Author Archives: Marcus Franzén

Week 16: Final 2D1 Assignments
This was the last week of the 2D1 course, where we were given two final assignments. One was to take a line art of a town and render it with lighting, and the second to create a line art of a sketch. I was also forced to redo two previous assignments in order to finish the course, so there is quite a bit of work to be done.

Week 16: Final 2D1 Assignments
This was the last week of the 2D1 course, where we were given two final assignments. One was to take a line art of a town and render it with lighting, and the second to create a line art of a sketch. I was also forced to redo two previous assignments in order to finish the course, so there is quite a bit of work to be done.

Pre-Week 16: Finished Lighting Character
So, the lighting of the character is now finished. Originally I worked on lighting a shiny sphere and the result I achieved can be seen below.
The basic idea to applying light to any object is to first cover the object in a single color. Second you determine where the light source is in relation to the object, then color the area that is closest to the light source in a brighter gradient, while areas farther from or not touched […]

Pre-Week 16: Finished Lighting Character
So, the lighting of the character is now finished. Originally I worked on lighting a shiny sphere and the result I achieved can be seen below.
The basic idea to applying light to any object is to first cover the object in a single color. Second you determine where the light source is in relation to the object, then color the area that is closest to the light source in a brighter gradient, while areas farther from or not touched […]
Week 15: Lighting and Values
The final week before Christmas we were introduced to lighting. Until the next hand-in we must place our character in an environment and apply lighting to it. It will take quite a while to do, as I was planning to draw my character from scratch rathern than use the same sketch I originally started with. I might post less updates as the work will mainly cover the same things covered in the previous posts. When I reach the point where […]
Week 15: Lighting and Values
The final week before Christmas we were introduced to lighting. Until the next hand-in we must place our character in an environment and apply lighting to it. It will take quite a while to do, as I was planning to draw my character from scratch rathern than use the same sketch I originally started with. I might post less updates as the work will mainly cover the same things covered in the previous posts. When I reach the point where […]
Week 15: Lighting and Values
The final week before Christmas we were introduced to lighting. Until the next hand-in we must place our character in an environment and apply lighting to it. It will take quite a while to do, as I was planning to draw my character from scratch rathern than use the same sketch I originally started with. I might post less updates as the work will mainly cover the same things covered in the previous posts. When I reach the point where […]
Week 15: Lighting and Values
The final week before Christmas we were introduced to lighting. Until the next hand-in we must place our character in an environment and apply lighting to it. It will take quite a while to do, as I was planning to draw my character from scratch rathern than use the same sketch I originally started with. I might post less updates as the work will mainly cover the same things covered in the previous posts. When I reach the point where […]

Week 13/14: Cleaning Up the Drawing
So this week we were introduced to the wonders of Photoshop and how it can help us in drawing and creating artwork, and it was by far what I looked forward to the most. Being a novice at most when it comes to Photoshop, I was excited to learn about the different ways of drawing, shading, coloring and polishing. Well, for this weeks assignment we were going to clean up out previous sketch and use lines cleverly to hint at […]

Week 13/14: Cleaning Up the Drawing
So this week we were introduced to the wonders of Photoshop and how it can help us in drawing and creating artwork, and it was by far what I looked forward to the most. Being a novice at most when it comes to Photoshop, I was excited to learn about the different ways of drawing, shading, coloring and polishing. Well, for this weeks assignment we were going to clean up out previous sketch and use lines cleverly to hint at […]

Week 13/14: Cleaning Up the Drawing
So this week we were introduced to the wonders of Photoshop and how it can help us in drawing and creating artwork, and it was by far what I looked forward to the most. Being a novice at most when it comes to Photoshop, I was excited to learn about the different ways of drawing, shading, coloring and polishing. Well, for this weeks assignment we were going to clean up out previous sketch and use lines cleverly to hint at […]

Week 13/14: Cleaning Up the Drawing
So this week we were introduced to the wonders of Photoshop and how it can help us in drawing and creating artwork, and it was by far what I looked forward to the most. Being a novice at most when it comes to Photoshop, I was excited to learn about the different ways of drawing, shading, coloring and polishing. Well, for this weeks assignment we were going to clean up out previous sketch and use lines cleverly to hint at […]

Week 12: Fleshing Out a Character
This week we were tasked to choose one of the thumbnails we created from the first week and further develop it, creating a backstory and personality for it. I chose my engineer thumb, because I felt it was right for the setting I had originally envisioned her in, which is a post-apocalyptic society set in the 27th century. Below is my process from a doodle to a finished sketch.
For the assignment our job was to draw our character in […]

Week 12: Fleshing Out a Character
This week we were tasked to choose one of the thumbnails we created from the first week and further develop it, creating a backstory and personality for it. I chose my engineer thumb, because I felt it was right for the setting I had originally envisioned her in, which is a post-apocalyptic society set in the 27th century. Below is my process from a doodle to a finished sketch.
For the assignment our job was to draw our character in […]

Week 12: Fleshing Out a Character
This week we were tasked to choose one of the thumbnails we created from the first week and further develop it, creating a backstory and personality for it. I chose my engineer thumb, because I felt it was right for the setting I had originally envisioned her in, which is a post-apocalyptic society set in the 27th century. Below is my process from a doodle to a finished sketch.
For the assignment our job was to draw our character in […]

Week 12: Fleshing Out a Character
This week we were tasked to choose one of the thumbnails we created from the first week and further develop it, creating a backstory and personality for it. I chose my engineer thumb, because I felt it was right for the setting I had originally envisioned her in, which is a post-apocalyptic society set in the 27th century. Below is my process from a doodle to a finished sketch.
For the assignment our job was to draw our character in […]
Week 11: Perspectives
This week we were taught about drawing using perspective lines. By using perspective lines we can make more realistic drawings, that represent 3D more than a drawing without them. Our assignment this week is, not very surprisingly, to draw a scene using perspective lines. The scene must contain a car and an airplane, the first on the ground, the second in the air above it. It is to be drawn in 2-point perspective, which means using two vanishing points (points […]
Week 11: Perspectives
This week we were taught about drawing using perspective lines. By using perspective lines we can make more realistic drawings, that represent 3D more than a drawing without them. Our assignment this week is, not very surprisingly, to draw a scene using perspective lines. The scene must contain a car and an airplane, the first on the ground, the second in the air above it. It is to be drawn in 2-point perspective, which means using two vanishing points (points […]
Week 11: Perspectives
This week we were taught about drawing using perspective lines. By using perspective lines we can make more realistic drawings, that represent 3D more than a drawing without them. Our assignment this week is, not very surprisingly, to draw a scene using perspective lines. The scene must contain a car and an airplane, the first on the ground, the second in the air above it. It is to be drawn in 2-point perspective, which means using two vanishing points (points […]
Week 11: Perspectives
This week we were taught about drawing using perspective lines. By using perspective lines we can make more realistic drawings, that represent 3D more than a drawing without them. Our assignment this week is, not very surprisingly, to draw a scene using perspective lines. The scene must contain a car and an airplane, the first on the ground, the second in the air above it. It is to be drawn in 2-point perspective, which means using two vanishing points (points […]

Week 10: 2D Graphics Course
This week the 2D graphics design course began. It started off with some life drawing where we practiced sketching up the dynamic of a pose. We also got into how to how proportions on human looked and how to draw a body and head. We also got an assignment to sketch 20 thumbnails of a character and reflect on our drawings over the past week. My thumbnails were supposed to depict a citizen of a post-apocalyptic society, and each thumbnail […]

Week 10: 2D Graphics Course
This week the 2D graphics design course began. It started off with some life drawing where we practiced sketching up the dynamic of a pose. We also got into how to how proportions on human looked and how to draw a body and head. We also got an assignment to sketch 20 thumbnails of a character and reflect on our drawings over the past week. My thumbnails were supposed to depict a citizen of a post-apocalyptic society, and each thumbnail […]

Week 10: 2D Graphics Course
This week the 2D graphics design course began. It started off with some life drawing where we practiced sketching up the dynamic of a pose. We also got into how to how proportions on human looked and how to draw a body and head. We also got an assignment to sketch 20 thumbnails of a character and reflect on our drawings over the past week. My thumbnails were supposed to depict a citizen of a post-apocalyptic society, and each thumbnail […]

Week 10: 2D Graphics Course
This week the 2D graphics design course began. It started off with some life drawing where we practiced sketching up the dynamic of a pose. We also got into how to how proportions on human looked and how to draw a body and head. We also got an assignment to sketch 20 thumbnails of a character and reflect on our drawings over the past week. My thumbnails were supposed to depict a citizen of a post-apocalyptic society, and each thumbnail […]