Author Archives: Johannes Westberg

Squash (pong mod)
This is sort of a late blog post due to a busy weekend, so I’m posting now.
(Sorry if the language is confusing somewhere)
Last week we learned some fundamentals of programming by creating the simple game Pong. Allthough the simplicity I think I’ve learned alot from that!
I’ve been tweeking around on the Pong-code we did and made my own little game: Squash (it’s not complete though)
So basically, the mechanics are kind of the same as Pong, but instead of having […]

Squash (pong mod)
This is sort of a late blog post due to a busy weekend, so I’m posting now.
(Sorry if the language is confusing somewhere)
Last week we learned some fundamentals of programming by creating the simple game Pong. Allthough the simplicity I think I’ve learned alot from that!
I’ve been tweeking around on the Pong-code we did and made my own little game: Squash (it’s not complete though)
So basically, the mechanics are kind of the same as Pong, but instead of having […]

The Solar System – Console program
This week has been our first introduction to C++ programming. We’ve been going through computer history, types, loops, bytes, bits, etc.
Here’s a simple program I made with the knowledge I have so far. The program called The Solar System 🙂
I know this may not be the most beautiful code out there and there may be some flaws with the program but lets pretend they don’t exist!
Heres the code:
When it’s running:
Traveling through space (You can see the stars go […]

The Solar System – Console program
This week has been our first introduction to C++ programming. We’ve been going through computer history, types, loops, bytes, bits, etc.
Here’s a simple program I made with the knowledge I have so far. The program called The Solar System 🙂
I know this may not be the most beautiful code out there and there may be some flaws with the program but lets pretend they don’t exist!
Heres the code:
When it’s running:
Traveling through space (You can see the stars go […]

The Solar System – Console program
This week has been our first introduction to C++ programming. We’ve been going through computer history, types, loops, bytes, bits, etc.
Here’s a simple program I made with the knowledge I have so far. The program called The Solar System
I know this may not be the most beautiful code out there and there may be some flaws with the program but lets pretend they don’t exist!
Heres the code:
When it’s running:
Traveling through space (You can see the stars go by […]

The Solar System – Console program
This week has been our first introduction to C++ programming. We’ve been going through computer history, types, loops, bytes, bits, etc.
Here’s a simple program I made with the knowledge I have so far. The program called The Solar System
I know this may not be the most beautiful code out there and there may be some flaws with the program but lets pretend they don’t exist!
Heres the code:
When it’s running:
Traveling through space (You can see the stars go by […]

Paper Hero
Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero… Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero…
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:
Paper Hero
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:

Paper Hero
Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero… Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero…
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:
Paper Hero
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage: