Author Archives: Ladbon Svampbob

Treshhold overcomed
This week has been a series of half-assed opinions and motivations boosts for our group. We’ve been working on getting our orientation between our states better handled, getting sound into our game, customizing our character and getting a score to show up on the screen.
Our producer have been tackled with the presentation assignment and working out the documentation for our group while I took a leave of absent from being a lead designer(when it came to documentation) and focused more […]

Treshhold overcomed
This week has been a series of half-assed opinions and motivations boosts for our group. We’ve been working on getting our orientation between our states better handled, getting sound into our game, customizing our character and getting a score to show up on the screen.
Our producer have been tackled with the presentation assignment and working out the documentation for our group while I took a leave of absent from being a lead designer(when it came to documentation) and focused more […]

Treshhold overcomed
This week has been a series of half-assed opinions and motivations boosts for our group. We’ve been working on getting our orientation between our states better handled, getting sound into our game, customizing our character and getting a score to show up on the screen. Our producer have been tackled with the presentation assignment and working out the documentation for our group while I took a leave of absent from being a lead designer(when it came to documentation) and focused […]

Treshhold overcomed
This week has been a series of half-assed opinions and motivations boosts for our group. We’ve been working on getting our orientation between our states better handled, getting sound into our game, customizing our character and getting a score to show up on the screen. Our producer have been tackled with the presentation assignment and working out the documentation for our group while I took a leave of absent from being a lead designer(when it came to documentation) and focused […]

Blogging code in a manner pleasable
From now on I will be a lot more thorough with my updates. Since a few weeks back I’ve been working with my old group on a shooter game. I will not reveal what aesthetics we’re going with but I will start blo

Blogging code in a manner pleasable
From now on I will be a lot more thorough with my updates. Since a few weeks back I’ve been working with my old group on a shooter game. I will not reveal what aesthetics we’re going with but I will start blo

Blogging code in a manner pleasable
From now on I will be a lot more thorough with my updates. Since a few weeks back I’ve been working with my old group on a shooter game. I will not reveal what aesthetics we’re going with but I will start blo

Blogging code in a manner pleasable
From now on I will be a lot more thorough with my updates. Since a few weeks back I’ve been working with my old group on a shooter game. I will not reveal what aesthetics we’re going with but I will start blo

Arianas Travels
Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

Arianas Travels
Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

Arianas Travels
Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

Arianas Travels
Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

Getting All The Objects to work in sync + Animations
I have to admit I was almost beaten but this was easily the most fun I had.
When you get to play with the objects and fiddle around with the values of sprite size, speed and correlations it was a delight to see everything working finally.
After finding trouble thinking how I should tackle things I only hope the next project will require me to ask less questions and help from people.
The animation is only working as intended with the avatar at […]

Getting All The Objects to work in sync + Animations
I have to admit I was almost beaten but this was easily the most fun I had.
When you get to play with the objects and fiddle around with the values of sprite size, speed and correlations it was a delight to see everything working finally.
After finding trouble thinking how I should tackle things I only hope the next project will require me to ask less questions and help from people.
The animation is only working as intended with the avatar at […]

Getting All The Objects to work in sync + Animations
I have to admit I was almost beaten but this was easily the most fun I had.
When you get to play with the objects and fiddle around with the values of sprite size, speed and correlations it was a delight to see everything working finally.
After finding trouble thinking how I should tackle things I only hope the next project will require me to ask less questions and help from people.
The animation is only working as intended with the avatar at […]

Getting All The Objects to work in sync + Animations
I have to admit I was almost beaten but this was easily the most fun I had.
When you get to play with the objects and fiddle around with the values of sprite size, speed and correlations it was a delight to see everything working finally.
After finding trouble thinking how I should tackle things I only hope the next project will require me to ask less questions and help from people.
The animation is only working as intended with the avatar at […]
Managing Managers
Most of the work these few days have been about going through every GameObjectManager and CollisionManager so they work with the rest of the program flawlessly. It was hard considering I’ve never really written any code before this, I mean coming from nothing and creating a c++ frogger game you really feel the creative pain. The problem I am having is learning pointers and moving them around + shaping my lingua by asking the correct questions to my amazing and […]
Managing Managers
Most of the work these few days have been about going through every GameObjectManager and CollisionManager so they work with the rest of the program flawlessly. It was hard considering I’ve never really written any code before this, I mean coming from nothing and creating a c++ frogger game you really feel the creative pain. The problem I am having is learning pointers and moving them around + shaping my lingua by asking the correct questions to my amazing and […]
Managing Managers
Most of the work these few days have been about going through every GameObjectManager and CollisionManager so they work with the rest of the program flawlessly. It was hard considering I’ve never really written any code before this, I mean coming from nothing and creating a c++ frogger game you really feel the creative pain. The problem I am having is learning pointers and moving them around + shaping my lingua by asking the correct questions to my amazing and […]
Managing Managers
Most of the work these few days have been about going through every GameObjectManager and CollisionManager so they work with the rest of the program flawlessly. It was hard considering I’ve never really written any code before this, I mean coming from nothing and creating a c++ frogger game you really feel the creative pain. The problem I am having is learning pointers and moving them around + shaping my lingua by asking the correct questions to my amazing and […]
Moving an object
The player object was needed to be created on the txt file, get a start position and start moving throughout the whole gamespace.
It took me a while but for the most part is was just copying my professors code. After some help knowing why a few things didn’t help
Moving an object
The player object was needed to be created on the txt file, get a start position and start moving throughout the whole gamespace.
It took me a while but for the most part is was just copying my professors code. After some help knowing why a few things didn’t help
Shifiting to maximum overdrive
After counseling with a few students, my partner and both of my teachers I’ve managed to get an input manager done by combining the existing input.h to work as a manager. It wasn’t as hard as I thought but hey, nothing really is I am just really, really stupid I guess.
I finished a water object that spans over the whole top part of the map. A very interesting part is that it’s invisible with a background objects that you cannot […]
Shifiting to maximum overdrive
After counseling with a few students, my partner and both of my teachers I’ve managed to get an input manager done by combining the existing input.h to work as a manager. It wasn’t as hard as I thought but hey, nothing really is I am just really, really stupid I guess.
I finished a water object that spans over the whole top part of the map. A very interesting part is that it’s invisible with a background objects that you cannot […]