Author Archives: Love Åkerlund
week 7: Boomberman Game movement
This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]
week 7: Boomberman Game movement
This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]
Week 6 : Boomberman Game
This week we started working on the Map in the game, we made a new Class for SolidBlock. We decided to make the map from a .txt file so we could change the map how we wanted to.
We had loads of problem with getting the code to read from our text file. But then we got it to work by starting over again and review the code from the txt reader lesson.
We finally had our map printed out and when […]
Week 6 : Boomberman Game
This week we started working on the Map in the game, we made a new Class for SolidBlock. We decided to make the map from a .txt file so we could change the map how we wanted to.
We had loads of problem with getting the code to read from our text file. But then we got it to work by starting over again and review the code from the txt reader lesson.
We finally had our map printed out and when […]
Week 6 : Boomberman Game
This week we started working on the Map in the game, we made a new Class for SolidBlock. We decided to make the map from a .txt file so we could change the map how we wanted to.
We had loads of problem with getting the code to read from our text file. But then we got it to work by starting over again and review the code from the txt reader lesson.
We finally had our map printed out and when […]
Week 6 : Boomberman Game
This week we started working on the Map in the game, we made a new Class for SolidBlock. We decided to make the map from a .txt file so we could change the map how we wanted to.
We had loads of problem with getting the code to read from our text file. But then we got it to work by starting over again and review the code from the txt reader lesson.
We finally had our map printed out and when […]
Week 5: Arkanoid and final project
This week we have completed our Arkanoid Game and me and Axel have started to talk about how we want to start to work on our final project.
In arkanoid we added a class for paddle and ball, we also added collision. The collision we used checked if the X axis overlapped the other X axis and same with Y axis. If both overlapped we have collision.
We also learned how to add pictures with other format then .bmp and how to […]
Week 5: Arkanoid and final project
This week we have completed our Arkanoid Game and me and Axel have started to talk about how we want to start to work on our final project.
In arkanoid we added a class for paddle and ball, we also added collision. The collision we used checked if the X axis overlapped the other X axis and same with Y axis. If both overlapped we have collision.
We also learned how to add pictures with other format then .bmp and how to […]
Week 5: Arkanoid and final project
This week we have completed our Arkanoid Game and me and Axel have started to talk about how we want to start to work on our final project.
In arkanoid we added a class for paddle and ball, we also added collision. The collision we used checked if the X axis overlapped the other X axis and same with Y axis. If both overlapped we have collision.
We also learned how to add pictures with other format then .bmp and how to […]
Week 5: Arkanoid and final project
This week we have completed our Arkanoid Game and me and Axel have started to talk about how we want to start to work on our final project.
In arkanoid we added a class for paddle and ball, we also added collision. The collision we used checked if the X axis overlapped the other X axis and same with Y axis. If both overlapped we have collision.
We also learned how to add pictures with other format then .bmp and how to […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 3: Classes and improvement
This week we have started using Classes. Because the course is moving forward in a high speed I feel like I need more time to do each exercise before I can fully understand them. The exercises that I have done this week is a few basic Programs that uses classes and then I did a Fahrenheit, Celsius Kelvin converter and a program that can calculate the time in seconds since midnight here you can also add or remove time. Now […]
Week 3: Classes and improvement
This week we have started using Classes. Because the course is moving forward in a high speed I feel like I need more time to do each exercise before I can fully understand them. The exercises that I have done this week is a few basic Programs that uses classes and then I did a Fahrenheit, Celsius Kelvin converter and a program that can calculate the time in seconds since midnight here you can also add or remove time. Now […]
Week 3: Classes and improvement
This week we have started using Classes. Because the course is moving forward in a high speed I feel like I need more time to do each exercise before I can fully understand them. The exercises that I have done this week is a few basic Programs that uses classes and then I did a Fahrenheit, Celsius Kelvin converter and a program that can calculate the time in seconds since midnight here you can also add or remove time. Now […]
Week 3: Classes and improvement
This week we have started using Classes. Because the course is moving forward in a high speed I feel like I need more time to do each exercise before I can fully understand them. The exercises that I have done this week is a few basic Programs that uses classes and then I did a Fahrenheit, Celsius Kelvin converter and a program that can calculate the time in seconds since midnight here you can also add or remove time. Now […]
Week 2: Learning, Progress and Confusion.
This week we have started to work with Arrays, Functions, Strings we have also touched a bit on Pointers and Memory. When I have been working on this weeks exercises I feel like I have learned a lot but I also feel really confused. I can’t really explain how I feel. I understand and at the same time I feel lost and like there is much that I don’t understand. I guess I am learning to code. We also had […]
Week 2: Learning, Progress and Confusion.
This week we have started to work with Arrays, Functions, Strings we have also touched a bit on Pointers and Memory. When I have been working on this weeks exercises I feel like I have learned a lot but I also feel really confused. I can’t really explain how I feel. I understand and at the same time I feel lost and like there is much that I don’t understand. I guess I am learning to code. We also had […]
Week 2: Learning, Progress and Confusion.
This week we have started to work with Arrays, Functions, Strings we have also touched a bit on Pointers and Memory. When I have been working on this weeks exercises I feel like I have learned a lot but I also feel really confused. I can’t really explain how I feel. I understand and at the same time I feel lost and like there is much that I don’t understand. I guess I am learning to code. We also had […]
Week 2: Learning, Progress and Confusion.
This week we have started to work with Arrays, Functions, Strings we have also touched a bit on Pointers and Memory. When I have been working on this weeks exercises I feel like I have learned a lot but I also feel really confused. I can’t really explain how I feel. I understand and at the same time I feel lost and like there is much that I don’t understand. I guess I am learning to code. We also had […]

Week 1: Getting to know C++
For this first week in my programming course I started to learn how to write code in C++ . Before I started this course I had been programming in Java and php. This first week was a introduction to programming and I felt like it was really good because I am still new to C++.
The fist lesson we talked about Computers and the history of programming and computers. This was very interesting because I learned a lot about computer history […]

Week 1: Getting to know C++
For this first week in my programming course I started to learn how to write code in C++ . Before I started this course I had been programming in Java and php. This first week was a introduction to programming and I felt like it was really good because I am still new to C++.
The fist lesson we talked about Computers and the history of programming and computers. This was very interesting because I learned a lot about computer history […]