Author Archives: Lisa Wackenhuth Svanström

Challenge – Not the BEES!!
This week my classmate Sebastian and I have been working on a concept challenge. In one weeks time we had to come up with a Video Game Concept with help from Rory’s Story Cubes. The app randomizes dices and with help from these you have to come up with a narrative for your video game. Three of these images were turtles and bees and a questionmark. From these we came up with a

Challenge – Not the BEES!!
This week my classmate Sebastian and I have been working on a concept challenge. In one weeks time we had to come up with a Video Game Concept with help from Rory’s Story Cubes. The app randomizes dices and with help from these you have to come up with a narrative for your video game. Three of these images were turtles and bees and a questionmark. From these we came up with a
My First Game Jam – Claws Contact
Gotland Game Jam is a contest where you gather a team mixed with first, second and third year students and from 10 AM to 6 PM you have to create a game based on a special theme. This year all teams got the theme Addiction X
The thoughts of my team were: “How do we create a game the player for sure gets addicted […]
My First Game Jam – Claws Contact
Gotland Game Jam is a contest where you gather a team mixed with first, second and third year students and from 10 AM to 6 PM you have to create a game based on a special theme. This year all teams got the theme Addiction X
The thoughts of my team were: “How do we create a game the player for sure gets addicted […]

Pit of Doom – a Impending Doom Game
Pit of Doom
”Pit of Doom” is a multiplayer impending doom game for the PC. The game brings the players to the role of a person that has fallen into a pit with polar bears at the zoo, and her friend, desperately trying to pull her out of the pit. Both players are locked together in a chain which makes the situation deadly even […]

Pit of Doom – a Impending Doom Game
Pit of Doom
”Pit of Doom” is a multiplayer impending doom game for the PC. The game brings the players to the role of a person that has fallen into a pit with polar bears at the zoo, and her friend, desperately trying to pull her out of the pit. Both players are locked together in a chain which makes the situation deadly even […]

Drawing, drawing and more drawing!
Tonight I was in a real mood for drawing so I sat down with my Bamboo tablet and started to sketch on a dragon and a “goatus” (a horse/goat/deamon cross). This is what turned out after about 9 hours of just drawing and listening to beautiful and dramatic WoW soundtrack.
Tonight I was in a real mood for drawing so I sat down with my Bamboo tablet and started to sketch on a dragon and a “goatus” (a horse/goat/deamon cross). This is what turned out after about 9 hours of just drawing and listening to beautiful and dramatic WoW soundtrack.
Drawing, drawing and more drawing!

Core Experience, Left4Dead
This lecture we talked about the importance of Core Experience in a game and at the end of the day we got together in our groups and had to find a game that we all had played. Our task was to think of the Core Experience in that game and either create a completely new game but with the same Core Experience or to recreate the game with the same Core Experience. Luckily the professors only asked for a […]

Core Experience, Left4Dead
This lecture we talked about the importance of Core Experience in a game and at the end of the day we got together in our groups and had to find a game that we all had played. Our task was to think of the Core Experience in that game and either create a completely new game but with the same Core Experience or to recreate the game with the same Core Experience. Luckily the professors only asked for a […]

Ernest Adams Project – TrollDozer
One of the more difficult projects was the one we got from the game designer and author Ernest Adams. We got divided into groups of five. Each team choose their:
Lead Designer
Art Director (I was choosen to be the Art Director)
Level Designer
Mechanics Designer
User Interface Designer
In one evening (went over night time aswell) we were supposed to come up with one game with the help from a card. On the card our group got
“My […]

Ernest Adams Project – TrollDozer
One of the more difficult projects was the one we got from the game designer and author Ernest Adams. We got divided into groups of five. Each team choose their:
Lead Designer
Art Director (I was choosen to be the Art Director)
Level Designer
Mechanics Designer
User Interface Designer
In one evening (went over night time aswell) we were supposed to come up with one game with the help from a card. On the card our group got
“My […]
MDA: Assignment Sissy Fight!
First let me explain the term ”MDA”
Mechanics: The particular components of the game, at the level of data representation and algorithms. So, mechanics are the rules and concepts that formally specify the game system.
Dynamics: The run-time behavior of the game-as-system. So, dynamics describes the run-time behavior of the mechanics acting on player inputs and each others’ outputs over time. The dynamics automatically change if the mechanics are changed.
Aesthetics: The desirable emotional responses evoked in the player, when she interacts with the game system. Aesthetics can easier be referred to as ”fun”. Sch, […]
MDA: Assignment Sissy Fight!
First let me explain the term ”MDA”
Mechanics: The particular components of the game, at the level of data representation and algorithms. So, mechanics are the rules and concepts that formally specify the game system.
Dynamics: The run-time behavior of the game-as-system. So, dynamics describes the run-time behavior of the mechanics acting on player inputs and each others’ outputs over time. The dynamics automatically change if the mechanics are changed.
Aesthetics: The desirable emotional responses evoked in the player, when she interacts with the game system. Aesthetics can easier be referred to as ”fun”. Sch, […]

First week at the University
Space Invaders – Objects, Behaviours, Properties, Relationships
In my first week at Upsala University Campus Gotland we got introduced to our teacher Adam Mayes. He is going to be our Analysing and Game Design teacher these first five weeks.The first subject we talked about were Objects in games. We got an excercise to take out the objects, behaviours and properties from the classic game Space Invader and then also describe these object’s relations to each other.With this knowledge I realized there is […]

First week at the University
Space Invaders – Objects, Behaviours, Properties, Relationships
In my first week at Upsala University Campus Gotland we got introduced to our teacher Adam Mayes. He is going to be our Analysing and Game Design teacher these first five weeks.The first subject we talked about were Objects in games. We got an excercise to take out the objects, behaviours and properties from the classic game Space Invader and then also describe these object’s relations to each other.With this knowledge I realized there is […]

Dungeons & Dragons!
One of our first game designing experiences were when we got introduced to a board game called Dungeons and Dragons. This is a very old board game that has been inspiration to many board games today. Our task was to create a own character with different attributes and learn that the different stats would completely change the gameplay. If you play a mage you would need more wisdom to be able to cast your spells more effective and if you […]

Dungeons & Dragons!
One of our first game designing experiences were when we got introduced to a board game called Dungeons and Dragons. This is a very old board game that has been inspiration to many board games today. Our task was to create a own character with different attributes and learn that the different stats would completely change the gameplay. If you play a mage you would need more wisdom to be able to cast your spells more effective and if you […]

Uppsala University Campus Gotland – Game Design & Graphics
Welcome to my new blog. My name is Lisa Svanström. At the beginning of September month I moved from my home in Italy to Gotland, Sweden. Now I am a student at Uppsala University Campus Gotland and I am currently studying the first year of Game Design & Graphics.
In this blog I will be posting […]

Uppsala University Campus Gotland – Game Design & Graphics
Welcome to my new blog. My name is Lisa Svanström. At the beginning of September month I moved from my home in Italy to Gotland, Sweden. Now I am a student at Uppsala University Campus Gotland and I am currently studying the first year of Game Design & Graphics.
In this blog I will be posting […]