Author Archives: Ladbon Svampbob
Understanding Managers
I’ve been fiddle ling with GameObjectManagers and InputManagers and I’ve noticed something.
It’s not really necessary to implement these into this game but it’s essential for the grade, fun note; grade is more important.
The GameObjectManager was built using iterators, you create a list of objects, update their positions to know where they are and by the architects command delete and create new ones accordingly.It of course wasn’t my idea like anything during this course so I was very impressed by the […]
Understanding Managers
I’ve been fiddle ling with GameObjectManagers and InputManagers and I’ve noticed something.
It’s not really necessary to implement these into this game but it’s essential for the grade, fun note; grade is more important.
The GameObjectManager was built using iterators, you create a list of objects, update their positions to know where they are and by the architects command delete and create new ones accordingly.It of course wasn’t my idea like anything during this course so I was very impressed by the […]
A big update
So I’ve been working on creating a character that moves and behaves just like frogger and I think I’ve succeeded. Problem now is to make the games GameObjectManager, InputManager and Collision. I will further update this blog when I have succeeded in doing this.
Main problem I had with movement was simply my idiotic attempt of trying to copy paste code in where I sought was fitting for the code to be placed. I got a lot of help from my […]
A big update
So I’ve been working on creating a character that moves and behaves just like frogger and I think I’ve succeeded. Problem now is to make the games GameObjectManager, InputManager and Collision. I will further update this blog when I have succeeded in doing this.
Main problem I had with movement was simply my idiotic attempt of trying to copy paste code in where I sought was fitting for the code to be placed. I got a lot of help from my […]

The fundamental design of Frogger
I haven’t really gotten around to anything yet. My mind is really all over the place. What I’ve narrowed down is Movement and some kind of collision. considering I want pixel perfekt collision isn’t not really necessarry in our game considering the game needs to be a bit easy on the “preciseness” but anywho I’ve looked into it at least. Other than that I’ve been reading alot on pathing and input for a while now. I will be starting […]

The fundamental design of Frogger
I haven’t really gotten around to anything yet. My mind is really all over the place. What I’ve narrowed down is Movement and some kind of collision. considering I want pixel perfekt collision isn’t not really necessarry in our game considering the game needs to be a bit easy on the “preciseness” but anywho I’ve looked into it at least. Other than that I’ve been reading alot on pathing and input for a while now. I will be starting […]
Frogger – The analyzed part
David kinda understood what had to be done, the game needs to be analyzed before we can even begin writing the code for it.
I took the liberty of writing down the fundamental design of frogger in order to understand the game better and finding the objects needed for the game to be playable.
I’ll upload them maybe later but for now lets just say that the game itself doesn’t seem to be the problem. Collision is =)
I will try […]
Frogger – The analyzed part
David kinda understood what had to be done, the game needs to be analyzed before we can even begin writing the code for it.
I took the liberty of writing down the fundamental design of frogger in order to understand the game better and finding the objects needed for the game to be playable.
I’ll upload them maybe later but for now lets just say that the game itself doesn’t seem to be the problem. Collision is =)
I will try […]
A small update
Frogger mechanics works in a way that you can move Up_Left_Right_Down without colliding with anything that moves in your height, you are allowed to stand on things below you though. You will move in the same area you stood on in the first place if the object your on is actually moving at a direction. You aren’t allowed to move outside the gaming area which will be easier so just fix a wall around […]
A small update
Frogger mechanics works in a way that you can move Up_Left_Right_Down without colliding with anything that moves in your height, you are allowed to stand on things below you though. You will move in the same area you stood on in the first place if the object your on is actually moving at a direction. You aren’t allowed to move outside the gaming area which will be easier so just fix a wall around […]
A few updates
While David have been going through the core of the code I’ve been looking into movement and collision and I’ve noticed a few things.
Like frogger like movement is based on clicking just once on the keyboard and having a constant speed on the way you move. While you’re doing this you have to anticipate your next movement before you actually do the move in order to send out a true/false value to check if you’re able to do it.
This is […]
A few updates
While David have been going through the core of the code I’ve been looking into movement and collision and I’ve noticed a few things.
Like frogger like movement is based on clicking just once on the keyboard and having a constant speed on the way you move. While you’re doing this you have to anticipate your next movement before you actually do the move in order to send out a true/false value to check if you’re able to do it.
This is […]
A small project plan in ppt
I mustered a small project plan in powerpoint yesterday that I thought I could show.
Vecka 1.
•Brainstorm ett spel
•Ta reda på vad är G
•Sätt ett mål på vilka saker vi ska ha med
•Skriv detta så vi har bara blogg kvar för achievementen =)
Vecka 2.
•Blogga varje kväll(fortsättning)
•Implementera en bra bas från Pong och Platformer
•Sätt sakta men säkert in de viktigaste achievementerna
•Och se till att lära oss music, stats manager och TTF + arv!
Vecka 3.
•Försök att implementera ytterligare achievements
•Håll koll på varandra! Svacka […]
A small project plan in ppt
I mustered a small project plan in powerpoint yesterday that I thought I could show.
Vecka 1.
•Brainstorm ett spel
•Ta reda på vad är G
•Sätt ett mål på vilka saker vi ska ha med
•Skriv detta så vi har bara blogg kvar för achievementen =)
Vecka 2.
•Blogga varje kväll(fortsättning)
•Implementera en bra bas från Pong och Platformer
•Sätt sakta men säkert in de viktigaste achievementerna
•Och se till att lära oss music, stats manager och TTF + arv!
Vecka 3.
•Försök att implementera ytterligare achievements
•Håll koll på varandra! Svacka […]
Project plan
I’ve noticed that it’s only in swedish but do not fret! I shall blogg in english henceforth.
I am creating a game with my co worker David Peldan that will resemble Frogger.
BTW sorry I haven’t written anything. Only because I haven’t thought about anything new other than learning c++. It’s nothing newsworthy.
Projekt Frogger.
Projektet är bemannat av David Peldan och Ladbon Monjezizadeh.
Dessa två studenter kommer försöka återskapa känslan av mekaniken man kallar Frogger. Spelet introducerades 1981 av Konami som ett arkad spel […]
Project plan
I’ve noticed that it’s only in swedish but do not fret! I shall blogg in english henceforth.
I am creating a game with my co worker David Peldan that will resemble Frogger.
BTW sorry I haven’t written anything. Only because I haven’t thought about anything new other than learning c++. It’s nothing newsworthy.
Projekt Frogger.
Projektet är bemannat av David Peldan och Ladbon Monjezizadeh.
Dessa två studenter kommer försöka återskapa känslan av mekaniken man kallar Frogger. Spelet introducerades 1981 av Konami som ett arkad spel […]
A new sequel
Finally something newsworthy.
I has come to my attention by a reliable source that Starbreeze, a Uppsala based studio are creating a sequel to the controversial game Wolfenstein.
Question: Why hasn’t Starbreeze created an IP by themselves?
Trivial Note:Starbreeze has taken IP’s from three different mediums so far, movie, comic and the game industry.
As exited I am considering the studio is based in my home town I get depressed that Starbreeze still hasn’t changed it’s tactics yet. They really need a IP […]
A new sequel
Finally something newsworthy.
I has come to my attention by a reliable source that Starbreeze, a Uppsala based studio are creating a sequel to the controversial game Wolfenstein.
Question: Why hasn’t Starbreeze created an IP by themselves?
Trivial Note:Starbreeze has taken IP’s from three different mediums so far, movie, comic and the game industry.
As exited I am considering the studio is based in my home town I get depressed that Starbreeze still hasn’t changed it’s tactics yet. They really need a IP […]
Concept and game mechanics morphing into a game
It’s hard creating concept that matches the vision of a game.
You can always create an art style so the graphical people can molest it to no end but to actually make something so beautiful that you implement it directly to a game? impossible some would say, others would call it a developers nightmare. I
I call it an opportunity. Artists are merely there to envision your game usually, a method of artistically showing your mind on a canvas by being their […]
Concept and game mechanics morphing into a game
It’s hard creating concept that matches the vision of a game.
You can always create an art style so the graphical people can molest it to no end but to actually make something so beautiful that you implement it directly to a game? impossible some would say, others would call it a developers nightmare. I
I call it an opportunity. Artists are merely there to envision your game usually, a method of artistically showing your mind on a canvas by being their […]
The Myth of Mono
The gaming world at the moment usually gives you a template of either a specific hero where you traverse the world the developers created for it’s convenience or a barrage of stereotypical classes of symbolism hemorrhaging your brain.
What if we took the beauty of anti symbolism to create classes, a story which never really needs to play in order to finish the game and NPC’s that are recurring to learn from your behaviour ?
tree classes, same personality(hates everything […]
The Myth of Mono
The gaming world at the moment usually gives you a template of either a specific hero where you traverse the world the developers created for it’s convenience or a barrage of stereotypical classes of symbolism hemorrhaging your brain.
What if we took the beauty of anti symbolism to create classes, a story which never really needs to play in order to finish the game and NPC’s that are recurring to learn from your behaviour ?
tree classes, same personality(hates everything […]
How to manage a team
Being a lead designer is hard. You have to keep up with both your artists, programmers and keep getting information and try not to sound like a douche when taking everything in.
Jesus that’s hard! We already made a schedule for everything but the sooner we’re done with stuff we find ourself doing more and more just because there is so much new we need to balance into the game. Our first real programming meeting went forward one step with the mechanics […]
How to manage a team
Being a lead designer is hard. You have to keep up with both your artists, programmers and keep getting information and try not to sound like a douche when taking everything in.
Jesus that’s hard! We already made a schedule for everything but the sooner we’re done with stuff we find ourself doing more and more just because there is so much new we need to balance into the game. Our first real programming meeting went forward one step with the mechanics […]