Author Archives: Konrad Skagerberg
Blog post 6 comment
This is a comment left on a blog post of another student.
Their post:
Hello Timothée,
This blog post was a great read, and as a post mortem it gave me a good insight into your experience working on the project. You write about many different aspects of the development that all seem relevant to a post mortem.
I think for each point you bring up you clearly describe the “what”, “why” and “how”. On top of this, the lessons you […]
Blog post 6 comment
This is a comment left on a blog post of another student.
Their post:
Hello Timothée,
This blog post was a great read, and as a post mortem it gave me a good insight into your experience working on the project. You write about many different aspects of the development that all seem relevant to a post mortem.
I think for each point you bring up you clearly describe the “what”, “why” and “how”. On top of this, the lessons you […]

Dev Blog 6, Post Mortem
In my original post I didn’t describe how the final game turned out, so I’m making this edit to correct that.
The game is a top down auto-scroller. The design is based on a concept document for a Shoot ‘Em Up (SHMUP) created by another team at the education. Their concept was based around having “mystery” be their main aesthetic, and that had a major influence on the design choices we made when turning the concept into a game.
The player controls […]

Dev Blog 6, Post Mortem
In my original post I didn’t describe how the final game turned out, so I’m making this edit to correct that.
The game is a top down auto-scroller. The design is based on a concept document for a Shoot ‘Em Up (SHMUP) created by another team at the education. Their concept was based around having “mystery” be their main aesthetic, and that had a major influence on the design choices we made when turning the concept into a game.
The player controls […]
Blog post 5 comment
My comment on another student’s blog post.
Their post:
Hello Sophie
I enjoyed your post on the benefits of playtesting. You give a good overview of what playtesting is and what your own experience of playtesting was like.
I would have liked to see some more specific information about testing your own game. The point of this blog post was to explain how playtesting has affected your development process, and it seems like you didn’t explain this.
You do go into detail […]
Blog post 5 comment
My comment on another student’s blog post.
Their post:
Hello Sophie
I enjoyed your post on the benefits of playtesting. You give a good overview of what playtesting is and what your own experience of playtesting was like.
I would have liked to see some more specific information about testing your own game. The point of this blog post was to explain how playtesting has affected your development process, and it seems like you didn’t explain this.
You do go into detail […]

Dev Blog 5, Playtesting
This week I will be writing about how playtesting of our game has affected our development.
Coming in to the first session, our game wasn’t in a very playable state. Several mechanics were unclear and some of them weren’t completely implemented. This meant that testers had a hard time seeing what we were trying to accomplish with the design, and a lot of feedback was therefore useless. However, there were some useful takeaways for me.
The first takeaway was that we needed […]

Dev Blog 5, Playtesting
This week I will be writing about how playtesting of our game has affected our development.
Coming in to the first session, our game wasn’t in a very playable state. Several mechanics were unclear and some of them weren’t completely implemented. This meant that testers had a hard time seeing what we were trying to accomplish with the design, and a lot of feedback was therefore useless. However, there were some useful takeaways for me.
The first takeaway was that we needed […]
Blog post 4 comment
This is a comment I left on another student’s blog.
Their blog:
Hello Emile,
I found your blog post on the design of the boss encounter in your game interesting to read.
The description of the encounter is easy to follow, and it is clear what you have created. You give a good explanation of the different mechanics and what dynamics you were hoping to produce.
What I am missing in this post is the justification for designing the encounter like […]
Blog post 4 comment
This is a comment I left on another student’s blog.
Their blog:
Hello Emile,
I found your blog post on the design of the boss encounter in your game interesting to read.
The description of the encounter is easy to follow, and it is clear what you have created. You give a good explanation of the different mechanics and what dynamics you were hoping to produce.
What I am missing in this post is the justification for designing the encounter like […]

Dev Blog 4, Level Wrapping
This week I will be writing about how our design goals and ways to achieve those goals impacted the way our levels are implemented.
The camera system in our game is top-down, and the camera controls the pace at which the player progresses. The camera moves upwards on the screen at a set pace. Side to side however, the player is free to move as they wish. The goal with this design is to give a feeling of exploration and freedom, […]

Dev Blog 4, Level Wrapping
This week I will be writing about how our design goals and ways to achieve those goals impacted the way our levels are implemented.
The camera system in our game is top-down, and the camera controls the pace at which the player progresses. The camera moves upwards on the screen at a set pace. Side to side however, the player is free to move as they wish. The goal with this design is to give a feeling of exploration and freedom, […]
Blog post 2 comment
This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Hangning!
I enjoyed reading your blog post about how you solved the problem of spawning enemies in your game. Overall, I think it explained well what you had created and how you went about creating it. There are some things about the post that I think could be improved.
You talk a bit about the reason that you set up the level generation in […]
Blog post 2 comment
This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Hangning!
I enjoyed reading your blog post about how you solved the problem of spawning enemies in your game. Overall, I think it explained well what you had created and how you went about creating it. There are some things about the post that I think could be improved.
You talk a bit about the reason that you set up the level generation in […]
Blog post 3 comment
This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Wiktor!
I liked your blog post, everything was clearly explained and easy to follow. Your explanation of what Scrum is and why it is useful seems spot on.
As for how Scrum has affected your own groups development, I felt like it could have been a bit more detailed. You say that you’ve used Scrums fast development cycle, but you don’t mention the […]
Blog post 3 comment
This is a comment left on another student’s blog, posted here to be graded.
Their blog:
Hello Wiktor!
I liked your blog post, everything was clearly explained and easy to follow. Your explanation of what Scrum is and why it is useful seems spot on.
As for how Scrum has affected your own groups development, I felt like it could have been a bit more detailed. You say that you’ve used Scrums fast development cycle, but you don’t mention the […]

Dev Blog 3, Working With Scrum
In this week’s blog post I will be writing about my experience working with the agile framework Scrum and how it has affected our development.
The most basic explanation of what Scrum is that I can give would be: divide all work to be done into small work items (artefacts), each week (each sprint) pick the items that you’re going to work on. Having this clear structure to help choose what you’re going to work on made sense to me right […]

Dev Blog 3, Working With Scrum
In this week’s blog post I will be writing about my experience working with the agile framework Scrum and how it has affected our development.
The most basic explanation of what Scrum is that I can give would be: divide all work to be done into small work items (artefacts), each week (each sprint) pick the items that you’re going to work on. Having this clear structure to help choose what you’re going to work on made sense to me right […]

Dev Blog 2, The Harpoon Projectile
This is the second part of my blog detailing what I have worked on while creating the game Umibozo together with my team, based on the designed created by another team.
In Umibozo the player controls a ship equipped with a harpoon. While usually used for fishing, it proves particularly useful when monsters start attacking. In this blog post I will talk about how we designed and implemented the mechanics of the harpoon.
The original design explained the harpoon as a simple […]

Dev Blog 2, The Harpoon Projectile
This is the second part of my blog detailing what I have worked on while creating the game Umibozo together with my team, based on the designed created by another team.
In Umibozo the player controls a ship equipped with a harpoon. While usually used for fishing, it proves particularly useful when monsters start attacking. In this blog post I will talk about how we designed and implemented the mechanics of the harpoon.
The original design explained the harpoon as a simple […]

Dev Blog 1, Custom Shader
This is the first blog-post of 6 that is going to serve as examination for my course, in which we (me and a group of 5 other students) are turning a design document into a Unity game.
As soon as we picked Umibizo as the game we would make, the system of hiding and revealing objects stood out to me as the central mechanic that made the game unique. In this post I will write a little about both the design […]

Dev Blog 1, Custom Shader
This is the first blog-post of 6 that is going to serve as examination for my course, in which we (me and a group of 5 other students) are turning a design document into a Unity game.
As soon as we picked Umibizo as the game we would make, the system of hiding and revealing objects stood out to me as the central mechanic that made the game unique. In this post I will write a little about both the design […]