Author Archives: Joakim Ädel
Space Shooter – Second blogpost
This week there’s no much for me to say. I’ve been sick so I got nothing done with my personal work.
Other than that all teams had their Alpha presentation this Friday. It was really fun to see what all the other teams had created.
Space Shooter – Second blogpost
This week there’s no much for me to say. I’ve been sick so I got nothing done with my personal work.
Other than that all teams had their Alpha presentation this Friday. It was really fun to see what all the other teams had created.

Space shooter – A*(Star) pathfinding
De senaste fyra veckorna har vi arbetat med ett projekt där vi ska skapa ett spel från en annan grupps concept. Vi i Team 1 arbetar med ett spel som heter Fancy Mansion. I Fancy Mansion så spelar man som en inbrottstjuv som ska sno värdefulla föremål ifrån Mr. Fancy samtidigt som man undviker honom.
Jag har arbetat med pathfinding i spelet och tänkte skriva om den så kallade A* (A-star) algoritmen.
När man smyger runt i Mr. Fancys herrgård så måste […]

Space shooter – A*(Star) pathfinding
De senaste fyra veckorna har vi arbetat med ett projekt där vi ska skapa ett spel från en annan grupps concept. Vi i Team 1 arbetar med ett spel som heter Fancy Mansion. I Fancy Mansion så spelar man som en inbrottstjuv som ska sno värdefulla föremål ifrån Mr. Fancy samtidigt som man undviker honom.
Jag har arbetat med pathfinding i spelet och tänkte skriva om den så kallade A* (A-star) algoritmen.
När man smyger runt i Mr. Fancys herrgård så måste […]
The eight week of programming.
This is the week we started with our project for real. We got a sort of late start since both of us fell in sick at the beginning of this week. But now we’re working full time on our game.
I’ve so far added a few different classes such as Bomb, Bomberman, Wall, BrickWall and Fire. Meanwhile Emil has been working on a EntityManager.
There’s nothing special to be said about my code It’s pretty standard. I’m using our Fire class as […]
The eight week of programming.
This is the week we started with our project for real. We got a sort of late start since both of us fell in sick at the beginning of this week. But now we’re working full time on our game.
I’ve so far added a few different classes such as Bomb, Bomberman, Wall, BrickWall and Fire. Meanwhile Emil has been working on a EntityManager.
There’s nothing special to be said about my code It’s pretty standard. I’m using our Fire class as […]
The seventh week of programming.
Emil and I decided that we wouldn’t work on the project until we came back to Gotland from our ”Christmas break” so we didn’t work at all this or the coming week.
The seventh week of programming.
Emil and I decided that we wouldn’t work on the project until we came back to Gotland from our ”Christmas break” so we didn’t work at all this or the coming week.
The sixth week of programming.
Emil Elthammar and I started to work on a replica of the classic game Bomberman. We’re using the same engine that we created during our Arkanoid project. This week I didn’t really code anything at all in our project
The sixth week of programming.
Emil Elthammar and I started to work on a replica of the classic game Bomberman. We’re using the same engine that we created during our Arkanoid project. This week I didn’t really code anything at all in our project
The fifth week of programming.
I’ve been really bad at updating my blog so I will try to remember what we did certain weeks.
If I remember correctly this is the week we finished our Arkanoid project. We added the images to the game with an extension named SDL_IMAGE. With this extension we could and images of different file endings and convert them to the same image type in our program.
The fifth week of programming.
I’ve been really bad at updating my blog so I will try to remember what we did certain weeks.
If I remember correctly this is the week we finished our Arkanoid project. We added the images to the game with an extension named SDL_IMAGE. With this extension we could and images of different file endings and convert them to the same image type in our program.
The second week of programming.
This week we learned about pointers in C++. By adding a ‘*’ at the end of the data type you create a pointer. They are used to point on a memory address instead of a value.
If you add a ‘&’ at the front of the variable name you access the variables memory address and if you add a ‘*’ in front of the variable you will access the value of the pointer.
The second week of programming.
This week we learned about pointers in C++. By adding a ‘*’ at the end of the data type you create a pointer. They are used to point on a memory address instead of a value.
If you add a ‘&’ at the front of the variable name you access the variables memory address and if you add a ‘*’ in front of the variable you will access the value of the pointer.
The first week of programming
I don’t have much experience in programming. I took two courses in 2008/9 but I don’t have much memory of that.
After our first lecture we were handed a sheet with different exercises that we should have finished this week, our group of friends pretty much aced them in one sitting.
This is on of our exercises.
”Program 26
– Write a program that simulates the guessing game
– The magic number to be guessed should be random at every run of the program
– Let […]
The first week of programming
I don’t have much experience in programming. I took two courses in 2008/9 but I don’t have much memory of that.
After our first lecture we were handed a sheet with different exercises that we should have finished this week, our group of friends pretty much aced them in one sitting.
This is on of our exercises.
”Program 26
– Write a program that simulates the guessing game
– The magic number to be guessed should be random at every run of the program
– Let […]
The first week of programming
I don’t have much experience in programming. I took two courses in 2008/9 but I don’t have much memory of that.
After our first lecture we were handed a sheet with different exercises that we should have finished this week, our group of friends pretty much aced them in one sitting.
This is on of our exercises.
”Program 26
– Write a program that simulates the guessing game
– The magic number to be guessed should be random at every run of the program
– Let […]
The first week of programming
I don’t have much experience in programming. I took two courses in 2008/9 but I don’t have much memory of that.
After our first lecture we were handed a sheet with different exercises that we should have finished this week, our group of friends pretty much aced them in one sitting.
This is on of our exercises.
”Program 26
– Write a program that simulates the guessing game
– The magic number to be guessed should be random at every run of the program
– Let […]

My First Game Jam ”Primal Need – A space odyssey”
My first game jam is a contest where first, second and third years students competes in groups of six to create a game in less than eight hours.
All games are based on the same theme, this years theme was Addiction X.
I managed to get into an awesome group of people. We were three first years students and three third year students. For the first hour we basically just talked about different game ideas and talking about different addictions. In the end […]

My First Game Jam ”Primal Need – A space odyssey”
My first game jam is a contest where first, second and third years students competes in groups of six to create a game in less than eight hours.
All games are based on the same theme, this years theme was Addiction X.
I managed to get into an awesome group of people. We were three first years students and three third year students. For the first hour we basically just talked about different game ideas and talking about different addictions. In the end […]
Impending Doom
Impending Doom Essay
Buried alive
For this assignment we are to create a game concept with the topic ”Impending Doom”. Impending Doom suggests that the player will be in a situation where it’s impossible to get their desired outcome; the player will instead be given a sense of false hope. I chose to create a game where the player is going to be buried alive.
At the start of the game there is a short cinematic where the player is shown to […]
Impending Doom
Impending Doom Essay
Buried alive
For this assignment we are to create a game concept with the topic ”Impending Doom”. Impending Doom suggests that the player will be in a situation where it’s impossible to get their desired outcome; the player will instead be given a sense of false hope. I chose to create a game where the player is going to be buried alive.
At the start of the game there is a short cinematic where the player is shown to […]

My First Game Jam ”Primal Need – A space odyssey”
My first game jam is a contest where first, second and third years students competes in groups of six to create a game in less than eight hours.
All games are based on the same theme, this years theme was Addiction X.
I managed to get into an awesome group of people. We were three first years students and three third year students. For the first hour we basically just talked about different game ideas and talking about different addictions. In the end […]

My First Game Jam ”Primal Need – A space odyssey”
My first game jam is a contest where first, second and third years students competes in groups of six to create a game in less than eight hours.
All games are based on the same theme, this years theme was Addiction X.
I managed to get into an awesome group of people. We were three first years students and three third year students. For the first hour we basically just talked about different game ideas and talking about different addictions. In the end […]