Author Archives: Mariam Forsmark
Logos and plenty of them!
Wow do I have some catching up to do! I’m sorry for the delay with the posts, I have been postponing blogging, thinking I can update later! My bad! So the artefact of this week is our game logo. It took me roughly two full days with multiple iterations …
Logos and plenty of them!
Wow do I have some catching up to do! I’m sorry for the delay with the posts, I have been postponing blogging, thinking I can update later! My bad! So the artefact of this week is our game logo. It took me roughly two full days with multiple iterations …
Screens, screens and more screens!
Been spending my day trying to design different types of screens for the game, so I thought I’d post a sketch of an early stage of a shield I will be using for our victory screen, just to let you lot have a lill’ preview till the next update. >: )Cheers …
Screens, screens and more screens!
Been spending my day trying to design different types of screens for the game, so I thought I’d post a sketch of an early stage of a shield I will be using for our victory screen, just to let you lot have a lill’ preview till the next update. >: )Cheers …
Hero Ability Buttons
So artifact of the week is the Hero Ability Buttons.To keep it short, there are 6 different abilities the player may choose before entering the game and designing a button which tells what information a specific ability has was rather difficult. I had to …
Hero Ability Buttons
So artifact of the week is the Hero Ability Buttons.To keep it short, there are 6 different abilities the player may choose before entering the game and designing a button which tells what information a specific ability has was rather difficult. I had to …
Tower Offensive
This week my team and I began to work on our project. So the thing I want to addressee in this post is how difficult it has been to get in to the right mind set when it comes to design the game logo. I might add something else as well, but first and …
Tower Offensive
This week my team and I began to work on our project. So the thing I want to addressee in this post is how difficult it has been to get in to the right mind set when it comes to design the game logo. I might add something else as well, but first and …
Big Game Project Introduction
Having a roll call and course introduction! I will start to post pics from our office, work in progress-material and general writing regarding everything and nothing during work! ^^super excited!
Big Game Project Introduction
Having a roll call and course introduction! I will start to post pics from our office, work in progress-material and general writing regarding everything and nothing during work! ^^super excited!
Macy's and the Cheese Cake Factory
For the past two days I’ve been going in to Macy’s. Last night I also found my way to the Cheese Cake Factory on the top floor of the Macy’s-building and HOLY FUCK, sorry, Oh My!! was it a feast for the eye?! The interior design of the place is …
Macy's and the Cheese Cake Factory
For the past two days I’ve been going in to Macy’s. Last night I also found my way to the Cheese Cake Factory on the top floor of the Macy’s-building and HOLY FUCK, sorry, Oh My!! was it a feast for the eye?! The interior design of the place is …
Fullspäckat schema!
Mars månad kommer vara en galen månad! Liksom shit!! Jag har återigen lyckats vara bäst på att vara sämst när det gäller att hålla koll på alla event jag bokar upp mig på eller lovar bort mig inför! Under en och samma vecka så kommer jag att åka upp till …
Fullspäckat schema!
Mars månad kommer vara en galen månad! Liksom shit!! Jag har återigen lyckats vara bäst på att vara sämst när det gäller att hålla koll på alla event jag bokar upp mig på eller lovar bort mig inför! Under en och samma vecka så kommer jag att åka upp till …
Idag är första dagen på hela kursen som jag ÄNTLIGEN sitter med en modell och animerar.Modellen är ett samarbete mellan mig och två andra tjejer, vi modellerade var sitt stycke av modellens kropp och efter sammansättningen har tjejerna skinnat och riggat …
Arbetsdag 091353
Lyckades hålla en kort presentation under dagens seminuarium. Jag lyckades hålla mig lugn och sansad fastän det jag hade att pressentera om gruppens nuvarande situation inte är den bästa. En veckas crunsh med 3D, here I come!Så jag började med nya år med …
Arbetsdag 091353
Lyckades hålla en kort presentation under dagens seminuarium. Jag lyckades hålla mig lugn och sansad fastän det jag hade att pressentera om gruppens nuvarande situation inte är den bästa. En veckas crunsh med 3D, here I come!Så jag började med nya år med …
Olof Blomqvist gästföreläser idag och delar med sig av historien bakom skapandet av sitt spel Historia.
Olof Blomqvist gästföreläser idag och delar med sig av historien bakom skapandet av sitt spel Historia.
bad week?!
The 3D course started yesterday. As of tradition I had to head up to help desk to sort something with my laptop. This caused me some delay in getting started. I left the laptop after class for maintenance and picked it up early so I could try to catch …
bad week?!
The 3D course started yesterday. As of tradition I had to head up to help desk to sort something with my laptop. This caused me some delay in getting started. I left the laptop after class for maintenance and picked it up early so I could try to catch …