Author Archives: Jonna Jarlsson

3D – Week 1
Hello everyone!
After a long break I’m back and at it, and this time I’ll be mainly writing about 3D. I’ve never worked with 3D before, so this is completely new to me, but I’ll be doing my best and practicing hard, and hopefully I will learn something from it.
Last week we all came back from after a long summers’ break, and I’ll be going through what we did during our first two 3D-lessons. I’ll try to keep it short and […]

3D – Week 1
Hello everyone!
After a long break I’m back and at it, and this time I’ll be mainly writing about 3D. I’ve never worked with 3D before, so this is completely new to me, but I’ll be doing my best and practicing hard, and hopefully I will learn something from it.
Last week we all came back from after a long summers’ break, and I’ll be going through what we did during our first two 3D-lessons. I’ll try to keep it short and […]

3D – Week 1
Hello everyone!
After a long break I’m back and at it, and this time I’ll be mainly writing about 3D. I’ve never worked with 3D before, so this is completely new to me, but I’ll be doing my best and practicing hard, and hopefully I will learn something from it.
Last week we all came back from after a long summers’ break, and I’ll be going through what we did during our first two 3D-lessons. I’ll try to keep it short and […]

3D – Week 1
Hello everyone!
After a long break I’m back and at it, and this time I’ll be mainly writing about 3D. I’ve never worked with 3D before, so this is completely new to me, but I’ll be doing my best and practicing hard, and hopefully I will learn something from it.
Last week we all came back from after a long summers’ break, and I’ll be going through what we did during our first two 3D-lessons. I’ll try to keep it short and […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-13
R.I.P, dear tablet-pen. 24th Dec 2008 – 12th Mar 2014. I’m sad to see you go. You will be missed.
This past week I’ve been working on animating a short intro sequence to our game. We want to have this short intro so that the player doesn’t spawn in this unknown environment without any idea of what they’re doing there, but rather feel like he or she is waking up in an unknown place, and also to quickly introduce the games’ […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-13
R.I.P, dear tablet-pen. 24th Dec 2008 – 12th Mar 2014. I’m sad to see you go. You will be missed.
This past week I’ve been working on animating a short intro sequence to our game. We want to have this short intro so that the player doesn’t spawn in this unknown environment without any idea of what they’re doing there, but rather feel like he or she is waking up in an unknown place, and also to quickly introduce the games’ […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-13
R.I.P, dear tablet-pen. 24th Dec 2008 – 12th Mar 2014. I’m sad to see you go. You will be missed.
This past week I’ve been working on animating a short intro sequence to our game. We want to have this short intro so that the player doesn’t spawn in this unknown environment without any idea of what they’re doing there, but rather feel like he or she is waking up in an unknown place, and also to quickly introduce the games’ […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-13
R.I.P, dear tablet-pen. 24th Dec 2008 – 12th Mar 2014. I’m sad to see you go. You will be missed.
This past week I’ve been working on animating a short intro sequence to our game. We want to have this short intro so that the player doesn’t spawn in this unknown environment without any idea of what they’re doing there, but rather feel like he or she is waking up in an unknown place, and also to quickly introduce the games’ […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-05
Last week I spent time working on the main menu for Haunted light, the game me and my group have been working on for some time now. The main menu is going to be rather dark, with a lit candle in the middle that lights up the screen. In the game, the player has a candle, which is their only light source, and the only light source in the game making it rather important, which is why we chose to […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-05
Last week I spent time working on the main menu for Haunted light, the game me and my group have been working on for some time now. The main menu is going to be rather dark, with a lit candle in the middle that lights up the screen. In the game, the player has a candle, which is their only light source, and the only light source in the game making it rather important, which is why we chose to […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-05
Last week I spent time working on the main menu for Haunted light, the game me and my group have been working on for some time now. The main menu is going to be rather dark, with a lit candle in the middle that lights up the screen. In the game, the player has a candle, which is their only light source, and the only light source in the game making it rather important, which is why we chose to […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-05
Last week I spent time working on the main menu for Haunted light, the game me and my group have been working on for some time now. The main menu is going to be rather dark, with a lit candle in the middle that lights up the screen. In the game, the player has a candle, which is their only light source, and the only light source in the game making it rather important, which is why we chose to […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-20
Another week has passed, and it feels like the time is flying by. Our group have been working dedicatedly for the presentation tomorrow. It feels like it was just yesterday that we sat down and looked through the design documents for Bloody Badgers, realizing that we had a lot of tweaking to do. This week I’m focusing on animating the smaller critters that are to roam the corridors of the basement. The critters don’t hurt the player, but will slow […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-20
Another week has passed, and it feels like the time is flying by. Our group have been working dedicatedly for the presentation tomorrow. It feels like it was just yesterday that we sat down and looked through the design documents for Bloody Badgers, realizing that we had a lot of tweaking to do. This week I’m focusing on animating the smaller critters that are to roam the corridors of the basement. The critters don’t hurt the player, but will slow […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-20
Another week has passed, and it feels like the time is flying by. Our group have been working dedicatedly for the presentation tomorrow. It feels like it was just yesterday that we sat down and looked through the design documents for Bloody Badgers, realizing that we had a lot of tweaking to do. This week I’m focusing on animating the smaller critters that are to roam the corridors of the basement. The critters don’t hurt the player, but will slow […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-20
Another week has passed, and it feels like the time is flying by. Our group have been working dedicatedly for the presentation tomorrow. It feels like it was just yesterday that we sat down and looked through the design documents for Bloody Badgers, realizing that we had a lot of tweaking to do. This week I’m focusing on animating the smaller critters that are to roam the corridors of the basement. The critters don’t hurt the player, but will slow […]