Author Archives: Kaijun Wang
Blog comment 18-03-22
Hello, I’m glad to read your blog, first of all, you clearly introduced the background of the shoot’em up game, this is good. For the readers which first time to read your blog, they can easily understand the project, and they will not feel confused about what we did in this project.
Then, you described some of the understanding of the concept of umibozu concept document. Indeed, before starting the group work, it will lay the foundation for later […]
Blog comment 18-03-22
Hello, I’m glad to read your blog, first of all, you clearly introduced the background of the shoot’em up game, this is good. For the readers which first time to read your blog, they can easily understand the project, and they will not feel confused about what we did in this project.
Then, you described some of the understanding of the concept of umibozu concept document. Indeed, before starting the group work, it will lay the foundation for later […]
Blog comment 18-02-13
I would say it is really a good idea to make all moving objects as children of the class ”MovingObject”. I have never thought about that before. I am a very beginner programmer, I am gladly read this blog and learn something from this blog. I have made scripts for every single moving objects, which is really stupid to compare yours. I could have saved more time to make other things better. If you can write more things […]
Blog comment 18-02-13
I would say it is really a good idea to make all moving objects as children of the class ”MovingObject”. I have never thought about that before. I am a very beginner programmer, I am gladly read this blog and learn something from this blog. I have made scripts for every single moving objects, which is really stupid to compare yours. I could have saved more time to make other things better. If you can write more things […]
Blog comment 18-03-13
This is a great opportunity to read your blog. I’m sorry to hear about the accident in your group project. That really affects the progress of the project. You described the impact of the accident on your game and how you group tried to fix it.
It’s great that you talked about the importance of playtesting at the beginning of your blog, but if the description of the two playtesting Alpha and Beta can be more detailed, that would […]
Blog comment 18-03-13
This is a great opportunity to read your blog. I’m sorry to hear about the accident in your group project. That really affects the progress of the project. You described the impact of the accident on your game and how you group tried to fix it.
It’s great that you talked about the importance of playtesting at the beginning of your blog, but if the description of the two playtesting Alpha and Beta can be more detailed, that would […]
Blog comment 18-03-06
It is nice to read your blog! I like the part you will present the mechanics to the player at the start of your game as an introduction. This is really nice. Many games have a how to play button on the start menu as an introduction, but sometimes people ignore this information and start playing games directly. So it is nice to have a trail at the beginning of the game. This will make the players less […]
Blog comment 18-03-06
It is nice to read your blog! I like the part you will present the mechanics to the player at the start of your game as an introduction. This is really nice. Many games have a how to play button on the start menu as an introduction, but sometimes people ignore this information and start playing games directly. So it is nice to have a trail at the beginning of the game. This will make the players less […]
Blog comment 18-02-27
Hi, it is nice to read and comment on your blog. After reading your blog, I felt like I misunderstand this assignment, I might need to rewrite my blog again… I have written my whole blog to explain how scrum works in a team. But anyway, let’s get back to your blog. It is good to write both the good and bad influence that scrum brings to your group. To be honest, I have the same feeling with […]
Blog comment 18-02-27
Hi, it is nice to read and comment on your blog. After reading your blog, I felt like I misunderstand this assignment, I might need to rewrite my blog again… I have written my whole blog to explain how scrum works in a team. But anyway, let’s get back to your blog. It is good to write both the good and bad influence that scrum brings to your group. To be honest, I have the same feeling with […]
Blog comment 18-02-20
Hi, Eric! It is really nice to read your blog! Also, I really liked the part that you quoted from the MDA framework and the book Fundamental of Game Design. This is a great way to combine your ideas with the ideas in this book or the MDA framework.
In this blog post, you mentioned three main feedback that you got from the playtesting. Through this, I see that you have a really good summary of feedbacks, but it […]
Blog comment 18-02-20
Hi, Eric! It is really nice to read your blog! Also, I really liked the part that you quoted from the MDA framework and the book Fundamental of Game Design. This is a great way to combine your ideas with the ideas in this book or the MDA framework.
In this blog post, you mentioned three main feedback that you got from the playtesting. Through this, I see that you have a really good summary of feedbacks, but it […]

After eight weeks of teamwork and every group members’ efforts, we finally completed the development of this shoot’em up game. I believe that everyone has learned something that they can help themselves in future studies or work from this experience. I also believe that everyone is eager and ambitious for the next arcade game project.
This is a menu screenshot of the final version of our game:
I can say that our team and I are satisfied with the final version of our game.
Similarly, we […]

After eight weeks of teamwork and every group members’ efforts, we finally completed the development of this shoot’em up game. I believe that everyone has learned something that they can help themselves in future studies or work from this experience. I also believe that everyone is eager and ambitious for the next arcade game project.
This is a menu screenshot of the final version of our game:
I can say that our team and I are satisfied with the final version of our game.
Similarly, we […]
What improvments brought from playtesting
So far, we have done two times playtesting. Our team prepared different questions for both playtesting.
The first playtesting was primarily for us to find out what we might not have thought of. I can’t list all the questions here, so I chose two that I think are the most helpful for our game:
· What was your least favorite moment or interaction?
· Was there anything you wanted to do that the game didn’t allow you to do?
We got a lot of feedback […]
What improvments brought from playtesting
So far, we have done two times playtesting. Our team prepared different questions for both playtesting.
The first playtesting was primarily for us to find out what we might not have thought of. I can’t list all the questions here, so I chose two that I think are the most helpful for our game:
· What was your least favorite moment or interaction?
· Was there anything you wanted to do that the game didn’t allow you to do?
We got a lot of feedback […]

Add a new enemy type: shooting enemy
Before the beta playtesting, I was working on adding a new enemy which can shoot at the player in our game. Before that, there were only two kinds of enemies in our game: glaucus and pufferfish, and they all behaved in a similar way. In the game they will only move to the player, not firing projectiles, which is a bit boring in a shoot’em up game.
Then our group decided to add a new enemy to our game: Sky ray. […]

Add a new enemy type: shooting enemy
Before the beta playtesting, I was working on adding a new enemy which can shoot at the player in our game. Before that, there were only two kinds of enemies in our game: glaucus and pufferfish, and they all behaved in a similar way. In the game they will only move to the player, not firing projectiles, which is a bit boring in a shoot’em up game.
Then our group decided to add a new enemy to our game: Sky ray. […]

The iterative and incremental development — Scrum
At the very beginning of the course Game Design 2: Game Development, we chose a game concept document, and then in the next ten weeks, we were going to develop this concept into a real game. In the process, we were taught a framework called scrum to help us to manage product development.
What is scrum? I was really confused when I first learned about scrum, but when our group actually applied scrum to developing, I understood how it worked. […]

The iterative and incremental development — Scrum
At the very beginning of the course Game Design 2: Game Development, we chose a game concept document, and then in the next ten weeks, we were going to develop this concept into a real game. In the process, we were taught a framework called scrum to help us to manage product development.
What is scrum? I was really confused when I first learned about scrum, but when our group actually applied scrum to developing, I understood how it worked. […]

Enemy Waves Spawner
I’m going to talk something about how I created an enemy waves spawner. Before this, there were only two types of enemies come out from the left screen in our game, and the enemies just keep doing this forever. In a traditional “shoot ’em’ up” game, enemies always come out with different waves, for example, there is only one enemy in the first wave, then two enemies in the second wave, then maybe five enemies, and so on.
In order to […]

Enemy Waves Spawner
I’m going to talk something about how I created an enemy waves spawner. Before this, there were only two types of enemies come out from the left screen in our game, and the enemies just keep doing this forever. In a traditional “shoot ’em’ up” game, enemies always come out with different waves, for example, there is only one enemy in the first wave, then two enemies in the second wave, then maybe five enemies, and so on.
In order to […]

Aetherial2D Project – Character Movement
When you try to programme a game, the first thing you are going to think about it is your main character. The most basic thing for the character which you are going to programme is movement. Movement seems like the thing easiest to programme but the most important part of a character, also it is the core of your character.
When I was doing this, I needed to add two things to the character to be able to move him around. […]

Aetherial2D Project – Character Movement
When you try to programme a game, the first thing you are going to think about it is your main character. The most basic thing for the character which you are going to programme is movement. Movement seems like the thing easiest to programme but the most important part of a character, also it is the core of your character.
When I was doing this, I needed to add two things to the character to be able to move him around. […]