Author Archives: Ludvig Storm
Programming week 3 – Classes
This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]
Programming week 3 – Classes
This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]
Programming week 3 – Classes
This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]
Programming week 3 – Classes
This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]

Programming – Week 2
Another week of programming has come to an end, and LOTS of new things has been introduced. We have been introduced to functions, arrays, references and pointers, how to use rand and srand to produce a random number. As you can see, lots of things. During thursday and friday we also had a workshop where we went through the code for the classic game Pong. This was done by using Visual Studio and SDL, which stands for Standard Digital media Library.
In the […]

Programming – Week 2
Another week of programming has come to an end, and LOTS of new things has been introduced. We have been introduced to functions, arrays, references and pointers, how to use rand and srand to produce a random number. As you can see, lots of things. During thursday and friday we also had a workshop where we went through the code for the classic game Pong. This was done by using Visual Studio and SDL, which stands for Standard Digital media Library.
In the […]

Programming – Week 2
Another week of programming has come to an end, and LOTS of new things has been introduced. We have been introduced to functions, arrays, references and pointers, how to use rand and srand to produce a random number. As you can see, lots of things. During thursday and friday we also had a workshop where we went through the code for the classic game Pong. This was done by using Visual Studio and SDL, which stands for Standard Digital media Library.
In the […]

Programming – Week 2
Another week of programming has come to an end, and LOTS of new things has been introduced. We have been introduced to functions, arrays, references and pointers, how to use rand and srand to produce a random number. As you can see, lots of things. During thursday and friday we also had a workshop where we went through the code for the classic game Pong. This was done by using Visual Studio and SDL, which stands for Standard Digital media Library.
In the […]

Programming a Guessing game!!
First week of programming has come to an end, I’ve learned a lot! It feels like we’ve already gone through the basics, so it’s really going in a rapid speed, which is nice of course.
I’ve managed to create a simple guessing game which is run in CMD. What happens is that the system randomly assigns a number which the user has to guess. If the guess from the user is too high, it will be pointed out, if the guess […]

Programming a Guessing game!!
First week of programming has come to an end, I’ve learned a lot! It feels like we’ve already gone through the basics, so it’s really going in a rapid speed, which is nice of course.
I’ve managed to create a simple guessing game which is run in CMD. What happens is that the system randomly assigns a number which the user has to guess. If the guess from the user is too high, it will be pointed out, if the guess […]

Programming a Guessing game!!
First week of programming has come to an end, I’ve learned a lot! It feels like we’ve already gone through the basics, so it’s really going in a rapid speed, which is nice of course.
I’ve managed to create a simple guessing game which is run in CMD. What happens is that the system randomly assigns a number which the user has to guess. If the guess from the user is too high, it will be pointed out, if the guess […]

Programming a Guessing game!!
First week of programming has come to an end, I’ve learned a lot! It feels like we’ve already gone through the basics, so it’s really going in a rapid speed, which is nice of course.
I’ve managed to create a simple guessing game which is run in CMD. What happens is that the system randomly assigns a number which the user has to guess. If the guess from the user is too high, it will be pointed out, if the guess […]

A couple of days ago I attended my first gamejam, it’s quite of a tradition here at UU, Campus Gotland. Both first, second and third year students get together in teams to make a fully playable game during a couple of hours. The time you get depends on the rules of the jam. This time we had from 10.00 A.M. until 6 P.M. My team consisted of 5 other first year students, me and two other programmers, and three guys […]

A couple of days ago I attended my first gamejam, it’s quite of a tradition here at UU, Campus Gotland. Both first, second and third year students get together in teams to make a fully playable game during a couple of hours. The time you get depends on the rules of the jam. This time we had from 10.00 A.M. until 6 P.M. My team consisted of 5 other first year students, me and two other programmers, and three guys […]

Quickly summing-up
So, I have soon been here at UU, Campus Gotland, for about two months. There has been some stressful times but i’ve truly enjoyed my stay so far.
Our first assignment was to break the game Space invaders down and analyze different objects. We were told to take the objects on the screen and break it down in to 3 different subcategories, objects, properties and behaviors. For an example, the player craft in the game is an object. The speed which the […]

Quickly summing-up
So, I have soon been here at UU, Campus Gotland, for about two months. There has been some stressful times but i’ve truly enjoyed my stay so far.
Our first assignment was to break the game Space invaders down and analyze different objects. We were told to take the objects on the screen and break it down in to 3 different subcategories, objects, properties and behaviors. For an example, the player craft in the game is an object. The speed which the […]

A couple of days ago I attended my first gamejam, it’s quite of a tradition here at UU, Campus Gotland. Both first, second and third year students get together in teams to make a fully playable game during a couple of hours. The time you get depends on the rules of the jam. This time we had from 10.00 A.M. until 6 P.M. My team consisted of 5 other first year students, me and two other programmers, and three guys […]

A couple of days ago I attended my first gamejam, it’s quite of a tradition here at UU, Campus Gotland. Both first, second and third year students get together in teams to make a fully playable game during a couple of hours. The time you get depends on the rules of the jam. This time we had from 10.00 A.M. until 6 P.M. My team consisted of 5 other first year students, me and two other programmers, and three guys […]

Quickly summing-up
So, I have soon been here at UU, Campus Gotland, for about two months. There has been some stressful times but i’ve truly enjoyed my stay so far.
Our first assignment was to break the game Space invaders down and analyze different objects. We were told to take the objects on the screen and break it down in to 3 different subcategories, objects, properties and behaviors. For an example, the player craft in the game is an object. The speed which the […]

Quickly summing-up
So, I have soon been here at UU, Campus Gotland, for about two months. There has been some stressful times but i’ve truly enjoyed my stay so far.
Our first assignment was to break the game Space invaders down and analyze different objects. We were told to take the objects on the screen and break it down in to 3 different subcategories, objects, properties and behaviors. For an example, the player craft in the game is an object. The speed which the […]
Introducing my new blog
Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my new blog! This is just an introductory post so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
During the upcoming years, I’ll be posting the projects regarding my studies about game design and programming.
Introducing my new blog
Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my new blog! This is just an introductory post so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
During the upcoming years, I’ll be posting the projects regarding my studies about game design and programming.
Introducing my new blog
Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my new blog! This is just an introductory post so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
During the upcoming years, I’ll be posting the projects regarding my studies about game design and programming.
Introducing my new blog
Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my new blog! This is just an introductory post so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
During the upcoming years, I’ll be posting the projects regarding my studies about game design and programming.