Author Archives: Mija Causey
Blog comments
Comment #1
Hey Michael,
I found your blog post to be very helpful and informative. I appreciate the way that you went and explained each program and application that you used when making the sound effects. This information will be helpful should I ever be part of a team that has no experience with sound design. However, I also feel that you went and repeated yourself a bit with some of the information in the first couple of paragraphs. I liked how […]
Blog comments
Comment #1
Hey Michael,
I found your blog post to be very helpful and informative. I appreciate the way that you went and explained each program and application that you used when making the sound effects. This information will be helpful should I ever be part of a team that has no experience with sound design. However, I also feel that you went and repeated yourself a bit with some of the information in the first couple of paragraphs. I liked how […]

Technically blog #4
Since I was sick during this week and forgot to write this back then I’m going to write the post now. This post will focus on group dynamics and how they affected our game development process.
Over the course of this project, our group has had some problems when it came to our group dynamics. Our group had some communication problems from the start, whether it came to scheduling meetings to having problems with members. At some point, our communication problem began […]

Technically blog #4
Since I was sick during this week and forgot to write this back then I’m going to write the post now. This post will focus on group dynamics and how they affected our game development process.
Over the course of this project, our group has had some problems when it came to our group dynamics. Our group had some communication problems from the start, whether it came to scheduling meetings to having problems with members. At some point, our communication problem began […]
At the start of this project, our group had some issues when it came to deciding on how we wanted the game to look and whether or not we wanted to stick to the original concept document. After some short discussions, we decided that we would try and stick to the original concept as much as possible. Since some many other groups had also chosen Umibozu and we figured that they would be moving away from the original concept in order to […]
At the start of this project, our group had some issues when it came to deciding on how we wanted the game to look and whether or not we wanted to stick to the original concept document. After some short discussions, we decided that we would try and stick to the original concept as much as possible. Since some many other groups had also chosen Umibozu and we figured that they would be moving away from the original concept in order to […]

This weeks post is going to be focused on the playtesting sessions that we have gone through and the information that we received regarding our game. Based on the feedback that we got back from the first playtesting session, we realized that our game was very player friendly. The enemies were easy to kill and the obstacles that we had were not causing any damage to the player when they hit them. We also got feedback regarding our sounds, Mika suggested that […]

This weeks post is going to be focused on the playtesting sessions that we have gone through and the information that we received regarding our game. Based on the feedback that we got back from the first playtesting session, we realized that our game was very player friendly. The enemies were easy to kill and the obstacles that we had were not causing any damage to the player when they hit them. We also got feedback regarding our sounds, Mika suggested that […]

How scrum has affected our development
For this week’s blog post we have been instructed to write about Scrum and how it has affected our team’s project development. Overall I feel that working with scrum has managed to improve our team’s development. Sitting down and creating a project backlog has helped us with being a bit more organized when it comes to planning what work we are going to do for the week. Also having a document where you can see all of the work you […]

How scrum has affected our development
For this week’s blog post we have been instructed to write about Scrum and how it has affected our team’s project development. Overall I feel that working with scrum has managed to improve our team’s development. Sitting down and creating a project backlog has helped us with being a bit more organized when it comes to planning what work we are going to do for the week. Also having a document where you can see all of the work you […]

Dear Diary, this week…Blog 2
This week I continued to work on the Alpha Presentation, along with our teams designer. I choose to continue to work on this since it was an important milestone for our group and would be used to decide whether or not the group would be able to continue to work together or be split up and have to join other groups.
While our group had most of the requirements for the Alpha presentation in the game we still needed to implement our power-up […]

Dear Diary, this week…Blog 2
This week I continued to work on the Alpha Presentation, along with our teams designer. I choose to continue to work on this since it was an important milestone for our group and would be used to decide whether or not the group would be able to continue to work together or be split up and have to join other groups.
While our group had most of the requirements for the Alpha presentation in the game we still needed to implement our power-up […]

Working on the Alpha presentation. Post 1
I decided to work on the Alpha presentation this week since the deadline for it is next week. I chose to work on this because as the project manager I don’t feel that I have a lot to contribute the group in terms of actually creating the game. After going over the instructions I began thinking of what the best way would be for preparing the group for the presentation. I am currently working on what to say during the […]

Working on the Alpha presentation. Post 1
I decided to work on the Alpha presentation this week since the deadline for it is next week. I chose to work on this because as the project manager I don’t feel that I have a lot to contribute the group in terms of actually creating the game. After going over the instructions I began thinking of what the best way would be for preparing the group for the presentation. I am currently working on what to say during the […]