and characters from the nerd subculture dislike […]
After a tragic first pitch rehearsal and a construktive second pitch rehearsal the real pitch was today and I definitely think it was a success. The audience seemed to understand how the game would work and the presentation was well recived, tho I was hoping for more comments regarding gameplay. What they liked and disliked about it. Instead most of the discussion afterwards was regarding how PC it was to have characters from the fitness subculture and characters from the nerd subculture dislike […]
After a tragic first pitch rehearsal and a construktive second pitch rehearsal the real pitch was today and I definitely think it was a success. The audience seemed to understand how the game would work and the presentation was well recived, tho I was hoping for more comments regarding gameplay. What they liked and disliked about it. Instead most of the discussion afterwards was regarding how PC it was to have characters from the fitness subculture and characters from the nerd subculture dislike […]
Once again rewrote gameplay for the space shooter concept after feedback during pitch help meeting. Its starting to feel like my baby.
Once again rewrote gameplay for the space shooter concept after feedback during pitch help meeting. Its starting to feel like my baby.

Paper prototype
Basicly finished paper prototype, except for the art, witch will be added later.
The yelow thing is the player.

Paper prototype
Basicly finished paper prototype, except for the art, witch will be added later.
The yelow thing is the player.

Paper prototype
Basicly finished paper prototype, except for the art, witch will be added later.
The yelow thing is the player.

Paper prototype
Basicly finished paper prototype, except for the art, witch will be added later.
The yelow thing is the player.