Author Archives: Lina Femling
My sixth blog comment
Week 6 – Carl Hvarfvenius Blomgren
Hi Carl!
I’m happy to hear that you didn’t have any major issues with the group. It is highly valuable to have good communication amongst team members, since that can really have a positive effect on the group when it comes to efficiency. It seems like you enjoyed working together with your group, and that is exceptionally important.
It sounds like you have learned a great deal throughout this course. It is interesting to read about […]
My sixth blog comment
Week 6 – Carl Hvarfvenius Blomgren
Hi Carl!
I’m happy to hear that you didn’t have any major issues with the group. It is highly valuable to have good communication amongst team members, since that can really have a positive effect on the group when it comes to efficiency. It seems like you enjoyed working together with your group, and that is exceptionally important.
It sounds like you have learned a great deal throughout this course. It is interesting to read about […]

Do you want to play the game?
The game is uploaded on, and is free for everyone to play! Click on the link below and play the game! I hope you like it!

Do you want to play the game?
The game is uploaded on, and is free for everyone to play! Click on the link below and play the game! I hope you like it!

Ten weeks have passed and Beelonging is finally done. It’s surreal. Having a finished product; a product I’m genuinely proud of, is something I have difficulty grasping. I’m proud of the end result and I’m blessed that I had the chance to work with such amazing people. Everyone should undoubtedly be proud of their accomplishments. However, aside from the success of working together, there have been some bumps on the road. We didn’t encounter major issues, but there were situations […]

Ten weeks have passed and Beelonging is finally done. It’s surreal. Having a finished product; a product I’m genuinely proud of, is something I have difficulty grasping. I’m proud of the end result and I’m blessed that I had the chance to work with such amazing people. Everyone should undoubtedly be proud of their accomplishments. However, aside from the success of working together, there have been some bumps on the road. We didn’t encounter major issues, but there were situations […]
My fifth blog comment
Week 5 – Amanda Cohen
Hi Amanda!
I’m really happy to hear that the playtesting sessions have helped your group to improve your game! I can definitely agree on that it is tricky to find the bugs and wrongs in your own game, since you eventually become blind to all the different errors. My group also had issues finding flaws in our own game. However, the bugs were then discovered during playtesting. Just like you, I have certainly understood the importance of […]
My fifth blog comment
Week 5 – Amanda Cohen
Hi Amanda!
I’m really happy to hear that the playtesting sessions have helped your group to improve your game! I can definitely agree on that it is tricky to find the bugs and wrongs in your own game, since you eventually become blind to all the different errors. My group also had issues finding flaws in our own game. However, the bugs were then discovered during playtesting. Just like you, I have certainly understood the importance of […]

Since the start of this project, we have had two opportunities to let teachers and other students playtest our game. These two sessions have had an immense positive effect on the development of our game.
Even if we playtested the game several times ahead, checked for bugs, searched for errors and wrongs, we were still too blind to see all the glitches that needed to be fixed. Working on the same game for weeks, makes it eventually difficult to spot […]

Since the start of this project, we have had two opportunities to let teachers and other students playtest our game. These two sessions have had an immense positive effect on the development of our game.
Even if we playtested the game several times ahead, checked for bugs, searched for errors and wrongs, we were still too blind to see all the glitches that needed to be fixed. Working on the same game for weeks, makes it eventually difficult to spot […]
My fourth blog comment
Week 4 – Sophie Ahlberg
I am delighted to hear that you solved a problem that have been an immense issue for you. There is no better feeling than overcoming difficulties. It must have been satisfying and refreshing to find a solution to your problem. Great job!
However, since I’m not a programmer and have no experience when it comes to coding, I would have wanted to get a clearer explanation of your process. You described the process very briefly and […]
My fourth blog comment
Week 4 – Sophie Ahlberg
I am delighted to hear that you solved a problem that have been an immense issue for you. There is no better feeling than overcoming difficulties. It must have been satisfying and refreshing to find a solution to your problem. Great job!
However, since I’m not a programmer and have no experience when it comes to coding, I would have wanted to get a clearer explanation of your process. You described the process very briefly and […]

Creating sounds
During the last week, I have been creating sounds for the game. It has been an interesting challenge for me, since I have never been editing sounds before. Moa Bruus (Lead Sound and Artist), has been very busy with numerous artifacts conserning art. Therefore, I have been helping out by editing audio files.
To know what kind of audio we needed to implement in the game, the group had a discussion about what sounds we wanted to add. During this discussion, […]

Creating sounds
During the last week, I have been creating sounds for the game. It has been an interesting challenge for me, since I have never been editing sounds before. Moa Bruus (Lead Sound and Artist), has been very busy with numerous artifacts conserning art. Therefore, I have been helping out by editing audio files.
To know what kind of audio we needed to implement in the game, the group had a discussion about what sounds we wanted to add. During this discussion, […]
My third blog comment
Week 3 – Emma Jelving Eklund
I am happy to hear that Scrum have helped your group to decrease your communication issues. By having a bit of structure, documents to follow, it is easier to get a better workflow and organising in the group. According to myself, Scrum have been very helpful and effective for the project to move in the right direction.
I think you have made a brief reflection about your experience with Scrum. I would have wanted to […]
My third blog comment
Week 3 – Emma Jelving Eklund
I am happy to hear that Scrum have helped your group to decrease your communication issues. By having a bit of structure, documents to follow, it is easier to get a better workflow and organising in the group. According to myself, Scrum have been very helpful and effective for the project to move in the right direction.
I think you have made a brief reflection about your experience with Scrum. I would have wanted to […]
My second blog comment
Week 2 – William Teurnell
I must applaud you for your blog post. It is nicely written and have an interesting topic. Since you started giving the reader a good description of the narratives (in the introduction), I got a detailed overview of the game and what you wanted to achieve.
As a project manager, I can relate to the decision of prioritising other features more, than putting the cutscenes as one of the biggest priorities. As you said, the cutscenes are […]
My second blog comment
Week 2 – William Teurnell
I must applaud you for your blog post. It is nicely written and have an interesting topic. Since you started giving the reader a good description of the narratives (in the introduction), I got a detailed overview of the game and what you wanted to achieve.
As a project manager, I can relate to the decision of prioritising other features more, than putting the cutscenes as one of the biggest priorities. As you said, the cutscenes are […]
My first blog comment
Week 1 – Vidar Grönros
There are some question marks about the text. There are a few contradictions in the blog post, which makes a few things confusing. In the beginning of the text, your group didn’t wanted to give the player a feeling of adventure, where the player would be able to control a ship on the open ocean. However, later in the text, you made some changes to your initial idea; to make an infinite ocean in all directions […]
My first blog comment
Week 1 – Vidar Grönros
There are some question marks about the text. There are a few contradictions in the blog post, which makes a few things confusing. In the beginning of the text, your group didn’t wanted to give the player a feeling of adventure, where the player would be able to control a ship on the open ocean. However, later in the text, you made some changes to your initial idea; to make an infinite ocean in all directions […]

Using Scrum
In my opinion, Scrum have been very useful from the very start of this project. As the producer (project leader) of the project, the several approaches within Scrum have helped me maintain the right course of the project. By using the Product Backlog, filling in all the numerous features, have made it easy to follow the progress of the project. Since the Product Backlog is updated daily, it is easy to follow the process of all the team members. The […]

Using Scrum
In my opinion, Scrum have been very useful from the very start of this project. As the producer (project leader) of the project, the several approaches within Scrum have helped me maintain the right course of the project. By using the Product Backlog, filling in all the numerous features, have made it easy to follow the progress of the project. Since the Product Backlog is updated daily, it is easy to follow the process of all the team members. The […]

Alpha presentation
During this week I have been focusing on preparing for the Alpha presentation. Being a project leader, many people expect you to be the one who are representing the game the group are creating. It is an unwritten rule; a rule you just follow. My team members did not tell me in person to be the representative of the game for the Alpha presentation. However, since this unwritten rule is circulating in the air, I felt a pressure on my […]

Alpha presentation
During this week I have been focusing on preparing for the Alpha presentation. Being a project leader, many people expect you to be the one who are representing the game the group are creating. It is an unwritten rule; a rule you just follow. My team members did not tell me in person to be the representative of the game for the Alpha presentation. However, since this unwritten rule is circulating in the air, I felt a pressure on my […]