Author Archives: Marcus Svensson

A board game analysis
This blog post is going to be about an assignment in the course Advanced Game design.
The class is split up in groups for when we do assignments and this is about when we play and analyze a board game. The assignment is to play a board game 3 times and analyze it. We do this to better understand how the game system works and how it is built and what components it is built with. This helps us understand the […]

A board game analysis
This blog post is going to be about an assignment in the course Advanced Game design.
The class is split up in groups for when we do assignments and this is about when we play and analyze a board game. The assignment is to play a board game 3 times and analyze it. We do this to better understand how the game system works and how it is built and what components it is built with. This helps us understand the […]

Week one, Year two
I have now finished the first week of year two of my university studies in-game design and graphics. We have had a lot to do but it have been a great time.
This week I started a new course, 3D Computer Graphics – Theory and Application 1.
We started with an exercise of analyzing screenshots from different games and how elements of art had been used to create them and how they were used to achieve a mood or what happened in […]

Week one, Year two
I have now finished the first week of year two of my university studies in-game design and graphics. We have had a lot to do but it have been a great time.
This week I started a new course, 3D Computer Graphics – Theory and Application 1.
We started with an exercise of analyzing screenshots from different games and how elements of art had been used to create them and how they were used to achieve a mood or what happened in […]

Theme Park
This week the next course began. In the course we are supposed to work in groups to make a game and input system for arcade machines.
My team is going for a game where you feed a crocodile and help it eat. You move the “crocodiles” teeth in a puzzle manner to eat the different kinds of foods that the crocodile is going to eat. The teeth have to be placed in certain places for it being able to eat the […]

Theme Park
This week the next course began. In the course we are supposed to work in groups to make a game and input system for arcade machines.
My team is going for a game where you feed a crocodile and help it eat. You move the “crocodiles” teeth in a puzzle manner to eat the different kinds of foods that the crocodile is going to eat. The teeth have to be placed in certain places for it being able to eat the […]

The week of Gunilla
Hello, this week I worked on the boss for the game. The bosses name is Gunilla. More specifically I worked on the ghostly “fire” part of the boss, my team-mate Alex is working on the mask/face of it.
Here is a picture from it, I don’t have the final mask implemented yet and it the fire part will probably be transparent later. But here is a frame from the idle animation:
The mask is just a rough sketch right now in […]

The week of Gunilla
Hello, this week I worked on the boss for the game. The bosses name is Gunilla. More specifically I worked on the ghostly “fire” part of the boss, my team-mate Alex is working on the mask/face of it.
Here is a picture from it, I don’t have the final mask implemented yet and it the fire part will probably be transparent later. But here is a frame from the idle animation:
The mask is just a rough sketch right now in […]

The week of the projectiles
Hello, this week I have been working a lot with projectiles that the player and the enemies can shoot. The different projectiles is made of water, fire and wood. Tha same as our enemies in the game. And i also changed the lost soul a little so it looked more ghost like. All i did was to make the body of it transparent.
Here is a picture of it.
The animations needed was when it was moving, when it hits something […]

The week of the projectiles
Hello, this week I have been working a lot with projectiles that the player and the enemies can shoot. The different projectiles is made of water, fire and wood. Tha same as our enemies in the game. And i also changed the lost soul a little so it looked more ghost like. All i did was to make the body of it transparent.
Here is a picture of it.
The animations needed was when it was moving, when it hits something […]

Game Project – Static objects and another tree
For this weeks post im gonna talk about the finalizing the lost souls animation, static objects for the game and a background object with a tree.
So first im gonna talk about the lost soul animation. I have added color, shadow and highlights to it. I chose light blue as it makes it feel like something that is a little depressed and lonely and it will show good against the green foreground that you walk on. It also differs a lot […]

Game Project – Static objects and another tree
For this weeks post im gonna talk about the finalizing the lost souls animation, static objects for the game and a background object with a tree.
So first im gonna talk about the lost soul animation. I have added color, shadow and highlights to it. I chose light blue as it makes it feel like something that is a little depressed and lonely and it will show good against the green foreground that you walk on. It also differs a lot […]

Game Project – The day of the lost souls
This time I’m gonna talk about lost souls in our game and how I’m working to animate it. The lost souls has a chance to drop from enemies and the player can collect them. Then you have a choice to sacrifice them or free them. When you do you get elemental points which work as health and power-up for the player. You get more if you do the evil choice and sacrifice them. This also affects the players karma in-game. […]

Game Project – The day of the lost souls
This time I’m gonna talk about lost souls in our game and how I’m working to animate it. The lost souls has a chance to drop from enemies and the player can collect them. Then you have a choice to sacrifice them or free them. When you do you get elemental points which work as health and power-up for the player. You get more if you do the evil choice and sacrifice them. This also affects the players karma in-game. […]

Game project – The week of the Trees
First of im gonna start with talking about the last post. In the parallax picture you could se a soft mist around the mountains. I changed that to fit the art style we are going for.
Here you can see it. I made a swirly and strong mist instead of the soft one.
And now to what I have been working on this week.
Trees I have mainly worked on trees for the background. I don’t know how many I have done […]

Game project – The week of the Trees
First of im gonna start with talking about the last post. In the parallax picture you could se a soft mist around the mountains. I changed that to fit the art style we are going for.
Here you can see it. I made a swirly and strong mist instead of the soft one.
And now to what I have been working on this week.
Trees I have mainly worked on trees for the background. I don’t know how many I have done […]

10 week game project
This week I have worked with doing the parallax background. The one image above is a test of how it might look in the end. We want something like mountains at night with a moon in the back. And use dark colors to get the feel we want for the game wich is lonely/melancholy. We want it to have a cartoonish look and the world it takes place in is old China and Japan, so we take inspiration from […]

10 week game project
This week I have worked with doing the parallax background. The one image above is a test of how it might look in the end. We want something like mountains at night with a moon in the back. And use dark colors to get the feel we want for the game wich is lonely/melancholy. We want it to have a cartoonish look and the world it takes place in is old China and Japan, so we take inspiration from […]
26h Game Jam Finished
After about 16h of work time in the enchant.js Game Jam, me and Adam Wrange have produced a game. Time was lost to sleeping, a lecture at the start and we turned it in early.
the game is named Neko Run and is available Here
The game jam have been a lot of fun and have been an awesome experience.
Me and Adam Wrange worked together without any programmers to help, so it has been a challange but a lot of fun.
Thank […]
26h Game Jam Finished
After about 16h of work time in the enchant.js Game Jam, me and Adam Wrange have produced a game. Time was lost to sleeping, a lecture at the start and we turned it in early.
the game is named Neko Run and is available Here
The game jam have been a lot of fun and have been an awesome experience.
Me and Adam Wrange worked together without any programmers to help, so it has been a challange but a lot of fun.
Thank […]

26h Game Jam
I’m currently participating in a 26 hour long game jam, the creators of enchant.js is here. So we are making a game in enchant.js in 26 hours. I am in a group with one other guy, we have a dissadvantage to some other groups because they have programmers and we dont. Adam (my group partner) know some programming in javascript so he has to do all the the programming.
They way we make the game as we cant code much orselves […]

26h Game Jam
I’m currently participating in a 26 hour long game jam, the creators of enchant.js is here. So we are making a game in enchant.js in 26 hours. I am in a group with one other guy, we have a dissadvantage to some other groups because they have programmers and we dont. Adam (my group partner) know some programming in javascript so he has to do all the the programming.
They way we make the game as we cant code much orselves […]

This week i started a new course and it is a 2D drawing class. I cant say i was very excited to do that as im very bad at drawing. But lucky enough it has gone allright so far, it is a very basic one to begin with, but very fast paced. So far we have worked with live models to sketch poses like a stick figure. Then we added more volume to it and added a body, arms and […]

This week i started a new course and it is a 2D drawing class. I cant say i was very excited to do that as im very bad at drawing. But lucky enough it has gone allright so far, it is a very basic one to begin with, but very fast paced. So far we have worked with live models to sketch poses like a stick figure. Then we added more volume to it and added a body, arms and […]