Author Archives: Kenth Ljung
Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more
Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:
PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this problem where effect occurring on […]
Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more
Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:
PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this problem where effect occurring on […]
Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more
Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:
PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this […]
Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more
Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:
PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this […]

Planering inför hemfärden
Jahopp, då var det snart dags att färda hem. Det har varit mycket “om” och “men” om hur jag ska få hem min Opel. Eftersom den startar och rullar (någorlunda i alla fall) så tror jag det är bäst och billigast om jag kör den ner till hamnen och sedan tar den över med båten själv. Alternativet är att farsan kommer med släp över på ön men det tar dubbelt så lång tid och kostar 5 gånger mer.
Problem kan dock […]

Planering inför hemfärden
Jahopp, då var det snart dags att färda hem. Det har varit mycket “om” och “men” om hur jag ska få hem min Opel. Eftersom den startar och rullar (någorlunda i alla fall) så tror jag det är bäst och billigast om jag kör den ner till hamnen och sedan tar den över med båten själv. Alternativet är att farsan kommer med släp över på ön men det tar dubbelt så lång tid och kostar 5 gånger mer.
Problem kan dock […]
Mechropolis: nearing completion
We are nearing the first finish-line for Mechropolis, namely Gotland Game Conference 2014. I dare to say though that we are quite behind schedule, or at least behind our initial estimates. Nevertheless we are adamant about having a proper version ready for GGC and without doubt will we reach a presentable product.
The work of this week is mostly related to more menu functionality (keybindings) and some trivial bug fixes. Suprisingly, NGUI does not provide a keybinding script for an input […]
Mechropolis: nearing completion
We are nearing the first finish-line for Mechropolis, namely Gotland Game Conference 2014. I dare to say though that we are quite behind schedule, or at least behind our initial estimates. Nevertheless we are adamant about having a proper version ready for GGC and without doubt will we reach a presentable product.
The work of this week is mostly related to more menu functionality (keybindings) and some trivial bug fixes. Suprisingly, NGUI does not provide a keybinding script for an input […]
Mechropolis: nearing completion
We are nearing the first finish-line for Mechropolis, namely Gotland Game Conference 2014. I dare to say though that we are quite behind schedule, or at least behind our initial estimates. Nevertheless we are adamant about having a proper version ready for GGC and without doubt will we reach a presentable product.
The work of this week is mostly related to more menu functionality (keybindings) and some trivial bug fixes. Suprisingly, NGUI does not provide a […]
Mechropolis: nearing completion
We are nearing the first finish-line for Mechropolis, namely Gotland Game Conference 2014. I dare to say though that we are quite behind schedule, or at least behind our initial estimates. Nevertheless we are adamant about having a proper version ready for GGC and without doubt will we reach a presentable product.
The work of this week is mostly related to more menu functionality (keybindings) and some trivial bug fixes. Suprisingly, NGUI does not provide a […]
Mechropolis: nearing completion
We are nearing the first finish-line for Mechropolis, namely Gotland Game Conference 2014. I dare to say though that we are quite behind schedule, or at least behind our initial estimates. Nevertheless we are adamant about having a proper version ready for GGC and without doubt will we reach a presentable product.
The work of this week is mostly related to more menu functionality (keybindings) and some trivial bug fixes. Suprisingly, NGUI does not provide a […]
Mechropolis: nearing completion
We are nearing the first finish-line for Mechropolis, namely Gotland Game Conference 2014. I dare to say though that we are quite behind schedule, or at least behind our initial estimates. Nevertheless we are adamant about having a proper version ready for GGC and without doubt will we reach a presentable product.
The work of this week is mostly related to more menu functionality (keybindings) and some trivial bug fixes. Suprisingly, NGUI does not provide a […]
Mechropolis: Main Menu
This week the major artifact I worked on was the main menu and options system. To give a more quality feel I believe that you must have a proper options menu by which you can tailor performance options after your system. Many indie games provides basic functionality such as window resolution and quality presets but I wanted to take that a step further and provide most customizable properties available. I’d rather give the player the option than not to. […]
Mechropolis: Main Menu
This week the major artifact I worked on was the main menu and options system. To give a more quality feel I believe that you must have a proper options menu by which you can tailor performance options after your system. Many indie games provides basic functionality such as window resolution and quality presets but I wanted to take that a step further and provide most customizable properties available. I’d rather give the player the option than not to. […]

Mechropolis: Main Menu
This week the major artifact I worked on was the main menu and options system. To give a more quality feel I believe that you must have a proper options menu by which you can tailor performance options after your system. Many indie games provides basic functionality such as window resolution and quality presets but I wanted to take that a step further and provide most customizable properties available. I’d rather give the player the option than not to.
The strength […]

Mechropolis: Main Menu
This week the major artifact I worked on was the main menu and options system. To give a more quality feel I believe that you must have a proper options menu by which you can tailor performance options after your system. Many indie games provides basic functionality such as window resolution and quality presets but I wanted to take that a step further and provide most customizable properties available. I’d rather give the player the option than not to.
The strength […]
Mechropolis: Main Menu
This week the major artifact I worked on was the main menu and options system. To give a more quality feel I believe that you must have a proper options menu by which you can tailor performance options after your system. Many indie games provides basic functionality such as window resolution and quality presets but I wanted to take that a step further and provide most customizable properties available. I’d rather give the player the option than not to. […]
Mechropolis: Main Menu
This week the major artifact I worked on was the main menu and options system. To give a more quality feel I believe that you must have a proper options menu by which you can tailor performance options after your system. Many indie games provides basic functionality such as window resolution and quality presets but I wanted to take that a step further and provide most customizable properties available. I’d rather give the player the option than not to. […]

Mechropolis: Alpha; features and bug fixes!
This week has been a particularly stressful but also productive week. Friday was alpha day so we had to work extra hard to have something presentable. Many bugs were encountered and we ultimately had to spend our entire night staying up and working. All-in-all I believe I stayed up for ~32 consecutive hours. Bad planning on my part.
As we approached a hard feature-complete date we had to make some adjustments to our workflow. First, we prioritized content […]

Mechropolis: Alpha; features and bug fixes!
This week has been a particularly stressful but also productive week. Friday was alpha day so we had to work extra hard to have something presentable. Many bugs were encountered and we ultimately had to spend our entire night staying up and working. All-in-all I believe I stayed up for ~32 consecutive hours. Bad planning on my part.
As we approached a hard feature-complete date we had to make some adjustments to our workflow. First, we prioritized content […]

Mechropolis: Alpha; features and bug fixes!
This week has been a particularly stressful but also productive week. Friday was alpha day so we had to work extra hard to have something presentable. Many bugs were encountered and we ultimately had to spend our entire night staying up and working. All-in-all I believe I stayed up for ~32 consecutive hours. Bad planning on my part.
As we approached a hard feature-complete date we had to make some adjustments to our workflow. First, we prioritized content […]

Mechropolis: Alpha; features and bug fixes!
This week has been a particularly stressful but also productive week. Friday was alpha day so we had to work extra hard to have something presentable. Many bugs were encountered and we ultimately had to spend our entire night staying up and working. All-in-all I believe I stayed up for ~32 consecutive hours. Bad planning on my part.
As we approached a hard feature-complete date we had to make some adjustments to our workflow. First, we prioritized content […]

Mechropolis: Grab & throw
Another week has passed and a lot of work have been done. This week I’ve been working on correctly throwing the player (and to some extent, the robots). “Throwing” the player involves applying a high amount of force in a certain direction once when the player touches a thrower-fusion robot. This was easier said than done though as a few complications occurred. First, as a minor detail, the scale in which force is added to the player controller is […]

Mechropolis: Grab & throw
Another week has passed and a lot of work have been done. This week I’ve been working on correctly throwing the player (and to some extent, the robots). “Throwing” the player involves applying a high amount of force in a certain direction once when the player touches a thrower-fusion robot. This was easier said than done though as a few complications occurred. First, as a minor detail, the scale in which force is added to the player controller is […]