Author Archives: Malin Lundqvist

Suit ‘em up – the first weeks
In this course we are going to make a game, we chose the concept “Suit’em up” which is a game where you are going to, as Barney the robot, cleanse a suit from bugs which has infested it.
The first task I got from my lead programmer was to fix the collision system for the walls. We have discussed different options; we discussed alpha collision, some sort of tile collision, square collision and line collision. With the alpha collision we were […]

Suit ‘em up – the first weeks
In this course we are going to make a game, we chose the concept “Suit’em up” which is a game where you are going to, as Barney the robot, cleanse a suit from bugs which has infested it.
The first task I got from my lead programmer was to fix the collision system for the walls. We have discussed different options; we discussed alpha collision, some sort of tile collision, square collision and line collision. With the alpha collision we were […]
Frogger the game
Så då har vi äntligen börjat på projektarbetet till programmerings kursen. Vi har valt att göra det gamla spelet Frogger och har redan kommit en bit på vägen.
Jag ska sätta mig och börja skaffa fram bilarna på skärmen, det kommer nog bli en lista med bilar som när de åkt över skärmen bara dyker upp från början igen.
Frogger the game
Så då har vi äntligen börjat på projektarbetet till programmerings kursen. Vi har valt att göra det gamla spelet Frogger och har redan kommit en bit på vägen.
Jag ska sätta mig och börja skaffa fram bilarna på skärmen, det kommer nog bli en lista med bilar som när de åkt över skärmen bara dyker upp från början igen.

Angry glass!
Right now we have this assignment in school where we’re supposed to make a concept for a game. Every group got two words to work with and my group got “angry” and “glass”. The most fun words a group got was according to me “surprise” and “panda”, looking forward to see what they do with that.
I’m the producer in my group, “The Ladybugs”, which means I have the final say in almost everything if we don’t agree as a group. […]

Angry glass!
Right now we have this assignment in school where we’re supposed to make a concept for a game. Every group got two words to work with and my group got “angry” and “glass”. The most fun words a group got was according to me “surprise” and “panda”, looking forward to see what they do with that.
I’m the producer in my group, “The Ladybugs”, which means I have the final say in almost everything if we don’t agree as a group. […]