Author Archives: Martin Carlsson

[5SD033]Blog 4 – Improved Collision
By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10
This week I have worked on a few different things, the least boring one is probably the improvements to the Collision System.
Previously I used Circle vs Box collision, however due to the way the harpoon is supposed to work versus the jellyfish(where the entire hilt serves as a collision box versus the tentacles), as well as the general way the harpoon works(the harpoon is almost always in a rotated state!), this resulted in inaccurate and poor collision.
I […]

[5SD033]Blog 4 – Improved Collision
By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10
This week I have worked on a few different things, the least boring one is probably the improvements to the Collision System.
Previously I used Circle vs Box collision, however due to the way the harpoon is supposed to work versus the jellyfish(where the entire hilt serves as a collision box versus the tentacles), as well as the general way the harpoon works(the harpoon is almost always in a rotated state!), this resulted in inaccurate and poor collision.
I […]

[5SD033]Blog 3 – Tiled For Everybody!
By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10
This is the second and last part of the Tile System implementation.
Last week I went through some of the general ideas of the implementation when it came to reading the file. This week I finalized the implementation of the tile system. The project now opens a .tmx file and reads all the values it needs from it, makes the data into a layer, which is made into an image which then gets drawn to the screen.
So let’s go […]

[5SD033]Blog 3 – Tiled For Everybody!
By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10
This is the second and last part of the Tile System implementation.
Last week I went through some of the general ideas of the implementation when it came to reading the file. This week I finalized the implementation of the tile system. The project now opens a .tmx file and reads all the values it needs from it, makes the data into a layer, which is made into an image which then gets drawn to the screen.
So let’s go […]

[5SD033] Blog 2 – So you wanna build a level, huh?
av: Martin Carlsson
grupp: 10
Tile System
This week I’ve started to implement a tile system. The idea is to use Tiled as a level editor and then use the data stored in the Tiled file format, .tmx. Reading the .tmx file is mostly the same as .xml files. For this project I’m using TinyXml 2 for parsing the .tmx file, since it seems to have all the functionality I need for reading the files. There are tons of options when it comes […]

[5SD033] Blog 2 – So you wanna build a level, huh?
av: Martin Carlsson
grupp: 10
Tile System
This week I’ve started to implement a tile system. The idea is to use Tiled as a level editor and then use the data stored in the Tiled file format, .tmx. Reading the .tmx file is mostly the same as .xml files. For this project I’m using TinyXml 2 for parsing the .tmx file, since it seems to have all the functionality I need for reading the files. There are tons of options when it comes […]

[5SD033]Blog 1 – The Harpoon
By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10
The Harpoon
Our main characters weapon, a mighty harpoon usually used for whaling, now used by the captain to survive in the scary waters he’s been put in.
In the original concept, the harpoon was gun fired. However, to reinforce the idea that our captain is very strong, he instead throws it. Another major change from the original concept is that he only has one harpoon, and it’s attached by a rope. The rope is used to retrieve the […]

[5SD033]Blog 1 – The Harpoon
By: Martin Carlsson
Group: 10
The Harpoon
Our main characters weapon, a mighty harpoon usually used for whaling, now used by the captain to survive in the scary waters he’s been put in.
In the original concept, the harpoon was gun fired. However, to reinforce the idea that our captain is very strong, he instead throws it. Another major change from the original concept is that he only has one harpoon, and it’s attached by a rope. The rope is used to retrieve the […]