Author Archives: Ludvig Storm

Root implementation
Time once again for a blog post, this week I’ve been working mostly on my project report, but I’ve also been looking on some tweaks for the game. I have been working with trying to implement roots while underground which would give the player hints on where the vegetables on the top level is. However, this wasn’t too complicated.
The way it was done was basically to add a texture and a sprite to the constructor of the vegetable class, this […]

Root implementation
Time once again for a blog post, this week I’ve been working mostly on my project report, but I’ve also been looking on some tweaks for the game. I have been working with trying to implement roots while underground which would give the player hints on where the vegetables on the top level is. However, this wasn’t too complicated.
The way it was done was basically to add a texture and a sprite to the constructor of the vegetable class, this […]

”Final touch”
My work this week has consisted of tweaking our current work. Balancing it and giving it a more final look. This had to be done due to the beta deadline and since all of our planned objects to the game already has been implemented we figured we’d put all of our time just tweaking our work and get it ready for beta.
So, I have reworked the eagles behavior a bit. The arrow shows the eagles movement while it’s still just […]

”Final touch”
My work this week has consisted of tweaking our current work. Balancing it and giving it a more final look. This had to be done due to the beta deadline and since all of our planned objects to the game already has been implemented we figured we’d put all of our time just tweaking our work and get it ready for beta.
So, I have reworked the eagles behavior a bit. The arrow shows the eagles movement while it’s still just […]

”Sonic spike trap”
This week I’ve been working on implementing another object for the game, the “Sonic spike trap”. The main purpose for this object is that it will serve as a distraction for the player. As you can see it’s a circle shaped sprite with a blue circle outside of it. The blue circle is the traps “aggro range” which means that the player can’t enter unless it’s destroyed. Think of it as some kind of sound waves that this trap emits […]

”Sonic spike trap”
This week I’ve been working on implementing another object for the game, the “Sonic spike trap”. The main purpose for this object is that it will serve as a distraction for the player. As you can see it’s a circle shaped sprite with a blue circle outside of it. The blue circle is the traps “aggro range” which means that the player can’t enter unless it’s destroyed. Think of it as some kind of sound waves that this trap emits […]

”The eagle”
This week I’ve been working on implementing the last aspect that will serve as a threat for the player, the eagle. The player can at random occasions see an eagles shadow on the ground, if the player would move into the shadows aggrorange, there will be a sound playing which will be kind of a screech to simulate an eagle. After a period of time, which will be decided upon later in the process when we start to balance, there […]

”The eagle”
This week I’ve been working on implementing the last aspect that will serve as a threat for the player, the eagle. The player can at random occasions see an eagles shadow on the ground, if the player would move into the shadows aggrorange, there will be a sound playing which will be kind of a screech to simulate an eagle. After a period of time, which will be decided upon later in the process when we start to balance, there […]

Destructible terrain
I’ve been working with the background and foreground implementation of our game during the last and this week. What I mean when I say the background and foreground implementation is more like a bitbased map.
At first when we started working on our game, we had this mindset of going with a tilebased map, since that was what we knew how to program. However we felt that it would make the gameplay while underground worse. It would feel choppy and not […]

Destructible terrain
I’ve been working with the background and foreground implementation of our game during the last and this week. What I mean when I say the background and foreground implementation is more like a bitbased map.
At first when we started working on our game, we had this mindset of going with a tilebased map, since that was what we knew how to program. However we felt that it would make the gameplay while underground worse. It would feel choppy and not […]

Mole Munch
So, it’s time for another blogpost, this time it will be about our current project. We have been told to design a game based upon another groups concept that they created in the last gamedesign course.
We decided to pick the concept “Mole Munch” which is about a mole that tries to eat all of a gardeners vegetables, the gardener isn’t quite too fond of this of course, and will therefore give pretty much everything he has to catch this mole.
During […]

Mole Munch
So, it’s time for another blogpost, this time it will be about our current project. We have been told to design a game based upon another groups concept that they created in the last gamedesign course.
We decided to pick the concept “Mole Munch” which is about a mole that tries to eat all of a gardeners vegetables, the gardener isn’t quite too fond of this of course, and will therefore give pretty much everything he has to catch this mole.
During […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]

Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]

Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]

Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]

Programming Week 4
This week we started building on our second game – Arkanoid. This project is a bit more complex though since we’re actually building this game from scratch. Our teacher is livecoding while going through each line of code, it’s interesting but very hard!
We’ve learned more about inheritance, which is that you can create an original class, and then you can create another class which can inherit the original class’ values.
We have also started discussing something new – Polymorphism, which is what […]

Programming Week 4
This week we started building on our second game – Arkanoid. This project is a bit more complex though since we’re actually building this game from scratch. Our teacher is livecoding while going through each line of code, it’s interesting but very hard!
We’ve learned more about inheritance, which is that you can create an original class, and then you can create another class which can inherit the original class’ values.
We have also started discussing something new – Polymorphism, which is what […]

Programming Week 4
This week we started building on our second game – Arkanoid. This project is a bit more complex though since we’re actually building this game from scratch. Our teacher is livecoding while going through each line of code, it’s interesting but very hard!
We’ve learned more about inheritance, which is that you can create an original class, and then you can create another class which can inherit the original class’ values.
We have also started discussing something new – Polymorphism, which is what […]

Programming Week 4
This week we started building on our second game – Arkanoid. This project is a bit more complex though since we’re actually building this game from scratch. Our teacher is livecoding while going through each line of code, it’s interesting but very hard!
We’ve learned more about inheritance, which is that you can create an original class, and then you can create another class which can inherit the original class’ values.
We have also started discussing something new – Polymorphism, which is what […]