Author Archives: Johan Bernäng

3/2 review
For the duration of this last sprint i have spent a considerable amount of my time faffing about in various parts of the unity inspector wherein i’ve been working quite a lot with unity’s particle system Shuriken. I have for one been working with modifying or already extant ambient particle system to make it appear all across the level as well as changed and experimented with a handful of other settings.
But enough filling out the word quota, the asset i’m […]

3/2 review
For the duration of this last sprint i have spent a considerable amount of my time faffing about in various parts of the unity inspector wherein i’ve been working quite a lot with unity’s particle system Shuriken. I have for one been working with modifying or already extant ambient particle system to make it appear all across the level as well as changed and experimented with a handful of other settings.
But enough filling out the word quota, the asset i’m […]

23/2 review
During this last sprint i haven’t done much in way of what i usually do for the team, rather, i have been engaged in the act of buying my relevance within the team. Nothing like money changing hands to grease the wheels. In all seriousness though, i did purchase a license for the unity extension ferr2d that is used to create terrain based on a single set of textures that the program loops and skews rather proficiently in order to […]

23/2 review
During this last sprint i haven’t done much in way of what i usually do for the team, rather, i have been engaged in the act of buying my relevance within the team. Nothing like money changing hands to grease the wheels. In all seriousness though, i did purchase a license for the unity extension ferr2d that is used to create terrain based on a single set of textures that the program loops and skews rather proficiently in order to […]

16/2 review
During this weeks production i have among other things begun the work process of creating decorative assets for our in game environment, specifically two rudimentary models of underwater plants to spice up the game’s visuals. As of the time of writing my team’s game only has a very rudimentary background which is little more than a few colors mixed together to create a temporary image to set the mood of the game rather than represent what will actually be there. […]

16/2 review
During this weeks production i have among other things begun the work process of creating decorative assets for our in game environment, specifically two rudimentary models of underwater plants to spice up the game’s visuals. As of the time of writing my team’s game only has a very rudimentary background which is little more than a few colors mixed together to create a temporary image to set the mood of the game rather than represent what will actually be there. […]
9/02 Review
Character attack Sfx
I have made an attack sound for our main characters camera attack which is used to scare off fish. I created the sound effect by looking for sounds of a camera and any sci-fi charging sound under the public domain. I then imported both audio files to audacity, matched the ending of the charging sound with the beginning of the sound of the camera shutter. To finish i modified the audio with a low pass filter to create […]
9/02 Review
Character attack Sfx
I have made an attack sound for our main characters camera attack which is used to scare off fish. I created the sound effect by looking for sounds of a camera and any sci-fi charging sound under the public domain. I then imported both audio files to audacity, matched the ending of the charging sound with the beginning of the sound of the camera shutter. To finish i modified the audio with a low pass filter to create […]