Author Archives: Martin Mattsson

Frogger Dev. Post 08

Today we got improved player logic, more logs, turtles that should work and you can now die in the water. The turtles works the same as the logs, but they have a hidden timer that ticks down, and when it reaches 0 they cease to be safe. If the player exists above the part where the water starts she will experience a loss of life unless she is on a log. Keeping track on this is a boolean Safe variable […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 08

Today we got improved player logic, more logs, turtles that should work and you can now die in the water. The turtles works the same as the logs, but they have a hidden timer that ticks down, and when it reaches 0 they cease to be safe. If the player exists above the part where the water starts she will experience a loss of life unless she is on a log. Keeping track on this is a boolean Safe variable […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 07

Did some good work today, we now have working logs that can carry you over the water and an enemyobject that will basically fill the functionality of cars, hitting them will cause the player’s death. both of these are built from Game Objects.
I didn’t have much contact with Herman today, but from what I know he worked witht the Player Logic to make it work better as well as creating the goals.
Tomorrows mission should be to place out the enemies […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 07

Did some good work today, we now have working logs that can carry you over the water and an enemyobject that will basically fill the functionality of cars, hitting them will cause the player’s death. both of these are built from Game Objects.
I didn’t have much contact with Herman today, but from what I know he worked witht the Player Logic to make it work better as well as creating the goals.
Tomorrows mission should be to place out the enemies […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 06

We made some good progress today. We’ve now got working logs and a background. I worked on making the logs while Herman worked on the background.
The logs work in a rather simple manner. They move in a constant speed and when they come in contact with the player they use a different update function that takes the player along with them at the same speed. The Gamestate’s update function handles this, to help with this task the Gameobjects have been […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 06

We made some good progress today. We’ve now got working logs and a background. I worked on making the logs while Herman worked on the background.
The logs work in a rather simple manner. They move in a constant speed and when they come in contact with the player they use a different update function that takes the player along with them at the same speed. The Gamestate’s update function handles this, to help with this task the Gameobjects have been […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 05

Yesterday me and Herman started working on one part each, I worked on the Game State and such while Herman worked with the graphics. In the end we made some progress. The logic of the Player Object and Gamestate is now working in a good way. Upon creation of the Gamestate the Gameobjectmanager, the Drawmanager and the Spritemanager are all assigned as pointers and can therefore be accessed from the Enter() function that is used whenever the state starts being […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 05

Yesterday me and Herman started working on one part each, I worked on the Game State and such while Herman worked with the graphics. In the end we made some progress. The logic of the Player Object and Gamestate is now working in a good way. Upon creation of the Gamestate the Gameobjectmanager, the Drawmanager and the Spritemanager are all assigned as pointers and can therefore be accessed from the Enter() function that is used whenever the state starts being […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Blog 04

Today Herman got his Visual Studio fixed and we spent alot of time having him catch up to the work I’d done up until that point. Eventually we got started on actually working. I worked on the game objects and gamestates while Herman took care of the Drawmanager and Spritemanager. In the end we did not complete them but we made some progress.
Is it just me or are these posts getting shorter… maybe it’s because I have less to say.

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Blog 04

Today Herman got his Visual Studio fixed and we spent alot of time having him catch up to the work I’d done up until that point. Eventually we got started on actually working. I worked on the game objects and gamestates while Herman took care of the Drawmanager and Spritemanager. In the end we did not complete them but we made some progress.
Is it just me or are these posts getting shorter… maybe it’s because I have less to say.

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 03

Today I tried to do some work on the DrawManager but in the end I didn’t have the time because of some interfering business. Herman still hasn’t properly fixed his copy of Visual Studio but it seems to be on it’s way and I hope he can join me in work tomorrow. I’m probably going to work the entire day tomorrow (which is actually today, I need to stop going to bed so late, er… early… whatever…) and I hope […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 03

Today I tried to do some work on the DrawManager but in the end I didn’t have the time because of some interfering business. Herman still hasn’t properly fixed his copy of Visual Studio but it seems to be on it’s way and I hope he can join me in work tomorrow. I’m probably going to work the entire day tomorrow (which is actually today, I need to stop going to bed so late, er… early… whatever…) and I hope […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 02

Slow day today. I finished most of the work on the Statemanager & co. so we now have a Loadstate, Menustate and Gamestate (Although, they don’t actually do much at the moment…) and a Draw Manager.
I had some trouble figuring out how the States Update functions were going to be able to access all of the Game Objects in the Engine but in the end I managed by making a Game Object Manager to use with the update function and […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 02

Slow day today. I finished most of the work on the Statemanager & co. so we now have a Loadstate, Menustate and Gamestate (Although, they don’t actually do much at the moment…) and a Draw Manager.
I had some trouble figuring out how the States Update functions were going to be able to access all of the Game Objects in the Engine but in the end I managed by making a Game Object Manager to use with the update function and […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 01

So, the major assignment of the Programming course has started. Basically you get paired up with another person in the class and the two of you have to make a game toghether using the SDL library, C++ and some good old fashioned teamwork.
I was paired up with Herman who is a pretty nice guy all things considered (actually most of the people in the class are pretty nice). At first we were unsure about what game to pick but we […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger Dev. Post 01

So, the major assignment of the Programming course has started. Basically you get paired up with another person in the class and the two of you have to make a game toghether using the SDL library, C++ and some good old fashioned teamwork.
I was paired up with Herman who is a pretty nice guy all things considered (actually most of the people in the class are pretty nice). At first we were unsure about what game to pick but we […]

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Program: Programming

Long time no see!

So… it’s been quite a while since I last updated this thing. I just happened to miss updating it once, and it’s amazing how easy it is to just keep forgetting after that.I guess I’m gonna try to make a little bit longer post to make up for it…
So, since last time I have started the next part in the university, after presenting our game concept that we made in the first period (Okay, I didn’t present it, but I […]

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Program: Programming

Long time no see!

So… it’s been quite a while since I last updated this thing. I just happened to miss updating it once, and it’s amazing how easy it is to just keep forgetting after that.I guess I’m gonna try to make a little bit longer post to make up for it…
So, since last time I have started the next part in the university, after presenting our game concept that we made in the first period (Okay, I didn’t present it, but I […]

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Program: Programming

Game Jam – Friday

This post is gonna be a little bit out of date, but whatever…
Last friday I participated in the Uppsala University Campus Gotland Game Jam. which is basically an event in which all the students pair toghether and make games in a short time. The tools that were allowed to use was Game Maker and seemingly most graphics-oriented programs.
I paired of with two friends and a guy I had just met in the passing. We were a total of four people, […]

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Program: Programming

Game Jam – Friday

This post is gonna be a little bit out of date, but whatever…
Last friday I participated in the Uppsala University Campus Gotland Game Jam. which is basically an event in which all the students pair toghether and make games in a short time. The tools that were allowed to use was Game Maker and seemingly most graphics-oriented programs.
I paired of with two friends and a guy I had just met in the passing. We were a total of four people, […]

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Program: Programming

New Blogg, First post!

So, I decided to start my very own, new blogg after some people at school pestered me with the thought that it might be a good idea to document your work where they can see it.
I am not sure about how often I will update this thing, but I am going to try to do it about once a week. Don’t expect this to be the single msot groundbreaking and exciting blog you’ve ever read, but it is what it […]

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Program: Programming

New Blogg, First post!

So, I decided to start my very own, new blogg after some people at school pestered me with the thought that it might be a good idea to document your work where they can see it.
I am not sure about how often I will update this thing, but I am going to try to do it about once a week. Don’t expect this to be the single msot groundbreaking and exciting blog you’ve ever read, but it is what it […]

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Program: Programming