Author Archives: Kim Gripenberg

Tale – Big Game Project
Hello! For the last three weeks I have been working on a Third person action adventure game called Tale for the course Big Game Project. This is the first time im working with Unity 5 3D and it has been a challenge! I have had to learn some new math and a lot of Unity’s 3d syntax.
During these three weeks I have been working on a couple of features:
The character controller – Movement
Bow Aiming and Shooting
The Camera
The hardest task […]

Tale – Big Game Project
Hello! For the last three weeks I have been working on a Third person action adventure game called Tale for the course Big Game Project. This is the first time im working with Unity 5 3D and it has been a challenge! I have had to learn some new math and a lot of Unity’s 3d syntax.
During these three weeks I have been working on a couple of features:
The character controller – Movement
Bow Aiming and Shooting
The Camera
The hardest task […]

Team 12 Report 6 – The Finishing Touches
Hello everybody! It is finally time for the last blog post for this course! A lot of time has passed and I feel like have developed a huge amount during this course and it is a really fun thing to see!
Anyway let’s talk about the game and how it turned out and what I have been working on this week. This week we in the group decided to put in all of the effort so we would be finished with […]

Team 12 Report 6 – The Finishing Touches
Hello everybody! It is finally time for the last blog post for this course! A lot of time has passed and I feel like have developed a huge amount during this course and it is a really fun thing to see!
Anyway let’s talk about the game and how it turned out and what I have been working on this week. This week we in the group decided to put in all of the effort so we would be finished with […]
Team 12 Report 5 – Beta Polishing & Problems.
Hello everybody! This week has been a tough one filled with hours upon hours of work for us! The beta presentation has always been like a shining light at the end of the tunnel for us and we really wanted something nice to show during the presentation. Unfortunately this week has also been plagued by a lot of problems and communication errors between the programmers and the graphics artists. But problems aside this week has been very productive and we […]
Team 12 Report 5 – Beta Polishing & Problems.
Hello everybody! This week has been a tough one filled with hours upon hours of work for us! The beta presentation has always been like a shining light at the end of the tunnel for us and we really wanted something nice to show during the presentation. Unfortunately this week has also been plagued by a lot of problems and communication errors between the programmers and the graphics artists. But problems aside this week has been very productive and we […]

Team 12 report 4 – Angular object placement
Hello everybody! This week has been quite rough and the task I was presented with was a real challenge. This week I tackled object placement in our 2D sidescroller. The objects in our game should be placed dynamically to fit into the levels we create. The levels will not only be on a horizontal axis, they will angle down and up to create a better gameplay experience. This was a very challenging task and down below I will describe what […]

Team 12 report 4 – Angular object placement
Hello everybody! This week has been quite rough and the task I was presented with was a real challenge. This week I tackled object placement in our 2D sidescroller. The objects in our game should be placed dynamically to fit into the levels we create. The levels will not only be on a horizontal axis, they will angle down and up to create a better gameplay experience. This was a very challenging task and down below I will describe what […]

Team 12 Report 3 – Including animations and implementing it into our engine.
Hello! This week I will go through what I have been working on for this week. This week my task was to implement an old Animation skeleton from the SDL library to our new engine that is SFML based. This task proved itself to be a very hard challenge, my initial prediction of the time it would take was around 20 hours but that was a way to positive and naive prediction.
What I have made: I have converted the old […]

Team 12 Report 3 – Including animations and implementing it into our engine.
Hello! This week I will go through what I have been working on for this week. This week my task was to implement an old Animation skeleton from the SDL library to our new engine that is SFML based. This task proved itself to be a very hard challenge, my initial prediction of the time it would take was around 20 hours but that was a way to positive and naive prediction.
What I have made: I have converted the old […]

Team 12 Game Development Report 2 – Sonar projectile
In this weeks development report I will go through the creation of the sonar beam artifact, its purposes in the game and how I made it in c++ with visual studio.
What the sonar beam is: The sonar beam is teams 12 games only projectile. It is a projectile which will travel from the player through out the screen, clearing and destroying all of the enemies present on the current screen. The sonar wave will be what is called a ”smart […]

Team 12 Game Development Report 2 – Sonar projectile
In this weeks development report I will go through the creation of the sonar beam artifact, its purposes in the game and how I made it in c++ with visual studio.
What the sonar beam is: The sonar beam is teams 12 games only projectile. It is a projectile which will travel from the player through out the screen, clearing and destroying all of the enemies present on the current screen. The sonar wave will be what is called a ”smart […]

Team 12 Game Development Report 1 – Traps and mechanics
What I made: This week my big focus was on making traps and obstacles for the player to dodge.
The spider: The spider trap is a trap that will be somewhat hidden for the player and once the player is within striking range. Once the player is within striking range the spider will lunge downwards towards the player, the spider will charge downwards really quickly and once the spider has completed its charging cycle it will slowly reel back in to […]

Team 12 Game Development Report 1 – Traps and mechanics
What I made: This week my big focus was on making traps and obstacles for the player to dodge.
The spider: The spider trap is a trap that will be somewhat hidden for the player and once the player is within striking range. Once the player is within striking range the spider will lunge downwards towards the player, the spider will charge downwards really quickly and once the spider has completed its charging cycle it will slowly reel back in to […]

The third week of game programming
This week we have started studying object oriented programming. We started with classes. Classes are a way to group together different methods to create independent objects that work together to make beautiful things happen.
This week was not quite as hard as the former week. That however doesn’t mean it was even close to easy. I spent a lot of time on the different assignments we were handed and I finally completed most of the second week and I have now […]

The third week of game programming
This week we have started studying object oriented programming. We started with classes. Classes are a way to group together different methods to create independent objects that work together to make beautiful things happen.
This week was not quite as hard as the former week. That however doesn’t mean it was even close to easy. I spent a lot of time on the different assignments we were handed and I finally completed most of the second week and I have now […]
The second week of programming, also known as hell.
So going on into the second week I felt very confident, I had picked up all of the required material and I had a good grasp of everything we had gone through during the lectures. I felt like that week was maybe a 5/10 on a difficulty scale, doable but hard.
Now that the second week is done I can confrim that we have now started going with a speed very close to the one of light. This week we went […]
The second week of programming, also known as hell.
So going on into the second week I felt very confident, I had picked up all of the required material and I had a good grasp of everything we had gone through during the lectures. I felt like that week was maybe a 5/10 on a difficulty scale, doable but hard.
Now that the second week is done I can confrim that we have now started going with a speed very close to the one of light. This week we went […]

First week of programming
So the first week of the programming course has gone by. This week we have gone though the very basics of c++.
I went into the course with little to zero knowledge of programming at all. At first it was very intimidating but after putting some work into the different assignments we got handed out I now feel very capable of writing simple code.
I think now I can make a simple calculator.
Here are some screenshots of the code for the assignments. […]

First week of programming
So the first week of the programming course has gone by. This week we have gone though the very basics of c++.
I went into the course with little to zero knowledge of programming at all. At first it was very intimidating but after putting some work into the different assignments we got handed out I now feel very capable of writing simple code.
I think now I can make a simple calculator.
Here are some screenshots of the code for the assignments. […]

My first game.
Hello everybody! I dusted of my old game maker skills and this is the result of about 25 hours of work.
This is not a finished product at all and its more about showing a space shooting concept, in the future I might add more levels and polish and remove some buggs. This might not be happening since I will be learning C++ in my studies and I will probably look back at this game with disgrace.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy […]

My first game.
Hello everybody! I dusted of my old game maker skills and this is the result of about 25 hours of work.
This is not a finished product at all and its more about showing a space shooting concept, in the future I might add more levels and polish and remove some buggs. This might not be happening since I will be learning C++ in my studies and I will probably look back at this game with disgrace.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy […]