Author Archives: Love Åkerlund

Week 5
Since The last time i wrote a blogg post lots of things have happend. The enemies of the game works much better and loads of minor tweeks have been done. My focus since the alpha has been to redo the levels to make the feel more fiting with the rest of the game experience. It feels like we have done some improvements and the levels are working better now. Even thought the levels and challegnes feels better then before, it feels […]

Week 5
Since The last time i wrote a blogg post lots of things have happend. The enemies of the game works much better and loads of minor tweeks have been done. My focus since the alpha has been to redo the levels to make the feel more fiting with the rest of the game experience. It feels like we have done some improvements and the levels are working better now. Even thought the levels and challegnes feels better then before, it feels […]
Prototype level for alpha
for the alpha I created a prototype level that we used to test how the game worked and how the level worked.
we got some good feedback and durring the playtest the testers brought up some new good points. This week the goal will be to rebuild the level and make it better and more relevant with the gameplay, to make the game feel like more then just a generic platformer. To do this I will implement new puzzels and makes the […]
Prototype level for alpha
for the alpha I created a prototype level that we used to test how the game worked and how the level worked.
we got some good feedback and durring the playtest the testers brought up some new good points. This week the goal will be to rebuild the level and make it better and more relevant with the gameplay, to make the game feel like more then just a generic platformer. To do this I will implement new puzzels and makes the […]
Project Neiva Week 3
Last week the focus was on getting the player to feel good, to get the player to feel better we changed the movement and the speed of the player. We also changed how one of the projectiles worked and how the camera moved.
During a playtest we had the week before we collected data about how the testers felt. Most of the tester thought the player moved to fast, the jump and the camera did not feel right and that one […]
Project Neiva Week 3
Last week the focus was on getting the player to feel good, to get the player to feel better we changed the movement and the speed of the player. We also changed how one of the projectiles worked and how the camera moved.
During a playtest we had the week before we collected data about how the testers felt. Most of the tester thought the player moved to fast, the jump and the camera did not feel right and that one […]

Project Neiva Week 2
Hello Again Readers!
Now the second week of development has passed and we have already got some great progress. The week started with a weekly sprint. Where we set up the goal with what we wanted to have in game before the week was done. As level designer my task was to create some test levels and some basic challenges for each of our different souls that our main character uses to teleport around.
The projectiles that Neiva has is the standard […]

Project Neiva Week 2
Hello Again Readers!
Now the second week of development has passed and we have already got some great progress. The week started with a weekly sprint. Where we set up the goal with what we wanted to have in game before the week was done. As level designer my task was to create some test levels and some basic challenges for each of our different souls that our main character uses to teleport around.
The projectiles that Neiva has is the standard […]

New Game On Development.
Hello readers!
A few weeks ago a team of seven people started developing a concept to a new game. My role in the project is lead design and my main task is to build levels to the game and making sure that everything is working as intended. The project name at the moment is Project Neiva, Neiva is the main character of the game.
This is concept art of Neiva with Her soul.
The game is a 2D platformer with 3D graphics. The […]

New Game On Development.
Hello readers!
A few weeks ago a team of seven people started developing a concept to a new game. My role in the project is lead design and my main task is to build levels to the game and making sure that everything is working as intended. The project name at the moment is Project Neiva, Neiva is the main character of the game.
This is concept art of Neiva with Her soul.
The game is a 2D platformer with 3D graphics. The […]

Dragon Song Blog post #6
The project is coming along nicely and we are soon done with the game. This is going to be last blog post that will be about Dragon song. During the last week I have focused a lot on polishing the game as much as I can. So this blog post will mostly be about what I have done to get the best game possible with what we have done so far.
The first thing the group and I did to polish […]

Dragon Song Blog post #6
The project is coming along nicely and we are soon done with the game. This is going to be last blog post that will be about Dragon song. During the last week I have focused a lot on polishing the game as much as I can. So this blog post will mostly be about what I have done to get the best game possible with what we have done so far.
The first thing the group and I did to polish […]
Dragon Song bloggpost #5
This is the last week of the game before the beta presentation. The programmers have been focusing on getting as much done as we possibly can. We have been polishing the power ups, we have been fixing some minor bugs. This week we have also been adding a few states, we started by adding an End State which accrue when the player gets hit three times by the enemies. In the end state you can choose if you want to […]
Dragon Song bloggpost #5
This is the last week of the game before the beta presentation. The programmers have been focusing on getting as much done as we possibly can. We have been polishing the power ups, we have been fixing some minor bugs. This week we have also been adding a few states, we started by adding an End State which accrue when the player gets hit three times by the enemies. In the end state you can choose if you want to […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #4
So this week I have mostly been fine tuning a lot of the features done earlier weeks in the project. During this project we have been adding a lot of features and functions to the code but not finished them. I have gone through a lot of the code and tried to get a deeper understanding of the code and the project over all. We had some play testing this week with a few different people. When we did play […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #4
So this week I have mostly been fine tuning a lot of the features done earlier weeks in the project. During this project we have been adding a lot of features and functions to the code but not finished them. I have gone through a lot of the code and tried to get a deeper understanding of the code and the project over all. We had some play testing this week with a few different people. When we did play […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #3
This is the first week when the game is in beta stage, this week we have been looking over the project and tried to make a list of all the things that needs to be done before the final version of the game. The three things we need to work on before the beta deadline is power ups, states (menu state and so on) and last we need to get animations to work properly.
This is how the game looks like […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #3
This is the first week when the game is in beta stage, this week we have been looking over the project and tried to make a list of all the things that needs to be done before the final version of the game. The three things we need to work on before the beta deadline is power ups, states (menu state and so on) and last we need to get animations to work properly.
This is how the game looks like […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #2
This week the game is leaving the Alpha phase and is entering the Beta phase. The last week a lot have been added to the game code wise. One of the features added to the game is Enemy’s and their spawn system and this is what this week’s blogg post is going to be about.
The way we decided to spawn enemies is by reading in from a text file, we read in three values from the text file. The first […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #2
This week the game is leaving the Alpha phase and is entering the Beta phase. The last week a lot have been added to the game code wise. One of the features added to the game is Enemy’s and their spawn system and this is what this week’s blogg post is going to be about.
The way we decided to spawn enemies is by reading in from a text file, we read in three values from the text file. The first […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #1
The project I am now working on is a rhythm game that is called Dragon Song. Dragon song is a space shooter game and you play as the dragon Riff, this dragon is not like the other dragons. Instead of breathing fire Riff uses his song to defeat the enemies in the game.
The main feature of the game is to keep to the beat of the level. I have the role of lead code, and I have been working […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #1
The project I am now working on is a rhythm game that is called Dragon Song. Dragon song is a space shooter game and you play as the dragon Riff, this dragon is not like the other dragons. Instead of breathing fire Riff uses his song to defeat the enemies in the game.
The main feature of the game is to keep to the beat of the level. I have the role of lead code, and I have been working […]
week 7: Boomberman Game movement
This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]
week 7: Boomberman Game movement
This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]