Author Archives: Lucas Pålsson

update #6 last minute aditions
Since it’s the last week and we are 99% done with all art most of the time is spent polishing all the existing assets.
We are balling around the idea of trying to add some sort off powerps to the game. powerups would be aquired from getting diffrent companies to sponsor your team.
So i made some quick logos for diffrent companies that would give the players car diffrent stat boosts.

update #6 last minute aditions
Since it’s the last week and we are 99% done with all art most of the time is spent polishing all the existing assets.
We are balling around the idea of trying to add some sort off powerps to the game. powerups would be aquired from getting diffrent companies to sponsor your team.
So i made some quick logos for diffrent companies that would give the players car diffrent stat boosts.

update #5 particle effects
So the game is nearing completion. all the the envirmonet is done and all teh cars are implemented but it’s missing some flair.
We have started add sound and it helps alot with seeling the game, making the cars seem faster and mor powerfull. But it still feels a bit empty.
So i’ve spent the day making particle effects. i actually started way earlier making frame animations but had issuess with implementing them in unitys particle sytem, it wasn’t until today that […]

update #5 particle effects
So the game is nearing completion. all the the envirmonet is done and all teh cars are implemented but it’s missing some flair.
We have started add sound and it helps alot with seeling the game, making the cars seem faster and mor powerfull. But it still feels a bit empty.
So i’ve spent the day making particle effects. i actually started way earlier making frame animations but had issuess with implementing them in unitys particle sytem, it wasn’t until today that […]
update #4 recaping a bit more
So having no prior knowledge on how to design a racing track i asked our resident racing fanatic on what made a racing track good, i got a very broad answer which didn’t really help me.
So i started reachercing a bit in the hopes that i could find a tutorial or something. And while i did find some usefull information they all boiled down to the same broad answer i got in the begining “make a track with a mix […]
update #4 recaping a bit more
So having no prior knowledge on how to design a racing track i asked our resident racing fanatic on what made a racing track good, i got a very broad answer which didn’t really help me.
So i started reachercing a bit in the hopes that i could find a tutorial or something. And while i did find some usefull information they all boiled down to the same broad answer i got in the begining “make a track with a mix […]
Update#3 recaping a bit.
since i’ve been really bad about updating this blog under this project i’m going to recap the first weeks of production. Mostly for my self as a reminder but also to anyone who reads this blog.
So i kindoff stumbled in to being the level designer of this game by being the one who had to learn how to make a race track.
In the tart we figured we would make a tile system for track and enviroments, this seemed like a […]
Update#3 recaping a bit.
since i’ve been really bad about updating this blog under this project i’m going to recap the first weeks of production. Mostly for my self as a reminder but also to anyone who reads this blog.
So i kindoff stumbled in to being the level designer of this game by being the one who had to learn how to make a race track.
In the tart we figured we would make a tile system for track and enviroments, this seemed like a […]

Bgp update #2 need to make more off these.
There hasn’t been much development since the last post. we did have a alpha test for some teachers and got pretty good feedback, it was mostly stuff we already knew were problems but that we have had a hard time fixing.
As for my own work i learned and made some partical effects for the cars, it was pretty fun i’ll se if i can make more and fit them in to the game at some point.
if think we got the […]

Bgp update #2 need to make more off these.
There hasn’t been much development since the last post. we did have a alpha test for some teachers and got pretty good feedback, it was mostly stuff we already knew were problems but that we have had a hard time fixing.
As for my own work i learned and made some partical effects for the cars, it was pretty fun i’ll se if i can make more and fit them in to the game at some point.
if think we got the […]

5 weeks in, bgp update 1
I should started this sooner than five weeks in to the project but it’s easy to get caught up in the workflow and start forgeting things. anway better late than never i supposed.
So background on this project bfore i go in on what i have been doing. the “Big game proeject” for secondyears is our final assigment. it’s a chance where we get to make any game we want, the only restriction being our own capabilities.
The project i’m woking on […]

5 weeks in, bgp update 1
I should started this sooner than five weeks in to the project but it’s easy to get caught up in the workflow and start forgeting things. anway better late than never i supposed.
So background on this project bfore i go in on what i have been doing. the “Big game proeject” for secondyears is our final assigment. it’s a chance where we get to make any game we want, the only restriction being our own capabilities.
The project i’m woking on […]

#6 Update spaceshooter
This will be the last blog update for the space shooter project, tomorrow we will present our final project and there will be no further work. I suspect that we still have to update this blog so even though it’s the end of the project it will continue.
So what does an artist do the last day of a project when all of the actual work lies on the programmers? The answer, mostly random small additions that might not even make […]

#6 Update spaceshooter
This will be the last blog update for the space shooter project, tomorrow we will present our final project and there will be no further work. I suspect that we still have to update this blog so even though it’s the end of the project it will continue.
So what does an artist do the last day of a project when all of the actual work lies on the programmers? The answer, mostly random small additions that might not even make […]

#5 Update spaceshooter
With only one week left to gold there is only polishing left to do. It’s mostly small stuff like adding background visuals, fixing all the menus and cleaning up animations.
This week’s polish will be of the giraffes attack animation. Funny thing is the first one hasn’t yet been implemented in to the game, so it’s not really replacing anything at this point nevertheless it had to be changed at some point.
So the giraffe shots balls of lightning from its horns […]

#5 Update spaceshooter
With only one week left to gold there is only polishing left to do. It’s mostly small stuff like adding background visuals, fixing all the menus and cleaning up animations.
This week’s polish will be of the giraffes attack animation. Funny thing is the first one hasn’t yet been implemented in to the game, so it’s not really replacing anything at this point nevertheless it had to be changed at some point.
So the giraffe shots balls of lightning from its horns […]

#4 Update spaceshooter
The Beta version off the game is here and that means that we are no longer allowed to add any more assets, which means even less for the graphics team to do these coming weeks.
So for this week I’m currently working on (since of this time of writing it is not yet finished) something that might not make it in to the game, that would be an opening cut scene. Well if it won’t make it in to the game […]

#4 Update spaceshooter
The Beta version off the game is here and that means that we are no longer allowed to add any more assets, which means even less for the graphics team to do these coming weeks.
So for this week I’m currently working on (since of this time of writing it is not yet finished) something that might not make it in to the game, that would be an opening cut scene. Well if it won’t make it in to the game […]

#3 Update spaceshooter
This week I’ve been working with redesigning the three basic enemy types in the game. I was never really happy with the first designs, they were something I threw together fast so that we could have something to work on at least. It started with remaking the second enemy type, nicknamed “shotgun minion” .
Problem was that the design was way too simple, even for our game, and a bit boring to look at. It didn’t leave much to create fun […]

#3 Update spaceshooter
This week I’ve been working with redesigning the three basic enemy types in the game. I was never really happy with the first designs, they were something I threw together fast so that we could have something to work on at least. It started with remaking the second enemy type, nicknamed “shotgun minion” .
Problem was that the design was way too simple, even for our game, and a bit boring to look at. It didn’t leave much to create fun […]

2# Update spaceshooter
As the the alpha approaches the graphical assignments for it get’s spread thinner and thinner. so for this week i started work on assets that we might get to use later on in the project, we do like to plan ahead.
These Posters will work as two different types of high score screens. The one on the left is for a player victory and the one on the right is for player loss.The players score willed be placed where the […]

2# Update spaceshooter
As the the alpha approaches the graphical assignments for it get’s spread thinner and thinner. so for this week i started work on assets that we might get to use later on in the project, we do like to plan ahead.
These Posters will work as two different types of high score screens. The one on the left is for a player victory and the one on the right is for player loss.The players score willed be placed where the […]
1# update spaceshooter
This will be the first post on this project but we are already three weeks in on this project. the project itself is a 2D space shooter titled (at the moment) “space girafaa”, in which the player controls a cybernetic giraffe on a quest to save it’s family.
i work mostly with the art and animation of the game, so this week i was tasked with one of the animations for an interactive item in the game. the “item” so to […]
1# update spaceshooter
This will be the first post on this project but we are already three weeks in on this project. the project itself is a 2D space shooter titled (at the moment) “space girafaa”, in which the player controls a cybernetic giraffe on a quest to save it’s family.
i work mostly with the art and animation of the game, so this week i was tasked with one of the animations for an interactive item in the game. the “item” so to […]