Author Archives: Kristoffer Johansson

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]

Sneaky Ninja – Art director – First post
This will be my first blog post as the Art director in the group Sneaky Ninja. We was one of the latest groups to be created so we have had one week less to work than most groups.
Despite that we have had a very productive first week and I will cover the major art related problems we solved.
We had a small meeting on Sunday the 6th of April where we talked about the concept and discussed ideas. We started working the […]
Week 44-45 Kristoffer Johansson
So for week 44 we have been testing the game with our teacher and with another group. We have also written the basics of the game design document. In the beginning of week 45 we have had the final presentation of our game where every group played each other’s games. Finally today on the 6th of November we have gathered to write the weekly reports as well as the group’s post-mortem.
The play testing with the teacher went well. He enjoyed […]
Week 44-45 Kristoffer Johansson
So for week 44 we have been testing the game with our teacher and with another group. We have also written the basics of the game design document. In the beginning of week 45 we have had the final presentation of our game where every group played each other’s games. Finally today on the 6th of November we have gathered to write the weekly reports as well as the group’s post-mortem.
The play testing with the teacher went well. He enjoyed […]
Week 44-45 Kristoffer Johansson
So for week 44 we have been testing the game with our teacher and with another group. We have also written the basics of the game design document. In the beginning of week 45 we have had the final presentation of our game where every group played each other’s games. Finally today on the 6th of November we have gathered to write the weekly reports as well as the group’s post-mortem.
The play testing with the teacher went well. He enjoyed […]
Week 44-45 Kristoffer Johansson
So for week 44 we have been testing the game with our teacher and with another group. We have also written the basics of the game design document. In the beginning of week 45 we have had the final presentation of our game where every group played each other’s games. Finally today on the 6th of November we have gathered to write the weekly reports as well as the group’s post-mortem.
The play testing with the teacher went well. He enjoyed […]

Personal – Free 2 Play – A short reflection
I was reading “Mastering F2P: the Titanic effect” by Ramin Shokrizade at
It made me start to think a bit about the F2P model. Although the article is short and not very rich in content it mad me think about how and when Free to play should be used and when it should not.
In the article Ramin touches the subject of unethical methods in F2P very lightly. He takes Zyngas FrontierVille as an example of unethical use of it. […]

Personal – Free 2 Play – A short reflection
I was reading “Mastering F2P: the Titanic effect” by Ramin Shokrizade at
It made me start to think a bit about the F2P model. Although the article is short and not very rich in content it mad me think about how and when Free to play should be used and when it should not.
In the article Ramin touches the subject of unethical methods in F2P very lightly. He takes Zyngas FrontierVille as an example of unethical use of it. […]

Personal – Free 2 Play – A short reflection
I was reading “Mastering F2P: the Titanic effect” by Ramin Shokrizade at
It made me start to think a bit about the F2P model. Although the article is short and not very rich in content it mad me think about how and when Free to play should be used and when it should not.
In the article Ramin touches the subject of unethical methods in F2P very lightly. He takes Zyngas FrontierVille as an example of unethical use of it. […]

Personal – Free 2 Play – A short reflection
I was reading “Mastering F2P: the Titanic effect” by Ramin Shokrizade at
It made me start to think a bit about the F2P model. Although the article is short and not very rich in content it mad me think about how and when Free to play should be used and when it should not.
In the article Ramin touches the subject of unethical methods in F2P very lightly. He takes Zyngas FrontierVille as an example of unethical use of it. […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]