Author Archives: Mikaela Moberg

3D I, Week 3, Part 1: Crate Cleanup
This week in 3D we went through cleaning up construction errors in a model. In this blog, I’ll recap and reflect on the Wednesday workshop, where we passed our crate models from last week around for other people in class to clean up.
First I had a look at my cartoon crate from last week.
My cartoon crate, before cleanup.
This crate is incredibly simple. I made it just by creating a box, making extrusions in the center, then moving and resizing […]

3D I, Week 3, Part 1: Crate Cleanup
This week in 3D we went through cleaning up construction errors in a model. In this blog, I’ll recap and reflect on the Wednesday workshop, where we passed our crate models from last week around for other people in class to clean up.
First I had a look at my cartoon crate from last week.
My cartoon crate, before cleanup.
This crate is incredibly simple. I made it just by creating a box, making extrusions in the center, then moving and resizing […]

Board Game Analysis: A Game of Thrones
For the first board game assignment of our game design course, my group decided to play A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition.
Game of Thrones is a 3 to 6-player game, the objective of which is to own the most castles on a world map. There are a total of 20 castles laid out over the map, and the first player to own 7, or to own the highest amount of castles by the end of the game’s […]

Board Game Analysis: A Game of Thrones
For the first board game assignment of our game design course, my group decided to play A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition.
Game of Thrones is a 3 to 6-player game, the objective of which is to own the most castles on a world map. There are a total of 20 castles laid out over the map, and the first player to own 7, or to own the highest amount of castles by the end of the game’s […]

3D I, Week 2
This week in 3D we discussed IPs and visual styles. During the workshop, we were instructed to create three models of crates, each with a different theme. The themes we had to choose from were sci-fi, urban contemporary, post-apocalyptic, medieval and cartoony.
Crate A: Cartoony
The theme I chose for my first crate was cartoony. Of the different themes we were assigned, it’s definitely the one I’m the most comfortable and familiar with.
I’d say simplification is the basic trait of cartoon […]

3D I, Week 2
This week in 3D we discussed IPs and visual styles. During the workshop, we were instructed to create three models of crates, each with a different theme. The themes we had to choose from were sci-fi, urban contemporary, post-apocalyptic, medieval and cartoony.
Crate A: Cartoony
The theme I chose for my first crate was cartoony. Of the different themes we were assigned, it’s definitely the one I’m the most comfortable and familiar with.
I’d say simplification is the basic trait of cartoon […]

3D I, Week 1
This is my blog post for the first week of our 3D I course.
Firstly, I’ll go through the first class of this week. Among some general information about what we will be studying, the first lesson included a recap of various art elements, along with a group exercise to analyze game screenshots.
While the group I sat with was assigned to a different set of screenshots, I’d like to talk briefly about one picture that immediately stood out to me while […]

3D I, Week 1
This is my blog post for the first week of our 3D I course.
Firstly, I’ll go through the first class of this week. Among some general information about what we will be studying, the first lesson included a recap of various art elements, along with a group exercise to analyze game screenshots.
While the group I sat with was assigned to a different set of screenshots, I’d like to talk briefly about one picture that immediately stood out to me while […]

Finishing up
This post might come up a bit late on Babel, as I stayed in school late attending a group meeting and didn’t remember to write a blog post until I came home just a little while ago. For the same reason, this post is a little rushed, so my apologies.
In any case, it’s blogging day, and this will likely be my last big post on this project as our group has delegated next week to focusing on implementing everything in […]

Finishing up
This post might come up a bit late on Babel, as I stayed in school late attending a group meeting and didn’t remember to write a blog post until I came home just a little while ago. For the same reason, this post is a little rushed, so my apologies.
In any case, it’s blogging day, and this will likely be my last big post on this project as our group has delegated next week to focusing on implementing everything in […]

Addressing Feedback
Apologies for the slight delay and relatively sparse content of this post, I’ve spent most of this week focusing on preparing for the Beta presentation, as well as fixing up my group’s design document for the second hand-in.
Nevertheless, it’s Thursday, so it’s time for another blog post. Thankfully not all of my time this week has been spent writing documents and practicing speeches, as I had some time to address some feedback we got during our playtesting. A recurring theme […]

Addressing Feedback
Apologies for the slight delay and relatively sparse content of this post, I’ve spent most of this week focusing on preparing for the Beta presentation, as well as fixing up my group’s design document for the second hand-in.
Nevertheless, it’s Thursday, so it’s time for another blog post. Thankfully not all of my time this week has been spent writing documents and practicing speeches, as I had some time to address some feedback we got during our playtesting. A recurring theme […]

Cleaning up a design and working with layered animations
Hello again, everyone.
This week has been similar to the last, my work has been quite spread out and I’ve been working on both our player fish’s final design, and some misc. background assets. Given how extensive my first two blog posts were regarding my animation process, I don’t have anything too revolutionary to go through today. Nevertheless, I thought I’d once again go through a part of my process of creating an animation, as well as going back and touching […]

Cleaning up a design and working with layered animations
Hello again, everyone.
This week has been similar to the last, my work has been quite spread out and I’ve been working on both our player fish’s final design, and some misc. background assets. Given how extensive my first two blog posts were regarding my animation process, I don’t have anything too revolutionary to go through today. Nevertheless, I thought I’d once again go through a part of my process of creating an animation, as well as going back and touching […]

Terror of the Deep
Hello everyone, it’s blogging day again.
Today I’ll be talking about something different from my usual blog posts. Previously I’ve walked through my process of animating different sprites as well as explaining some different animation theories that I like to refer to while working. This week I’ve mainly worked with finishing up last week’s set of animations, creating background objects for decoration in our game’s stages, and the design of our fish’s final stage of growth. I’ve chosen to reflect on […]

Terror of the Deep
Hello everyone, it’s blogging day again.
Today I’ll be talking about something different from my usual blog posts. Previously I’ve walked through my process of animating different sprites as well as explaining some different animation theories that I like to refer to while working. This week I’ve mainly worked with finishing up last week’s set of animations, creating background objects for decoration in our game’s stages, and the design of our fish’s final stage of growth. I’ve chosen to reflect on […]

Fighting the Frame Limit
Hello again, it’s the second blogging week.
Last week I talked about creating the death animation of our player’s first stage of growth from the ground up. I also went through a couple of animation principles and how I utilize them in my work process.
This week I’ve been working on the animations for our player’s second stage of growth, and work has not gone as smoothly as it did for the first stage because of a dreaded addition to the […]

Fighting the Frame Limit
Hello again, it’s the second blogging week.
Last week I talked about creating the death animation of our player’s first stage of growth from the ground up. I also went through a couple of animation principles and how I utilize them in my work process.
This week I’ve been working on the animations for our player’s second stage of growth, and work has not gone as smoothly as it did for the first stage because of a dreaded addition to the […]

Animation process
I thought I would use my first blog post for this course to explain my work process of making an animation, and which animation principles I value most while animating.
For reference, I spent three years learning animation in gymnasium, and mainly studied traditional animation on paper. I create, sketch out and color my animations in Photoshop, the only other program I use is Paint Tool SAI, for line work.
My group is creating a game in which you play as a […]

Animation process
I thought I would use my first blog post for this course to explain my work process of making an animation, and which animation principles I value most while animating.
For reference, I spent three years learning animation in gymnasium, and mainly studied traditional animation on paper. I create, sketch out and color my animations in Photoshop, the only other program I use is Paint Tool SAI, for line work.
My group is creating a game in which you play as a […]
Assorted thoughts on pink
I love girly things.
I love it when someone takes a hypermasculine genre and throws a can of pink paint on it and covers it in sparkles and ribbons and dresses and frills.
Oddly enough I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that to gritty war FPS games?
I think the only explicitly girly action movie I’ve seen was The Powerpuff Girls movie.
Lately comic and cartoon producers have started to realize that, “woah, maybe girls like these things too” so they’ve been […]
Assorted thoughts on pink
I love girly things.
I love it when someone takes a hypermasculine genre and throws a can of pink paint on it and covers it in sparkles and ribbons and dresses and frills.
Oddly enough I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that to gritty war FPS games?
I think the only explicitly girly action movie I’ve seen was The Powerpuff Girls movie.
Lately comic and cartoon producers have started to realize that, “woah, maybe girls like these things too” so they’ve been […]