Author Archives: Max Nordlund
At the edge of a Heartbreak
Thus we gather to make vidya. Heartbreak and edge are the words of our challange and the making of shoot ‘em up games our arena.
The word edge is pretty fun to play with since it can mean a lot of things;
the edge of a blade
the edge of a chasm
the edge of sanity
the edge I hold over mortal men
to edge forward
at the edge of a great war
at the edge of town
2 edgy 4 u?
and the list goes on… quite a lot […]
At the edge of a Heartbreak
Thus we gather to make vidya. Heartbreak and edge are the words of our challange and the making of shoot ‘em up games our arena.
The word edge is pretty fun to play with since it can mean a lot of things;
the edge of a blade
the edge of a chasm
the edge of sanity
the edge I hold over mortal men
to edge forward
at the edge of a great war
at the edge of town
2 edgy 4 u?
and the list goes on… quite a lot […]
At the edge of a Heartbreak
Thus we gather to make vidya. Heartbreak and edge are the words of our challange and the making of shoot ‘em up games our arena.
The word edge is pretty fun to play with since it can mean a lot of things;
the edge of a blade
the edge of a chasm
the edge of sanity
the edge I hold over mortal men
to edge forward
at the edge of a great war
at the edge of town
2 edgy 4 u?
and the list goes on… quite a lot […]
At the edge of a Heartbreak
Thus we gather to make vidya. Heartbreak and edge are the words of our challange and the making of shoot ‘em up games our arena.
The word edge is pretty fun to play with since it can mean a lot of things;
the edge of a blade
the edge of a chasm
the edge of sanity
the edge I hold over mortal men
to edge forward
at the edge of a great war
at the edge of town
2 edgy 4 u?
and the list goes on… quite a lot […]

First post in the rest of my life?
That is a really pretentious name for a post….
So, first post in my blog goes here.
My name is Max Nordlund, born and raised some 50 kilometres from Skellefte in a small village callde Bjurön, some 7 kilometers from Bjuröklubb and Laleh can go lie in a ditch, bitch be tripin if she see dem bluewhales, and the place hasn’t been an island for hundreds of years.(insert the sound you make if you form your mouth to a ”o” and inhale)
I am […]

First post in the rest of my life?
That is a really pretentious name for a post….
So, first post in my blog goes here.
My name is Max Nordlund, born and raised some 50 kilometres from Skellefte in a small village callde Bjurön, some 7 kilometers from Bjuröklubb and Laleh can go lie in a ditch, bitch be tripin if she see dem bluewhales, and the place hasn’t been an island for hundreds of years.(insert the sound you make if you form your mouth to a ”o” and inhale)
I am […]

First post in the rest of my life?
That is a really pretentious name for a post….
So, first post in my blog goes here.
My name is Max Nordlund, born and raised some 50 kilometres from Skellefte in a small village callde Bjurön, some 7 kilometers from Bjuröklubb and Laleh can go lie in a ditch, bitch be tripin if she see dem bluewhales, and the place hasn’t been an island for hundreds of years.(insert the sound you make if you form your mouth to a ”o” and inhale)
I am […]

First post in the rest of my life?
That is a really pretentious name for a post….
So, first post in my blog goes here.
My name is Max Nordlund, born and raised some 50 kilometres from Skellefte in a small village callde Bjurön, some 7 kilometers from Bjuröklubb and Laleh can go lie in a ditch, bitch be tripin if she see dem bluewhales, and the place hasn’t been an island for hundreds of years.(insert the sound you make if you form your mouth to a ”o” and inhale)
I am […]