Author Archives: Markus Holm

Vegetation with SpeedTree
So when making the grass that was to be placed in the game I made use of speedtree, as files from that program work automatically with the wind in Unity. So by simply porting in models, fixing them around a bit and then sending the from SpeedTree to Unity, we could easily make them sway in the simulated wind.
I had never used speedtree or worked with planes in this way before, so it was rather exciting to learn somethin new. […]

Vegetation with SpeedTree
So when making the grass that was to be placed in the game I made use of speedtree, as files from that program work automatically with the wind in Unity. So by simply porting in models, fixing them around a bit and then sending the from SpeedTree to Unity, we could easily make them sway in the simulated wind.
I had never used speedtree or worked with planes in this way before, so it was rather exciting to learn somethin new. […]

Special Mushroom Models
The last of the mushroom models I made. These were the ones that had special functions in the game and had to be animated. One of those I showed in the previous post, so I will go ahead and show that one again along with the others.
The bounce shroom was the first of the special mushrooms I made. Using the line drawing tool in 3ds max I was able to make the spiral, which I could then apply a plane too using […]

Special Mushroom Models
The last of the mushroom models I made. These were the ones that had special functions in the game and had to be animated. One of those I showed in the previous post, so I will go ahead and show that one again along with the others.
The bounce shroom was the first of the special mushrooms I made. Using the line drawing tool in 3ds max I was able to make the spiral, which I could then apply a plane too using […]

Rigging and animating!
The only other times I have done any rigging and animating was in 3DS Max and Motionbuidler. However, that was using CAT rigs, which are essentially pre-rigged skeletons that are simply applied onto a mesh. These rigs are mainly for humans and animals, so in this case it would not work, since the mesh was of a mushroom that would close and open when the player stand on it.
With 49 bones in total, the segments of the shroom would close together, […]

Rigging and animating!
The only other times I have done any rigging and animating was in 3DS Max and Motionbuidler. However, that was using CAT rigs, which are essentially pre-rigged skeletons that are simply applied onto a mesh. These rigs are mainly for humans and animals, so in this case it would not work, since the mesh was of a mushroom that would close and open when the player stand on it.
With 49 bones in total, the segments of the shroom would close together, […]

Modeling from references
So the very basic models I showed last time were just basic shapes that were reminiscent of mushrooms, but were not made after any real references. Those were more meant for platforming, while these ones were gonna be more of the decorative type, or have functions of some kind. This is also a lot less technical this time, and is more to show a bit more of what the world will consist of.
It is surprising how many strange mushrooms there are, […]

Modeling from references
So the very basic models I showed last time were just basic shapes that were reminiscent of mushrooms, but were not made after any real references. Those were more meant for platforming, while these ones were gonna be more of the decorative type, or have functions of some kind. This is also a lot less technical this time, and is more to show a bit more of what the world will consist of.
It is surprising how many strange mushrooms there are, […]

Week 1: The Basic Meshes
I am a bit behind on the writing for each week, so I will have to go back a bit for this one.
We are now on the fifth week of development of the game, and this post will be about the first week. I will make sure to make some updates this week regarding the other weeks.
As I stated in my previous entry, I am the environment designer, and the only one working on the environment models of our game. […]

Week 1: The Basic Meshes
I am a bit behind on the writing for each week, so I will have to go back a bit for this one.
We are now on the fifth week of development of the game, and this post will be about the first week. I will make sure to make some updates this week regarding the other weeks.
As I stated in my previous entry, I am the environment designer, and the only one working on the environment models of our game. […]
First post… technically!
So this post will be more of an exstension of the last one, and a better explanation of what I’m actually doing in this project. I won’t add any pictures this time of what I’ve made, that will be saved for when I’ll speak about my actual models.
So, last year we had the Theme Park course. The purpose there was to create a game suitable for an arcade hall, and we had about 10 weeks to actually make that game. […]
First post… technically!
So this post will be more of an exstension of the last one, and a better explanation of what I’m actually doing in this project. I won’t add any pictures this time of what I’ve made, that will be saved for when I’ll speak about my actual models.
So, last year we had the Theme Park course. The purpose there was to create a game suitable for an arcade hall, and we had about 10 weeks to actually make that game. […]
Oh wow! Big Game!
Oh dear I haven’t written anything in here in like a year!
Right, so, for the following weeks I’ll be writing a few blog posts concerning our big game projects and what I’m working on.
For this project I am a 3D modeler / environment artist, and the project is a low poly, 3-dimensional puzzle platformer. I’ll go more into detail about it in later posts.
Anyways, lataaaaa!
Oh wow! Big Game!
Oh dear I haven’t written anything in here in like a year!
Right, so, for the following weeks I’ll be writing a few blog posts concerning our big game projects and what I’m working on.
For this project I am a 3D modeler / environment artist, and the project is a low poly, 3-dimensional puzzle platformer. I’ll go more into detail about it in later posts.
Anyways, lataaaaa!

Week 9: Finishing up! Also last obligatory blog post!
This is the second to final week of our design projekt, and the game is nearly complete. There isn’t alot to do, and most of it was covered by our lead artist, like the paus screen, end screen, etc. I haven’t done much this week for our game, so I’ll add all the stuff I did last week that I didn’t include in my previous blog post. Although, it wasn’t included because I hadn’t done it yet, not because I […]

Week 9: Finishing up! Also last obligatory blog post!
This is the second to final week of our design projekt, and the game is nearly complete. There isn’t alot to do, and most of it was covered by our lead artist, like the paus screen, end screen, etc. I haven’t done much this week for our game, so I’ll add all the stuff I did last week that I didn’t include in my previous blog post. Although, it wasn’t included because I hadn’t done it yet, not because I […]

Week 8: Real Archers Have Jelly Arms.
This week we’re rounding up the very last things to do before our Beta presentation on friday. It’s mainly a lot of pressure on our programmers, but they are getting along fine right now, and everything is turning towards us having a nice, nearly complete game to show. Initially I was supposed to finish the very last attack animation for the last tree / tower (you can read more about my Tower Attack Animations in my previous blog post “Week […]

Week 8: Real Archers Have Jelly Arms.
This week we’re rounding up the very last things to do before our Beta presentation on friday. It’s mainly a lot of pressure on our programmers, but they are getting along fine right now, and everything is turning towards us having a nice, nearly complete game to show. Initially I was supposed to finish the very last attack animation for the last tree / tower (you can read more about my Tower Attack Animations in my previous blog post “Week […]

Week 7: More animating!
I’m finding it more difficult ever time I do this. I can’t really find anything to write about that I haven’t already written about, so this time I’ll be less technical about my animations, and just explain why I did them the way I did. If you’re interested in a more technical approach to how I animate, then I recommend checking out my previous post “Week 6: Animating in photoshop.”
This week I set out to animate the attack animations for […]

Week 7: More animating!
I’m finding it more difficult ever time I do this. I can’t really find anything to write about that I haven’t already written about, so this time I’ll be less technical about my animations, and just explain why I did them the way I did. If you’re interested in a more technical approach to how I animate, then I recommend checking out my previous post “Week 6: Animating in photoshop.”
This week I set out to animate the attack animations for […]

Week 6: Animating in photoshop.
This week I finally started working on animating. In Photoshop CC no less, a program that I had no idea you could animate in until just a couple of weeks ago. The only animations I’ve done so far has been an assignment for my graphics course, which consisted of a walk cycle for a stickman, and some pixel animations for a GameJam game in GameMaker nearly five months ago. There was also the time in Macromedia Flash about five or […]

Week 6: Animating in photoshop.
This week I finally started working on animating. In Photoshop CC no less, a program that I had no idea you could animate in until just a couple of weeks ago. The only animations I’ve done so far has been an assignment for my graphics course, which consisted of a walk cycle for a stickman, and some pixel animations for a GameJam game in GameMaker nearly five months ago. There was also the time in Macromedia Flash about five or […]

Week 5: The importance of detail!
Hello again!
So week 5 is coming to an end tomorrow with the presentation of our alpha build of Green Warden. Thanks to our programmers hard work today they managed to scramble together a functioning alpha with some of the core elements needed. I’ve been working on fixing up some sprites and parts of the GUI. However, I won’t be writing about a specific asset this time, as much as I will write about something else I’ve learned concerning designing and […]

Week 5: The importance of detail!
Hello again!
So week 5 is coming to an end tomorrow with the presentation of our alpha build of Green Warden. Thanks to our programmers hard work today they managed to scramble together a functioning alpha with some of the core elements needed. I’ve been working on fixing up some sprites and parts of the GUI. However, I won’t be writing about a specific asset this time, as much as I will write about something else I’ve learned concerning designing and […]