Author Archives: Kristofer Karlsson

Dragon Song Blogpost 6
It has been a stressful week. Courses are coming to an end and there is a lot of things that I need to finish. Due to this lack of time, the new dragon design and animation for our game did not end up looking the way I had hoped it would, but I am still moderately satisfied with the result.
The first version of the dragon was created in a hurry. I did not have that many thoughts about how […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 6
It has been a stressful week. Courses are coming to an end and there is a lot of things that I need to finish. Due to this lack of time, the new dragon design and animation for our game did not end up looking the way I had hoped it would, but I am still moderately satisfied with the result.
The first version of the dragon was created in a hurry. I did not have that many thoughts about how […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 5
This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. It started of fine. I was doing good on my way to finish my work with the background and parallaxing layers for the beta presentation tomorrow. But as it turned out, because of unforeseen events, I had to put aside the last parallax layer and divert my attention to other things.
This Wednesday we presented our games art assets for feedback and we got a lot of good feedback. Some we […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 5
This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. It started of fine. I was doing good on my way to finish my work with the background and parallaxing layers for the beta presentation tomorrow. But as it turned out, because of unforeseen events, I had to put aside the last parallax layer and divert my attention to other things.
This Wednesday we presented our games art assets for feedback and we got a lot of good feedback. Some we […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 4
Interesting week. My work on the background image never feels done. There is always something that I want to add or change, but this week it has not been as clear to me as to what need to be changed or added. I have been struggling a bit with how flat the image looked in some places. Especially on the mountain in the background because it had large surfaces of basiclly the same color. I have also tried to emphasize […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 4
Interesting week. My work on the background image never feels done. There is always something that I want to add or change, but this week it has not been as clear to me as to what need to be changed or added. I have been struggling a bit with how flat the image looked in some places. Especially on the mountain in the background because it had large surfaces of basiclly the same color. I have also tried to emphasize […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 3
It has been an unusual week. The communication in the group seems to have toned down a bit after our alpha presentation last friday. I have for the most part just continued with the background image for our game. Polishing a few things and adding a few other. I have mostly reworked the large islands in the background from the ground up, using previous lines as a base.
When we showed our game during the play testing on the 16th of […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 3
It has been an unusual week. The communication in the group seems to have toned down a bit after our alpha presentation last friday. I have for the most part just continued with the background image for our game. Polishing a few things and adding a few other. I have mostly reworked the large islands in the background from the ground up, using previous lines as a base.
When we showed our game during the play testing on the 16th of […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 2
This week I have mostly concentrated on creating parallaxing layers for our game.
If you are unfamiliar with what parallaxing is, it is a technique where you have several images layered over each other moving at different speeds, slower in the background and faster in the foreground, that creates an illusion of depth.
So far I have created three of these images.
Since these images were supposed to be in the foreground, I wanted grass to be more defined, but […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 2
This week I have mostly concentrated on creating parallaxing layers for our game.
If you are unfamiliar with what parallaxing is, it is a technique where you have several images layered over each other moving at different speeds, slower in the background and faster in the foreground, that creates an illusion of depth.
So far I have created three of these images.
Since these images were supposed to be in the foreground, I wanted grass to be more defined, but […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 1
Concept Art
Dragon Song is a rhythmic game where you play as the only singing dragon. His world has been invaded by crystal entities and fire can not stop them. My main role in this project is to create art assets for the game. Right now my focus is to create a background for our first level.
The inspiration for this background comes mainly from our mood board.
The mood board consisted mainly of three landscape pictures. One with mountains, green islands and […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 1
Concept Art
Dragon Song is a rhythmic game where you play as the only singing dragon. His world has been invaded by crystal entities and fire can not stop them. My main role in this project is to create art assets for the game. Right now my focus is to create a background for our first level.
The inspiration for this background comes mainly from our mood board.
The mood board consisted mainly of three landscape pictures. One with mountains, green islands and […]