Author Archives: Joakim Persson
Rune Mages – Play-testing
During the last week of the production we had cut out eight out of fifteen spells from the game which ment that a lot of the work I had done wasn’t going to be in the game. The time constraints finally caught up to us and we needed to start fixing bugs and not implement more features. During the final week I was almost exclusively play-testing our game to find bugs and other unwanted behavior. If there was a wanted […]
Rune Mages – Play-testing
During the last week of the production we had cut out eight out of fifteen spells from the game which ment that a lot of the work I had done wasn’t going to be in the game. The time constraints finally caught up to us and we needed to start fixing bugs and not implement more features. During the final week I was almost exclusively play-testing our game to find bugs and other unwanted behavior. If there was a wanted […]

Rune Mages – Burning Hands VFX
In our game Rune Mages a key mechanic is to combine runes to make different spells. But what do you get if you combine a fire rune with a water rune? We decided that it would be a water spray on fire. This spell has greater range then the water spray spell but is also cone shaped and it does a lot of damage. Unlike the water spray I didn’t have any problem selling the effect as a “fire spray” […]

Rune Mages – Burning Hands VFX
In our game Rune Mages a key mechanic is to combine runes to make different spells. But what do you get if you combine a fire rune with a water rune? We decided that it would be a water spray on fire. This spell has greater range then the water spray spell but is also cone shaped and it does a lot of damage. Unlike the water spray I didn’t have any problem selling the effect as a “fire spray” […]

Rune Mages – Spell Prototypes, Part 2
The water spray is a low damage push-back spell that is supposed to be used to push away enemies that are to close to your characters. This was a short range spell, but was later changed to affect a longer and wider area. The problem I had while making this spell was that it was water, and to make something look like water is very difficult. I had no experience with shader forge at this moment and I had to […]

Rune Mages – Spell Prototypes, Part 2
The water spray is a low damage push-back spell that is supposed to be used to push away enemies that are to close to your characters. This was a short range spell, but was later changed to affect a longer and wider area. The problem I had while making this spell was that it was water, and to make something look like water is very difficult. I had no experience with shader forge at this moment and I had to […]

Rune Mages – Spell Prototypes, Part 1
A few weeks into the project I had got a hang on the particle system in Unity and we had decided what kind of spells that were going to be in the game. This ment that I could start prototyping these spells as particle effects. Our spells were divided into three groups; one rune spell, two rune spell and three rune spell. For our alpha test we wanted to have the one rune spells ready since they are the simplest […]

Rune Mages – Spell Prototypes, Part 1
A few weeks into the project I had got a hang on the particle system in Unity and we had decided what kind of spells that were going to be in the game. This ment that I could start prototyping these spells as particle effects. Our spells were divided into three groups; one rune spell, two rune spell and three rune spell. For our alpha test we wanted to have the one rune spells ready since they are the simplest […]

Rune Mages – The rune icons
Celtic Symbols
During the production of the game it occurred that runes that was going to be a huge part of the game would have to be designed, and rather sooner than later. The runes that are used in the game are heavily inspired by old Celtic symbols and I was put in charge for the design of the runes. We didn’t want to copy an existing symbol straight off so I had to do some research on what is special with […]

Rune Mages – The rune icons
Celtic Symbols
During the production of the game it occurred that runes that was going to be a huge part of the game would have to be designed, and rather sooner than later. The runes that are used in the game are heavily inspired by old Celtic symbols and I was put in charge for the design of the runes. We didn’t want to copy an existing symbol straight off so I had to do some research on what is special with […]

Rune Mages – VFX
Rune Mages
Rune Mages is a game that can be described as a mix between X-Com and Magicka. It’s a strategy- based tactical combat game that takes place in a turn based style and is being made with Unity. The player controls two mages who have three different runes at their disposal to create spells. Combining runes creates more powerful spells in their fight against the demons who have emerged for bellow the ground.
Learning the Unity Particle System
My role in this […]

Rune Mages – VFX
Rune Mages
Rune Mages is a game that can be described as a mix between X-Com and Magicka. It’s a strategy- based tactical combat game that takes place in a turn based style and is being made with Unity. The player controls two mages who have three different runes at their disposal to create spells. Combining runes creates more powerful spells in their fight against the demons who have emerged for bellow the ground.
Learning the Unity Particle System
My role in this […]

Week 6 – Tornado
Final week! This time I have been helping with the animations for the tornado and other animations in the game for the final deadline. In this blog I’m going to focus on the tornado animation.
The idea was to have three different types of natural disasters in the game but as we got closer to the deadline we realized that we didn’t have time to perfect all of them. We decided to just implement two of them (tsunami and tornado) and […]

Week 6 – Tornado
Final week! This time I have been helping with the animations for the tornado and other animations in the game for the final deadline. In this blog I’m going to focus on the tornado animation.
The idea was to have three different types of natural disasters in the game but as we got closer to the deadline we realized that we didn’t have time to perfect all of them. We decided to just implement two of them (tsunami and tornado) and […]

Week 5 – Tsunami
During this week I have been working on several smaller artifacts and I’m sorry to say that none of them are completely done. But one of them is the tsunami that will appear in the game and it’s the one that is closest to be done. It haven’t been tested in game yet and is why I’m calling it not done. The tsunami will move from the top of the screen towards the bottom and will be as wide or […]

Week 5 – Tsunami
During this week I have been working on several smaller artifacts and I’m sorry to say that none of them are completely done. But one of them is the tsunami that will appear in the game and it’s the one that is closest to be done. It haven’t been tested in game yet and is why I’m calling it not done. The tsunami will move from the top of the screen towards the bottom and will be as wide or […]

Week 4 – Apocalypse
This week I have been working on making the game feel more lika an apocalypse. The previous backgrounds I have made are very colorful and doesn’t give the impression that you are in an apocalypse. Even though it’s suppose to be more of a normal looking block in the beginning of the game it was time to make it look more apocalyptic. Because the feeling of the game should be done by the Beta it was crucial that the background […]

Week 4 – Apocalypse
This week I have been working on making the game feel more lika an apocalypse. The previous backgrounds I have made are very colorful and doesn’t give the impression that you are in an apocalypse. Even though it’s suppose to be more of a normal looking block in the beginning of the game it was time to make it look more apocalyptic. Because the feeling of the game should be done by the Beta it was crucial that the background […]

Week 3 – Sound-effects
This week i have been working on making sound-effects for our game Datepocalypse. There is a lot of different sounds that have to be created and unfortunately I’m not very good at sound. The main reason for me to handle the sound in the game is that noone else has any time for it at this moment. It’s not a good reason, but it is the reason our group have for letting a not so very qualified person do the […]

Week 3 – Sound-effects
This week i have been working on making sound-effects for our game Datepocalypse. There is a lot of different sounds that have to be created and unfortunately I’m not very good at sound. The main reason for me to handle the sound in the game is that noone else has any time for it at this moment. It’s not a good reason, but it is the reason our group have for letting a not so very qualified person do the […]

Week 2 – Game Background, part 2
This week I have been working on improving our background for the game. Last week we had our first version of the background but we soon noticed that the background made the game feel very fast and enhanced. It was hard to make the avatar match the background and the game-area felt very short. If the avatars was in scale with the background they became to big and there was no room for the avatars to avoid the incoming enemies. […]

Week 2 – Game Background, part 2
This week I have been working on improving our background for the game. Last week we had our first version of the background but we soon noticed that the background made the game feel very fast and enhanced. It was hard to make the avatar match the background and the game-area felt very short. If the avatars was in scale with the background they became to big and there was no room for the avatars to avoid the incoming enemies. […]

Week 1 – Game Background
My group and I have chosen to make a game of the Datepocalype concept. During this week I have been working on the background that will scroll down during our game. It will give the sensation of moving forward while the game is running. We had decided on a Mediterranean theme for the city which is why the buildings have an unusual nuance to what we are used to. Another reason to the nuance of the buildings and street is the light […]

Week 1 – Game Background
My group and I have chosen to make a game of the Datepocalype concept. During this week I have been working on the background that will scroll down during our game. It will give the sensation of moving forward while the game is running. We had decided on a Mediterranean theme for the city which is why the buildings have an unusual nuance to what we are used to. Another reason to the nuance of the buildings and street is the light […]