Author Archives: Laban Melander

Blog-post 2 Customization! …kind of
I finished the buttons last week so now I could finally start to build the customization-state. So, this time I’m going to write a little bit about that.
I’ll take a quick moment to explain how we decided make the buttons. Last time I said that I hadn’t decided if we were going to let the buttons do what they should do in their own update method, or if we would make a for loop that checks every button when one […]

Blog-post 2 Customization! …kind of
I finished the buttons last week so now I could finally start to build the customization-state. So, this time I’m going to write a little bit about that.
I’ll take a quick moment to explain how we decided make the buttons. Last time I said that I hadn’t decided if we were going to let the buttons do what they should do in their own update method, or if we would make a for loop that checks every button when one […]

First real blog-post for the new course – Buttons
I have been working on the code for menu buttons so far this week. Why? Because we need buttons to navigate the menus, pretty much like every other game made for PC. They will be needed in pretty much every state except maybe the game-state and the titlescreen.
We couldn’t decide how we would make them, where we going to create a button-manager that keeps track of pretty much everything, like output and such, were we going to create one button-class […]

First real blog-post for the new course – Buttons
I have been working on the code for menu buttons so far this week. Why? Because we need buttons to navigate the menus, pretty much like every other game made for PC. They will be needed in pretty much every state except maybe the game-state and the titlescreen.
We couldn’t decide how we would make them, where we going to create a button-manager that keeps track of pretty much everything, like output and such, were we going to create one button-class […]
Suit ‘Em Up, SFML and stuff
So, we just the courses for the last semester and we just began the new two courses, Game Programming II and Introduction to Game Development.
We have only had one Game Programming II lecture so far, and I missed it because I was sick that day (fever) so I really can’t say much about what we will do during this course yet. A friend of mine showed me what they coded that lecture though, but my group already got SFML working […]
Suit ‘Em Up, SFML and stuff
So, we just the courses for the last semester and we just began the new two courses, Game Programming II and Introduction to Game Development.
We have only had one Game Programming II lecture so far, and I missed it because I was sick that day (fever) so I really can’t say much about what we will do during this course yet. A friend of mine showed me what they coded that lecture though, but my group already got SFML working […]
Programming Assignment – The Report
I started writing the report today, the game is finished, and that is pretty much it for today, not sure if this is something I had to blog about but whatever.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Uppsala Universitet University Game Programming Campus Gotland Arkanoid Report
Programming Assignment – The Report
I started writing the report today, the game is finished, and that is pretty much it for today, not sure if this is something I had to blog about but whatever.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Uppsala Universitet University Game Programming Campus Gotland Arkanoid Report
Programming Assignment – Arkanoid
Today Anthon and I worked on a few more powerups as well as a bunch of levels. I will probably skip the Encryption because we really don’t have any need for it right now and I cant make it work without being very easy to crack. I think I know how to make something that kind of sort of works a little but it is too much work for something we dont need (I might finish it if we ever […]
Programming Assignment – Arkanoid
Today Anthon and I worked on a few more powerups as well as a bunch of levels. I will probably skip the Encryption because we really don’t have any need for it right now and I cant make it work without being very easy to crack. I think I know how to make something that kind of sort of works a little but it is too much work for something we dont need (I might finish it if we ever […]

Programming Assignment – Arkanoid
I didn’t have much time to work on the game today, bur I have nothing I need to do tomorrow so I’ll be sitting the game-room and working a lot tomorrow. I Worked a bit on the encrypt and decrypt class. I also made a few new sprites with animation that Anthon wanted. And that’s pretty much all I did today.
Here is a screenshot from the game.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Uppsala University Universitet game programming […]

Programming Assignment – Arkanoid
I didn’t have much time to work on the game today, bur I have nothing I need to do tomorrow so I’ll be sitting the game-room and working a lot tomorrow. I Worked a bit on the encrypt and decrypt class. I also made a few new sprites with animation that Anthon wanted. And that’s pretty much all I did today.
Here is a screenshot from the game.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Uppsala University Universitet game programming […]
Programming Assignment – Arkanoid
Today I changed the menu so instead of the settings you have chosen will apply instantaneously you will have to click apply to save them. A small change but I like it better that way. I also finished some more graphics now we just need a couple of more sprites and the the graphics will be finished. I’ve started working on a way to encrypt and decrypt things to make it harder to modify things we save in text-files (such […]
Programming Assignment – Arkanoid
Today I changed the menu so instead of the settings you have chosen will apply instantaneously you will have to click apply to save them. A small change but I like it better that way. I also finished some more graphics now we just need a couple of more sprites and the the graphics will be finished. I’ve started working on a way to encrypt and decrypt things to make it harder to modify things we save in text-files (such […]
Programming Assignment Arkanoid
I finished most of the art we needed for the game today. I created icons for the powerups (with animation), fixed the border so that it looks good and some other things. We scrapped the idea of using boost filesystem, cause neither of us knows how it works and how to build things separately. We can still let players use custom themes but now it wont be as cool as we had in mind. I played around a bit with […]
Programming Assignment Arkanoid
I finished most of the art we needed for the game today. I created icons for the powerups (with animation), fixed the border so that it looks good and some other things. We scrapped the idea of using boost filesystem, cause neither of us knows how it works and how to build things separately. We can still let players use custom themes but now it wont be as cool as we had in mind. I played around a bit with […]
Programming Assignment – Arkanoid themes
Anton and I worked on our game yesterday, I created some graphics for our game that we needed. We are going to let the players use custom themes by using Boost File-system to find folders and their name. So that the only thing you need to do to create a new theme is to add a folder with your graphics in the themes folder and the game will automatically find them and add them to in the options menu.
Well, that’s […]
Programming Assignment – Arkanoid themes
Anton and I worked on our game yesterday, I created some graphics for our game that we needed. We are going to let the players use custom themes by using Boost File-system to find folders and their name. So that the only thing you need to do to create a new theme is to add a folder with your graphics in the themes folder and the game will automatically find them and add them to in the options menu.
Well, that’s […]
Programming Assignment – And we’re back
So, Were finally back after the Christmas-break. Anton and I have worked on menus for the settings today. We can now navigate through the main-menu and settings. We also decided what kind of resolutions we were going to use (a lot). I created a Classic arkanoid skin for the game that we will use as the standard skin.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: programming assignment arkanoid breakout break out laban anton skin resolution menu settings
Programming Assignment – And we’re back
So, Were finally back after the Christmas-break. Anton and I have worked on menus for the settings today. We can now navigate through the main-menu and settings. We also decided what kind of resolutions we were going to use (a lot). I created a Classic arkanoid skin for the game that we will use as the standard skin.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: programming assignment arkanoid breakout break out laban anton skin resolution menu settings

Programming Assignment – Yesterday
Well, I forgot to update my blog yesterday after I met Anton in the game-room.Yesterday Anton and I discussed what we needed and worked on our game a bit.
I didn’t do much programming yesterday instead I started working on a Sci-Fi skin to out game,
And then we decided that tomorrow will continue work, and that I was going so start to work on options states and settings.
I’ll post another blog-post later today about what I’ve worked on today.
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Programming Assignment – Yesterday
Well, I forgot to update my blog yesterday after I met Anton in the game-room.Yesterday Anton and I discussed what we needed and worked on our game a bit.
I didn’t do much programming yesterday instead I started working on a Sci-Fi skin to out game,
And then we decided that tomorrow will continue work, and that I was going so start to work on options states and settings.
I’ll post another blog-post later today about what I’ve worked on today.
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So, I’ve been really busy the last few days but now I’m back. Today I’ve been trying to get the sound to work, I close now. I also started to work on square collision. I’m planning on finishing the Sound and collision tomorrow.
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So, I’ve been really busy the last few days but now I’m back. Today I’ve been trying to get the sound to work, I close now. I also started to work on square collision. I’m planning on finishing the Sound and collision tomorrow.
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