Author Archives: Jens Berg

I created an asset where the player has to trigger a button to open a heavy stone door. To give it the player the feeling that the door is really old and heavy I decided to add screenshakes to increase the effect.
Knowing that this probably won’t be the only situation in the game where screenshakes are useful I wanted the script to be versatile and easily modified for many different instances.
Basic function
The script is added to the camera and modifies its position each […]

I created an asset where the player has to trigger a button to open a heavy stone door. To give it the player the feeling that the door is really old and heavy I decided to add screenshakes to increase the effect.
Knowing that this probably won’t be the only situation in the game where screenshakes are useful I wanted the script to be versatile and easily modified for many different instances.
Basic function
The script is added to the camera and modifies its position each […]

First musical draft
Music for games is most often added in the later stages of the production and I can fully understand why that is. This early I haven’t been able to create any definite music that we want in the game since I need to see the game be played first to write really fitting tracks.
But that doesn’t mean that I can’t be proactive. Since I know that our aim is an environment with desert and canyon-like style I can try musical themes […]

First musical draft
Music for games is most often added in the later stages of the production and I can fully understand why that is. This early I haven’t been able to create any definite music that we want in the game since I need to see the game be played first to write really fitting tracks.
But that doesn’t mean that I can’t be proactive. Since I know that our aim is an environment with desert and canyon-like style I can try musical themes […]

Setting up ELIAS for Unity
First of I’ll do short description of ELIAS and then show how I implemented it in our project for easing the workflow in the later stages when the music is added. This week I’ve been converting it from working for 2D to 3D since we decided to do an overhaul of the physics in the game.
What is ELIAS?
It’s a software that is designed to trigger music on events in the game and create adaptive music. It’s very easy to use […]

Setting up ELIAS for Unity
First of I’ll do short description of ELIAS and then show how I implemented it in our project for easing the workflow in the later stages when the music is added. This week I’ve been converting it from working for 2D to 3D since we decided to do an overhaul of the physics in the game.
What is ELIAS?
It’s a software that is designed to trigger music on events in the game and create adaptive music. It’s very easy to use […]

New project on the way!
This post is the first of a weekly series that I’ll be updating during the big game project course leading up to the Gotland Game Conference in late May. I’ll be writing about features that I’ve worked on during the weeks.
This post will mostly describe the game concept and my role in the team, as this week mostly has been about pre-production.
The Concept
As of now we don’t have a name for the game, so the working title is Project Neiva. […]

New project on the way!
This post is the first of a weekly series that I’ll be updating during the big game project course leading up to the Gotland Game Conference in late May. I’ll be writing about features that I’ve worked on during the weeks.
This post will mostly describe the game concept and my role in the team, as this week mostly has been about pre-production.
The Concept
As of now we don’t have a name for the game, so the working title is Project Neiva. […]

Update #6 On Project Mole Munch
This week I’ve been continuing on putting the last touches on the game. Bug fixing and cleaning the code. I would have preferred to put all my effort into the music but I am more needed in programming. The music and sound works as it is, even though I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with it. But I had to prioritize making the game playable.
Me and the producer took some time this week to try and break the game. Button […]

Update #6 On Project Mole Munch
This week I’ve been continuing on putting the last touches on the game. Bug fixing and cleaning the code. I would have preferred to put all my effort into the music but I am more needed in programming. The music and sound works as it is, even though I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with it. But I had to prioritize making the game playable.
Me and the producer took some time this week to try and break the game. Button […]

Update #5 On Project Mole Munch
Since we last week managed to get all features and objects implemented in the game, this week have mostly been about cramming sounds and general bug fixing. I’ve been struggling a bit with finding some artifact interesting enough to write about, so I decided to describe two of the things I’ve coded this week that could potentially be useful for other programmers.
If you would like to read more detailed posts, here is what I have previously written about:
March 12,
2015 /
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Update #5 On Project Mole Munch
Since we last week managed to get all features and objects implemented in the game, this week have mostly been about cramming sounds and general bug fixing. I’ve been struggling a bit with finding some artifact interesting enough to write about, so I decided to describe two of the things I’ve coded this week that could potentially be useful for other programmers.
If you would like to read more detailed posts, here is what I have previously written about:
March 12,
2015 /
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