Author Archives: Morgan Johansson

The end is coming and that is a relief. Our first GDD (Game Design Document) was poor. But when we got back the feedback, we did not even get any feedback cause it was accordingly to our teacher so so utterly crap that it was below him. I might agree to some extent that parts of it was really underworked. So I decided to redo it myself since our programmers are having a ruff time making it in time. Basically it feels […]

The end is coming and that is a relief. Our first GDD (Game Design Document) was poor. But when we got back the feedback, we did not even get any feedback cause it was accordingly to our teacher so so utterly crap that it was below him. I might agree to some extent that parts of it was really underworked. So I decided to redo it myself since our programmers are having a ruff time making it in time. Basically it feels […]

Good evening everyone. I have mainly reworked our game design document this week on my own to let the rest of the group, mainly the programmers, focus on what they are doing. But we are in the finale stages of the process so due to the programmers not having enough time we had to take a different approach in some important design areas. The game world was to be destroyed by particle effect, meaning destroyed by alien ships impact. Spliting […]

Good evening everyone. I have mainly reworked our game design document this week on my own to let the rest of the group, mainly the programmers, focus on what they are doing. But we are in the finale stages of the process so due to the programmers not having enough time we had to take a different approach in some important design areas. The game world was to be destroyed by particle effect, meaning destroyed by alien ships impact. Spliting […]

Hello, I am back. Yey.
This week I have mostly been working on small objects like crosshair, end screen fonts and so on, but I have remade our start menu and I would love to get outsiders opinion and tips on what you think about it. Constructivly of course!
So I will show it to you first, then break it down. Here it is. The menu text will be implemented by the programmers.
So what I have basicially done, for starters, is […]

Hello, I am back. Yey.
This week I have mostly been working on small objects like crosshair, end screen fonts and so on, but I have remade our start menu and I would love to get outsiders opinion and tips on what you think about it. Constructivly of course!
So I will show it to you first, then break it down. Here it is. The menu text will be implemented by the programmers.
So what I have basicially done, for starters, is […]

Hello there! I am back to tell you some of my week.
Last week we had a Alpha presentation of our game. We got some critics for mixing different styles of graphics so my main job this week have been to fix some of this in the menys and sektors. The sektors as you can see from my previous posts are mostly, but not only, pixelart and since we decided to focus on pixelart that is now what we have done.
Sektor […]

Hello there! I am back to tell you some of my week.
Last week we had a Alpha presentation of our game. We got some critics for mixing different styles of graphics so my main job this week have been to fix some of this in the menys and sektors. The sektors as you can see from my previous posts are mostly, but not only, pixelart and since we decided to focus on pixelart that is now what we have done.
Sektor […]

A brave new week
Last week i wrote about my work with the gameworld which have been continued this week. Earlier in the week we had our first game testing and got some great feedback from other groups, teachers and older students. Feedback on our color, design and gameplay choices. We realized that all of us working with graphics need to schedule a sit down where we looked over everything we have done so far and together do some last finish work on colour and […]

A brave new week
Last week i wrote about my work with the gameworld which have been continued this week. Earlier in the week we had our first game testing and got some great feedback from other groups, teachers and older students. Feedback on our color, design and gameplay choices. We realized that all of us working with graphics need to schedule a sit down where we looked over everything we have done so far and together do some last finish work on colour and […]

Hello. My name is Morgan Johansson and I am a gamedesign and graphics student on Uppsala university, Gotland. Right now me and my group are working on our first game project. In a few weeks we shall create a 2D spaceshooter from a game design document created by another group. We choose the concept of Planet Suburbia. We’ve made some modfications but it is basically a planet who has reached the point of an utopia, gathered under one state, and […]

Hello. My name is Morgan Johansson and I am a gamedesign and graphics student on Uppsala university, Gotland. Right now me and my group are working on our first game project. In a few weeks we shall create a 2D spaceshooter from a game design document created by another group. We choose the concept of Planet Suburbia. We’ve made some modfications but it is basically a planet who has reached the point of an utopia, gathered under one state, and […]