Author Archives: Linda Sjørslev Khamphoukeo

See you later boaty boat~
This is the last post for our shoot ‘em up. There have been good and bad times but surely a lot has been learned.
Our group has developed doing this project and some friendships has been made. We have had a lot of challenges about what is right and wrong and who has the last word for what. But I am grateful that we manage to make this game which I am somewhat pleased with, and that we […]

See you later boaty boat~
This is the last post for our shoot ‘em up. There have been good and bad times but surely a lot has been learned.
Our group has developed doing this project and some friendships has been made. We have had a lot of challenges about what is right and wrong and who has the last word for what. But I am grateful that we manage to make this game which I am somewhat pleased with, and that we […]

The Boaty way of playtesting
As an artist it is very important to make players read the visuals meaning and how they make the player feel. It is very essential to get feedback from testers on the response the game gives to the player.
By using survey and talking to the testers there was given a lot of great feedback. Orally gives more in depth of what the testers actually mean, if they for example do not have the feeling the game has a mysterious […]

The Boaty way of playtesting
As an artist it is very important to make players read the visuals meaning and how they make the player feel. It is very essential to get feedback from testers on the response the game gives to the player.
By using survey and talking to the testers there was given a lot of great feedback. Orally gives more in depth of what the testers actually mean, if they for example do not have the feeling the game has a mysterious […]

Squishy Squashi Squids
For our enemy our first thought was squids because or art style is steam punk and you see a lot of squids or octopus in steam punk style.
I and so many other graphics students at Game Design are new to animation. We have not had any other assignments than doing bouncy balls so stretch and squash was not that new to us.
There were a lot of struggles in trying to get it right and understanding how animation works. Squash and […]

Squishy Squashi Squids
For our enemy our first thought was squids because or art style is steam punk and you see a lot of squids or octopus in steam punk style.
I and so many other graphics students at Game Design are new to animation. We have not had any other assignments than doing bouncy balls so stretch and squash was not that new to us.
There were a lot of struggles in trying to get it right and understanding how animation works. Squash and […]

Scrum for making Boaty
Scrum is an agile framework for teams to break down their work into tasks that is supposed to be completed within a time period called sprints. Seeing the progress and making daily meetings called daily scrums.
In ouroboros we have one-week sprint planning, we have made a backlog to keep track on what are supposed to do for Alpha, Beta and Gold. We do sprint planning on Mondays and review on Fridays where we figure out how many […]

Scrum for making Boaty
Scrum is an agile framework for teams to break down their work into tasks that is supposed to be completed within a time period called sprints. Seeing the progress and making daily meetings called daily scrums.
In ouroboros we have one-week sprint planning, we have made a backlog to keep track on what are supposed to do for Alpha, Beta and Gold. We do sprint planning on Mondays and review on Fridays where we figure out how many […]

The boaty look, from concept to end result
When it came to the decision of the player avatar it was the main goal to figure out how to make it look and feel boaty enough.
For the movement of the boat we decided it should feel slow and heavy. That had to be shown in the design of the boat as well.
Reference time
Looking at fishing boats the first design was being made. Rounded edges small and fragile was the first thought on how it should look like. We […]

The boaty look, from concept to end result
When it came to the decision of the player avatar it was the main goal to figure out how to make it look and feel boaty enough.
For the movement of the boat we decided it should feel slow and heavy. That had to be shown in the design of the boat as well.
Reference time
Looking at fishing boats the first design was being made. Rounded edges small and fragile was the first thought on how it should look like. We […]

Splashy Splash Screen
Splash screens typically serve to enhance the look and feeling of a game, it is the first thing the player sees when launching the game.
The fog, darkness and spotlight gives the player the aesthetic feeling of mystery before the game has started to make the player prepared and expected for what is coming next.
While making the splash screen, we were sitting in the group together while drawing it so everyone could be involved in giving feedback. It is always good […]

Splashy Splash Screen
Splash screens typically serve to enhance the look and feeling of a game, it is the first thing the player sees when launching the game.
The fog, darkness and spotlight gives the player the aesthetic feeling of mystery before the game has started to make the player prepared and expected for what is coming next.
While making the splash screen, we were sitting in the group together while drawing it so everyone could be involved in giving feedback. It is always good […]