Author Archives: Mikael Sukoinen

Wrapping the mix up.
The game our group has been working on since January is supposed to be done on the 16th of this month. That’s seven days from now. We passed the Beta presentation of our game earlier this week and now shifted focus on our final milestone; the final version of the game.
The Beta version by definition had to be feature complete. It means we had to have everything we wanted to include to the game implemented in some way. We were allowed […]

Wrapping the mix up.
The game our group has been working on since January is supposed to be done on the 16th of this month. That’s seven days from now. We passed the Beta presentation of our game earlier this week and now shifted focus on our final milestone; the final version of the game.
The Beta version by definition had to be feature complete. It means we had to have everything we wanted to include to the game implemented in some way. We were allowed […]

Reacting to Feedback
A continuation on my previous blog post.
First of all, we had issues with Unity Collaboration once again (whoever saw my Alpha-presentation knows what I am on about, also mentioned in my blog earlier). The project updated poorly and caused the game to crash on one of the computers. Of course, this brought negative feedback that we later on filtered out.
To conquer this issue once and for all I decided that the weekend before any presentation showcasing the game our programmer […]

Reacting to Feedback
A continuation on my previous blog post.
First of all, we had issues with Unity Collaboration once again (whoever saw my Alpha-presentation knows what I am on about, also mentioned in my blog earlier). The project updated poorly and caused the game to crash on one of the computers. Of course, this brought negative feedback that we later on filtered out.
To conquer this issue once and for all I decided that the weekend before any presentation showcasing the game our programmer […]

Preparing to Play
On Monday the 27th if February, 2017, we are provided a second chance for other game design students to try our game and give feedback. The last play-testing session was not prepared accordingly and this time I wish to improve. We did however gather a lot of valuable and constructive feedback which the group tried to remedy. I wish to gather data from the play-testing on how we succeeded in that and on possible new flaws.
The first thing that was […]

Preparing to Play
On Monday the 27th if February, 2017, we are provided a second chance for other game design students to try our game and give feedback. The last play-testing session was not prepared accordingly and this time I wish to improve. We did however gather a lot of valuable and constructive feedback which the group tried to remedy. I wish to gather data from the play-testing on how we succeeded in that and on possible new flaws.
The first thing that was […]

Preparing to Present the α
On the 16th of February, 2017, we presented the Alpha version of our game. I have been in charge of our groups presentations so far and this was no exception. The “pre-alpha” presentation we had a few days earlier was a mess due to technical difficulties so I saw this presentation as a chance to redeem myself. Luckily, our game designer Joel knew the topic well enough to show it in my stead.
It had been an exceedingly busy week. Therefore, I […]

Preparing to Present the α
On the 16th of February, 2017, we presented the Alpha version of our game. I have been in charge of our groups presentations so far and this was no exception. The “pre-alpha” presentation we had a few days earlier was a mess due to technical difficulties so I saw this presentation as a chance to redeem myself. Luckily, our game designer Joel knew the topic well enough to show it in my stead.
It had been an exceedingly busy week. Therefore, I […]

First post – The Sound of Bubbles.
I’m the project manager for group Quetzalcoatl. We’re creating a game through our interpretation of the “SelFish” concept document. In addition to managing I produce music and sounds for the game using my prior knowledge on the matter. I also try to help out with any other tasks I can.
The game is set in a fish tank. Before agreeing on every common design choice, we knew bubbles would be present in the game (both as particle effects and as projectiles). It […]

First post – The Sound of Bubbles.
I’m the project manager for group Quetzalcoatl. We’re creating a game through our interpretation of the “SelFish” concept document. In addition to managing I produce music and sounds for the game using my prior knowledge on the matter. I also try to help out with any other tasks I can.
The game is set in a fish tank. Before agreeing on every common design choice, we knew bubbles would be present in the game (both as particle effects and as projectiles). It […]