Author Archives: Ludwig Lindstål

3D Week 04 – Texturing
Hello. It’s time for an update on my sci-fi crate, so here we go!
The inspiration for my crate is all from the Halo and Portal games. Well for shape and model I was looking more at the Portal’s “companion cube” as I hope you can tell from the rough and hard edges I have in my crate. When it comes to texture mostly of what I aimed for is from Halo I would say, as the crate I am trying […]

3D Week 04 – Texturing
Hello. It’s time for an update on my sci-fi crate, so here we go!
The inspiration for my crate is all from the Halo and Portal games. Well for shape and model I was looking more at the Portal’s “companion cube” as I hope you can tell from the rough and hard edges I have in my crate. When it comes to texture mostly of what I aimed for is from Halo I would say, as the crate I am trying […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

3D week 03 – Part 02 Daggerstuff
Hello again!
This is the next part of my blogpost for this week. It’s about the object I choose at the Gotland Museum a week ago. So well… here we go!
I chose this dagger as my project as it seemed as an interesting and challenging object to model. There are both smooth and sharp edges, and it’s made out of different materials so it adds to the making of texture and specular maps. So basically because I wanted something that gives […]

3D week 03 – Part 02 Daggerstuff
Hello again!
This is the next part of my blogpost for this week. It’s about the object I choose at the Gotland Museum a week ago. So well… here we go!
I chose this dagger as my project as it seemed as an interesting and challenging object to model. There are both smooth and sharp edges, and it’s made out of different materials so it adds to the making of texture and specular maps. So basically because I wanted something that gives […]

3D week 03 – Part 02 Daggerstuff
Hello again!
This is the next part of my blogpost for this week. It’s about the object I choose at the Gotland Museum a week ago. So well… here we go!
I chose this dagger as my project as it seemed as an interesting and challenging object to model. There are both smooth and sharp edges, and it’s made out of different materials so it adds to the making of texture and specular maps. So basically because I wanted something that gives […]

3D week 03 – Part 02 Daggerstuff
Hello again!
This is the next part of my blogpost for this week. It’s about the object I choose at the Gotland Museum a week ago. So well… here we go!
I chose this dagger as my project as it seemed as an interesting and challenging object to model. There are both smooth and sharp edges, and it’s made out of different materials so it adds to the making of texture and specular maps. So basically because I wanted something that gives […]

3D Week 03 – Optimizing Crates
This week we have been working on our 3D-crates and how to optimize the models for game usage. First of we have learnt that a 3D-model or mesh should only contain polygons with a maximum of four sides otherwise they won’t be handled well and the mesh might end up distorted and not looking like your original model. Any polygon with a number of sides greater than 4 is called an N-gon (I guess the N stands for any number, […]

3D Week 03 – Optimizing Crates
This week we have been working on our 3D-crates and how to optimize the models for game usage. First of we have learnt that a 3D-model or mesh should only contain polygons with a maximum of four sides otherwise they won’t be handled well and the mesh might end up distorted and not looking like your original model. Any polygon with a number of sides greater than 4 is called an N-gon (I guess the N stands for any number, […]

3D Week 03 – Optimizing Crates
This week we have been working on our 3D-crates and how to optimize the models for game usage. First of we have learnt that a 3D-model or mesh should only contain polygons with a maximum of four sides otherwise they won’t be handled well and the mesh might end up distorted and not looking like your original model. Any polygon with a number of sides greater than 4 is called an N-gon (I guess the N stands for any number, […]

3D Week 03 – Optimizing Crates
This week we have been working on our 3D-crates and how to optimize the models for game usage. First of we have learnt that a 3D-model or mesh should only contain polygons with a maximum of four sides otherwise they won’t be handled well and the mesh might end up distorted and not looking like your original model. Any polygon with a number of sides greater than 4 is called an N-gon (I guess the N stands for any number, […]

3D crates & playing around with themes!
This week in the 3D-class we have been learning a lot more about 3D-modeling. Our task was to make crates with different themes. We had to choose three different themes out from sci-fi, urban contemporary, post-apocalyptic, medieval or cartoony and then create a crate-like object in that theme. I’d chose sci-fi, medieval and cartoony for my crates as they were the most different styles from each other and I wanted to try making as many different ones as possible! 😀
First […]

3D crates & playing around with themes!
This week in the 3D-class we have been learning a lot more about 3D-modeling. Our task was to make crates with different themes. We had to choose three different themes out from sci-fi, urban contemporary, post-apocalyptic, medieval or cartoony and then create a crate-like object in that theme. I’d chose sci-fi, medieval and cartoony for my crates as they were the most different styles from each other and I wanted to try making as many different ones as possible! 😀
First […]

3D crates & playing around with themes!
This week in the 3D-class we have been learning a lot more about 3D-modeling. Our task was to make crates with different themes. We had to choose three different themes out from sci-fi, urban contemporary, post-apocalyptic, medieval or cartoony and then create a crate-like object in that theme. I’d chose sci-fi, medieval and cartoony for my crates as they were the most different styles from each other and I wanted to try making as many different ones as possible! 😀
First […]

3D crates & playing around with themes!
This week in the 3D-class we have been learning a lot more about 3D-modeling. Our task was to make crates with different themes. We had to choose three different themes out from sci-fi, urban contemporary, post-apocalyptic, medieval or cartoony and then create a crate-like object in that theme. I’d chose sci-fi, medieval and cartoony for my crates as they were the most different styles from each other and I wanted to try making as many different ones as possible! 😀
First […]

Advanced game design – playing boardgames n’ stuff
Along with the 3D course we will also study Advanced Game Design for this semester. For starters in the game design course we had to play and analyse a board game of our own choice and its system. and for you who know me, I just picked one at random, and here we are with one of the most complex board games I have ever seen. hope you can follow along!!
Heres a fancy picture of how the box look.
About […]

Advanced game design – playing boardgames n’ stuff
Along with the 3D course we will also study Advanced Game Design for this semester. For starters in the game design course we had to play and analyse a board game of our own choice and its system. and for you who know me, I just picked one at random, and here we are with one of the most complex board games I have ever seen. hope you can follow along!!
Heres a fancy picture of how the box look.
About […]

Advanced game design – playing boardgames n’ stuff
Along with the 3D course we will also study Advanced Game Design for this semester. For starters in the game design course we had to play and analyse a board game of our own choice and its system. and for you who know me, I just picked one at random, and here we are with one of the most complex board games I have ever seen. hope you can follow along!!
Heres a fancy picture of how the box look.
About […]

Advanced game design – playing boardgames n’ stuff
Along with the 3D course we will also study Advanced Game Design for this semester. For starters in the game design course we had to play and analyse a board game of our own choice and its system. and for you who know me, I just picked one at random, and here we are with one of the most complex board games I have ever seen. hope you can follow along!!
Heres a fancy picture of how the box look.
About […]

New semester = 3D-modeling and other cool stuff
The summer is over and the second year has just started. This semester I will start learning 3D and I’m so freaking excited!
This first week we’ve been analysing screenshots with focus on the elements of art, such as Line, Shapes, Space, Value, Colour and Texture. I must tell I haven’t played any of these games, which gives me a fresh look at these pictures.
The first screenshot is from Batman.
Line: the camera is tilted and the lines are diagonally, which […]

New semester = 3D-modeling and other cool stuff
The summer is over and the second year has just started. This semester I will start learning 3D and I’m so freaking excited!
This first week we’ve been analysing screenshots with focus on the elements of art, such as Line, Shapes, Space, Value, Colour and Texture. I must tell I haven’t played any of these games, which gives me a fresh look at these pictures.
The first screenshot is from Batman.
Line: the camera is tilted and the lines are diagonally, which […]